Thursday, February 25, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Announcement: I will soon be creating You Tubes of the daily forecast. Please stay tuned to ways to connect up with my Cosmic Waves. This is a new media for me, and hopefully I will be up to a polished presentation quickly!   Cosmic Waves Forecast 2-26 through 3-3-2016

Friday, February 26th, communications about money, property, career and other things that relate to the material world will be flowing. With two T squares, expect the information to cause adjustments in your lifestyle or direction in life. Lots of harmonies to this mix of challenges, so don’t despair, just stay alert to where you are going and there will be a reasonable outcome. A key point is that much of what happens will cause you emotional upset, so rely on help from friends and trusted advisers to work out the difficulties. The communication medias that are more tabloid than news should be turned off. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, February 27th, a bit of good news for those who have lost contact with their sweethearts. Today through March 2nd things will settle out into a groovy state again. The foundations will be in place and you can start to relax a bit about how things will be. Any unusual circumstances will be generally fortuitous. Many people will be feeling a sense of harmony and new direction in general affairs. Some of the veils of deceit will be opened for a better view of one another. Remember, some people have been worked up into such a state of fear and loathing that they are literally afraid of anyone but a their clique. Smile a bit more than usual to let those people know that we are in this world together and love and caring does still exist. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, February 28th, there will be more focus on the winds of change and how optimism will help turn around a tide of pessimism. Jupiter, planet of expansion and the North Node, a draconian point of building a future are both in Leo. There are two angles of impact on them. One is that of fear and control and the other is related to leadership in a new direction, something that reflects the two styles of the major party candidates. The positive connection is with the philosophy of the future as honorable and holistic (Sagittarian) rather than the opposition of too idealistic and fixated for success rather than service. Perhaps this is a day to review your perspectives as well and consider where you should put political focus. Moon in Libra.

Monday, February 29th, words and emotions can be harsh. Think before you speak while the Moon is aspecting a difficult Mars. Words will tend towards deep desires or fears. Take the high ground and make sure your comments start with a deep breath and consideration of what is more like the truth for the many, rather than for a noisy few. The T square affecting our stability will continue to be pressured with unexpected restrictions until March 15th. This is where a new set of challenges will shift. My view of T Squares is you are better off using team work to get through something, rather than listening to mavericks. Those mavericks are more likely to be self engrossed right now. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, March 1st, is Super Tuesday for many states. And politics is heavily on the minds of Americans and the rest of the world. We do not exist in a vacuum and isolationism has never worked for a nation of immigrants. As evening approaches, a shake up in the status quo will rankle some. Watch out for those unexpected explosions . Hope that it is just a human outcry, rather than a barrage of collateral damage. Vote, but watch your back. As a proactive move, you could simply defuse tension with polite conversation while waiting in line. This can bring a perspective of how we have commonality and perhaps steer frustration into feeling more connection. If you are not up to listening, then don’t engage but smile. Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, March 2nd, there will be an intense pressure on how people think the country is moving forward. Maybe turn off the pundits and connect up with love and humanity instead. While it seems that the stakes have never been more critical, the truth is each election process is just as crucial. Right now the evidence of apathy has woken up many. But remember we have multiple layers of checks and balances, especially if people continue to add in their voice daily. We are the many, they are the few and they get their power from us! I have never seen political promises completely manifest in practice.  Tune it out, let the dust settle and check back in, hopefully with a smile. Moon in Sagittarius by evening.

Thursday, March 3rd, if you want, check back in but sift through the commentary, hysteria and general emotional control. Look at facts only. The future is just not going to be clear for a while, which means you need to learn more self centering to weather through the slow developments around you. A great day to go into deep meditation when the monkeys in your mind or TV start to stir up visions of a downward spiral. I believe in the more individuals who can hold their own positive space, the lesser effects of chaos. This is a day to draw more grounding activities into your life, especially practical ones like gratitude for what you have, and how you have achieved it. Go easy today as tomorrow will show progress. Moon in Sagittarius.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, February 19th the stresses for lovers will continue this week. The key part is that deeper understanding of one another will evolve as well. Nothing is perfect, and relationships can be based on many dynamics. Unfortunately the get real and down to earth stuff will be hashed out this week. Today will bring serious balances of energies for those wanting to create some kind of new business with a cross play of how it will actually meet the public. Also today moody spats can happen with lovers as words take on more meaning than intended. There is a Grand Trine creating a resourceful connection with what is happening so I think most crisis situations will resolve amicably. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, February 20th, annoyances abound today. They have been there for a while, but our sensitivity could be so acute that it is hard to ignore the annoyance. Don’t pull your hair out. It is going to pass soon. While certain habits are hard to break, seek a deeper understanding of why. For those who know there is no mitigating of circumstances, take a sabbatical and just focus on spiritual questions or reading. Get out of the house and see what nature has to offer. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, February 21st, I love it when Grand Trines happen. Some may consider those days as an easy flow of events. Intuition and gut feelings will rule today. If you are getting misinformation, you will be able to call it out. In all, it will be a day where you can move towards greater stability even in the chaos around you. A shift in Mar’s sign, it goes into sidereal Scorpio, will find intensity in all actions for a few weeks. Try not to start any holy wars! While some will start to just lose it, others will default to how transformative clearing the clutter can be. And that is clutter anywhere in your life. Moon in Leo by this afternoon.

Monday, February 22nd there have been some significant challenges developing and for the next few days a lot of revelation will occur. Big questions as to where you are going and how you want things to look will meet lots of adjustment within your inner sphere of associations and intimate relationships. Not everyone will be able to do this gracefully. So be aware of unintended consequences through the 24th. Tomorrow will be a breaking point for some. Today is also a full moon that will not make life easy for anyone. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, February 23rd the concept of “change is good” will be extra meaningful today. Not only will stability be shaken, but unusual support will leave you in unfamiliar territory. Depending on if you are the type who keeps up with trends in your life. That will make all the difference in the world on how you handle the fallout today. Those who ignore and obfuscate expectations and inevitable changes will be unhappy today. If you have a friend like that, do check in with them. They will appreciate the contact. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, February 24th, you will be able to see how well you figured the situation. Much of that inner growth has now come to fruition. Take some time to be thankful, and then allow for some nurturing. You will have a clearer vision of what is going to be the future. Notices and other communications will provide extra information needed to get your feet squarely on the ground. Keep needs simple and grounded. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, February 25th, words and feelings towards your special person will find the mark. Much has developed over the last few days and it will be comforting to know you are speaking on the same level. No one said this would be easy, but results or an end to a phase will be heralded with good feelings for all. This is something that has been going on for a while, but it has been very hard to pull together opportunities and synchronicity. It is the bumpy times that you find who is your real friend and cohort as they will pick up the missing pieces until things pull together. This trend of miss matched occurrences will be with us a while longer, but higher experiences can be found if you look in the right place. Moon in Virgo.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, February 11, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, February 12th expect a change in the winds of love for the next month with Venus traveling with Mercury in Capricorn for a month. Even long standing companions will be thinking of “what is in it for me?” With the stresses at play, there could be emotional outbreaks and contentions shaking up the inner spheres. Normally I like to offer some way of holding your personal calm and center, but it may be hard today especially with Uranus and the Moon sending out shockwaves. Perhaps you will be able to hold your tongue and simply escape from those contentious situations. Moon in Pisces. 

Saturday, February 13th If you are one of those wishing for a push to independence, try to hold back those reigns. It could be a bad idea. There is little connection with luck today, internal serine calls are likely to expose your own failings. Instead of shaking up your world, use the get physical adaption, like some sort of exercise, to work off the boredom or frustration. The Sun is moving into sidereal Aquarius for the next month bringing more thoughtful connections with your fellow man/woman and how we all need to work together to a better system… maybe one with less chaos?  Moon in Aries.

Sunday, February 14th after the fallout of yesterday, today brings  a Grand Trine in Fire for Valentine’s day. The shy will come out of their shell to make an offer of interest. This is going to be more of a day of fun rather than Eros. For many, that could be a fortuitous break from the intense loading of expectations. If the weather permits, get outside and enjoy nature in its fullest. Explore Mother Nature and how she is constantly shifting in form. Allow a healing connection touch your life. Moon in Aries.

Monday, February 15th, all thoughts could be on work and what is next. If you have to make a decision on something, make sure you dig deeper for the hidden elements. Our drive to make something happen can block out the details that are important. There will also be a tendency to be stubborn if you don’t get what you want. Be patient with  yourself and know that more information is on the way. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, February 16th, if you can stay at home today, you are one of the lucky ones. Anyone who is trying to force an agenda will find a boxed in environment. Don’t lose traction with personal health goals as they will tend to be the more positive things that get done today. Romance for the next few days will be off line, but don’t worry too much, foundations are being built for the future. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, February 17th, finally a day where you have a better edge on what is happening around you. Perhaps yesterday’s “centering” gave you enough time to pull more together. Doesn’t mean that you will find any more stability, but when you know what is up, you can adjust to the right situation. Another day of rocky romance, so give you latest sweetie a chance to re calibrate their lives because with Venus in Capricorn, there is focus on what is going to last. You may be part of that consideration as the next few days build momentum from the conflicts. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, February 18th, many aspects of daily life are going to take your full attention. Keep up the struggle to balance out the situation at home and at work. Any other issues will wait, especially if your intimate life seems on hold, it is because others are busy with the same stuff! There will be some lucky connections that create greater stability in this mix of personal tests of patience. Know that it is all for the best. Moon in Gemini.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, February 5th, the moon is hitting a trigger point of change in relationships and what we want. Over the next couple of days or essentially this weekend, some major things will happen to those who are available to love and desires. This timing has been a build up that will continue to be in your life for the next couple of months. Be careful that you don’t forget what you have learned in the past, and make rookie mistakes. The indicators are very mixed with the wrong choices being noticed very quickly. If you are exploring new territory, try to keep away from the intoxicants so you can see the whole situation clearly. Moon in Sagittarius.

Saturday, February 6th, another day of choices. Perhaps try to look at the situation as an exploration of compatibility. That will take the edge off of any possible negative outcomes. Like it or not we are in for a bumpy ride for some time. For those wanting a bit of a future view of this weekend’s developments, things will be basically set up by February 10th and the friction will lesson. Then April will make fools out of those who are not paying attention. Know yourself is the best course. By May 25th the chaos will end until the beginning of summer. Take things lightly, and be safe. Moon in Capricorn by late afternoon.

Sunday, February 7th actions will speak louder than words today. Just make sure you are not cutting up like a freshman in their first week in college. That will bite you in the unmentionable. The events are spring loaded to punish stupidity or lead you to what is the next best adventure of your life. Beware or be awake! Moon in Capricorn.

Monday, February 8th, people will be unable to hide what they are feeling. Everything is accentuated. If you are friends, give support whether it is excitement or sympathy. So many intense reactions happening right now that it seems no one will be spared, even those who usually are easy going and in control. Revile in the passion of the time and deeper understanding of your motivations will be priceless. Moon Aquarius by afternoon.

Tuesday, February 9th, by now many will be wondering if they are feeling an experience from the past. Erratic elements are bringing out the worst to teach us a lesson of being present.  Old wounds may come up all week, but today might be when you start to reenact them. If you feel like you are spiraling out of control, step back, take five minutes and breathe. Let the heat of the moment pass, and then look at the present in clearer vision. There are still some veils to open before you can have a better idea of your surroundings and that special someone. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, February 10th, if you allow open communication with your lover, much will come to the forefront. Much of the crazy intensity will start to give you a break, meaning that predictability will increase. Still you will revisit the situation in April when key elements interact with Neptune, so enjoy the rest of February and March. Some doubts may be creeping in to your psyche, so let some pressure off of yourself and delay decisions today. Tomorrow you will be more in tune with what you want. Moon goes into Pisces after work.

Thursday, February 11th, today it will be a lot harder to see what is going on with people. For various reasons, people will be going within to decipher the situation. A great day to nurture yourself with that massage or good book. Disengage as best you can and feed yourself well. Important relationship actions done today will either fall flat or disengage your desired partner. Go easy on both of you an allow personal space. Lots of high intensity change has been steam rolling into your life. Moon in Pisces.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
