Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, February 19th the stresses for lovers will continue this week. The key part is that deeper understanding of one another will evolve as well. Nothing is perfect, and relationships can be based on many dynamics. Unfortunately the get real and down to earth stuff will be hashed out this week. Today will bring serious balances of energies for those wanting to create some kind of new business with a cross play of how it will actually meet the public. Also today moody spats can happen with lovers as words take on more meaning than intended. There is a Grand Trine creating a resourceful connection with what is happening so I think most crisis situations will resolve amicably. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, February 20th, annoyances abound today. They have been there for a while, but our sensitivity could be so acute that it is hard to ignore the annoyance. Don’t pull your hair out. It is going to pass soon. While certain habits are hard to break, seek a deeper understanding of why. For those who know there is no mitigating of circumstances, take a sabbatical and just focus on spiritual questions or reading. Get out of the house and see what nature has to offer. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, February 21st, I love it when Grand Trines happen. Some may consider those days as an easy flow of events. Intuition and gut feelings will rule today. If you are getting misinformation, you will be able to call it out. In all, it will be a day where you can move towards greater stability even in the chaos around you. A shift in Mar’s sign, it goes into sidereal Scorpio, will find intensity in all actions for a few weeks. Try not to start any holy wars! While some will start to just lose it, others will default to how transformative clearing the clutter can be. And that is clutter anywhere in your life. Moon in Leo by this afternoon.

Monday, February 22nd there have been some significant challenges developing and for the next few days a lot of revelation will occur. Big questions as to where you are going and how you want things to look will meet lots of adjustment within your inner sphere of associations and intimate relationships. Not everyone will be able to do this gracefully. So be aware of unintended consequences through the 24th. Tomorrow will be a breaking point for some. Today is also a full moon that will not make life easy for anyone. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, February 23rd the concept of “change is good” will be extra meaningful today. Not only will stability be shaken, but unusual support will leave you in unfamiliar territory. Depending on if you are the type who keeps up with trends in your life. That will make all the difference in the world on how you handle the fallout today. Those who ignore and obfuscate expectations and inevitable changes will be unhappy today. If you have a friend like that, do check in with them. They will appreciate the contact. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, February 24th, you will be able to see how well you figured the situation. Much of that inner growth has now come to fruition. Take some time to be thankful, and then allow for some nurturing. You will have a clearer vision of what is going to be the future. Notices and other communications will provide extra information needed to get your feet squarely on the ground. Keep needs simple and grounded. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, February 25th, words and feelings towards your special person will find the mark. Much has developed over the last few days and it will be comforting to know you are speaking on the same level. No one said this would be easy, but results or an end to a phase will be heralded with good feelings for all. This is something that has been going on for a while, but it has been very hard to pull together opportunities and synchronicity. It is the bumpy times that you find who is your real friend and cohort as they will pick up the missing pieces until things pull together. This trend of miss matched occurrences will be with us a while longer, but higher experiences can be found if you look in the right place. Moon in Virgo.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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