Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast January 9th through 15th 2015


To start the week review, I wanted to focus on romance. While this won’t be a time for warm fuzzy exchanges, it will be a time to create a solid practical foundation for relationships. Those who want to build a better tomorrow will find this time conducive for down to basics understandings, discussions and activities. Now through January 18th will find the most positive results. After that Mercury will go retrograde making mixed communications possible. So build your base now, and then the rest will be negotiable. This will also be a very good time for work, income and positive connections concerning the future. This time will have a number of surprises both in your perceptions and those relating to spiritual experience.  

Also, take note that January 21st will be the beginning of a Mercury Retrograde. While not everyone will be introduced to the trickery and snafus that time can present, we all are affected by someone else’s troubles. Good reason, to spend this next week and a half working on personal relationships and their economic future. The retrograde will persist though February 10th. Fortunately there are some rather protective aspects to Mercury this time which will provide some cushion to the difficulties. As always, keep on your toes during that time and ask questions if something does not seem to be right or is missing. Trust others enough to let them correct a mistake and then move on.

For those who pay attention to these things, the Sun will move into Capricorn on January 14th. You will notice more focus on monetary concerns, inheritances and other energies revolving around foundations and the cardinal sign of earth. For those alchemists out there, after the next new moon, January 20th will be an excellent time to put pieces together for future employment and money opportunities. Just be aware that the Mercury retrograde will provide all the glitches that need solving before complete launch. Planning is everything. Take it as an advantage creating a more perfect launch of a project.

Also with the approach of Mars in Aquarius to Neptune in Aquarius expect a period of social re-evaluation. Idealists will be more fervent, but those who are creating a growing common sense base will be able to be heard. That period of conjunction will be from January 13th through January 26th, with an exact match on January 19th.  Most of this month will have lots of activity happening even without consideration of the weather outside. Next spring should be quite special and dependent on what you do this next month.
So now for the day by day notes.

Here is the audio pod cast for those who wish to listen to the report. Please note that my secret Santa did bring me better equipment for that presentation and the first launch went very well:

Friday, January 9th the moon has moved into sidereal Leo and is making sense of the latest transformation in the search for truth and affairs of the heart. People are going to be able to see the bright spot in what has transpired. With the sidereal Sagittarian energies being played out, even those who are awakened to misrepresentations will tend to move quickly into corrected space. After all, we are here to learn to be better people and better to each other as part of the awakening. More relief will be experienced than despair.

Saturday, January 10th very much a continuation of yesterday. The extra highlight will be really good news for lovers and those wanting that something special possessions. The focus will still be things that are solid and foundational rather than frivolous. So if you have been thinking of a new frig… go for it. There is a note of caution, that bad news will be everywhere. Saturn in Scorpio brings some tests for how we act and what we expect. So bear that in mind when buying a big ticket item… get assurances.

Sunday, January 11th the moon has moved into sidereal Virgo bringing far more going right rather than astray. One of the better days to sign a contract if you can’t delay a few months. The trick will be a continued chance for unforeseen drama and conditions in that contract. Unfortunately that association will be a long standing opposition, so most things can’t wait. Be aware of the need for details and facts.

Monday, January 12th this will be a day that you re-affirm your need for better health practices and developing a better interaction with the world in general. Not always easy. Just start with small steps and create a program that will have a larger goal. Increments are the key here. The plan set up today must include some behavior modification as well to succeed. Whether adding gratitude and meditation to your life or simply smiling more often. There is a twofold aspect to this change for the better. Studies are re-affirming the connection between mind and body for healthy active longevity.

Tuesday, January 13th many of the stressors of late will fall away. The underlying elements that need a solution or change will be easier to detect right now. So follow your bliss as the moon moves into sidereal Libra for the next couple of days. Keep it simple, and keep your eyes and ears open to what is expressed both obviously and between the lines. More people will be making nice right now.

Wednesday, January 14th  today the obvious conflicts of ideologies will be everywhere. Recently I listened to a concept about how we are in a birthing time of a timeless humanity. The technology is there to connect us in a way never before utilized. We are being pushed to connect to something higher rather than the divide and conquer strategy of the past. We are all connected as a very special species. That is easily forgotten when our tired minds are endlessly whipped by special interests. So when you hear that vitriol one more time… stop… think… and consider what would be better. This next couple of weeks will play out this challenge. With any luck, I will have a selected meditation geared for this re focus.  Look for Alchemical Meditations on Spreaker.

Thursday, January 15th there is something important about this next couple of years with Saturn in Scorpio. Today will be one of those accent days when the moon will traverse that orb. Most of the day will be kept civil, but those who want to hold on to negative and/or unsustainable ways will be forced into introspection by others. No way to miss it right now. Compassion is important now. If you surround yourself with happier people, you probably will miss the brunt of this test. But do keep the flaming arrows off of those who need more work but are not there to defend their perspectives, in other words no gossip. For all of this to untangle, we need to understand motivations and fears.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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