Thursday, February 11, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, February 12th expect a change in the winds of love for the next month with Venus traveling with Mercury in Capricorn for a month. Even long standing companions will be thinking of “what is in it for me?” With the stresses at play, there could be emotional outbreaks and contentions shaking up the inner spheres. Normally I like to offer some way of holding your personal calm and center, but it may be hard today especially with Uranus and the Moon sending out shockwaves. Perhaps you will be able to hold your tongue and simply escape from those contentious situations. Moon in Pisces. 

Saturday, February 13th If you are one of those wishing for a push to independence, try to hold back those reigns. It could be a bad idea. There is little connection with luck today, internal serine calls are likely to expose your own failings. Instead of shaking up your world, use the get physical adaption, like some sort of exercise, to work off the boredom or frustration. The Sun is moving into sidereal Aquarius for the next month bringing more thoughtful connections with your fellow man/woman and how we all need to work together to a better system… maybe one with less chaos?  Moon in Aries.

Sunday, February 14th after the fallout of yesterday, today brings  a Grand Trine in Fire for Valentine’s day. The shy will come out of their shell to make an offer of interest. This is going to be more of a day of fun rather than Eros. For many, that could be a fortuitous break from the intense loading of expectations. If the weather permits, get outside and enjoy nature in its fullest. Explore Mother Nature and how she is constantly shifting in form. Allow a healing connection touch your life. Moon in Aries.

Monday, February 15th, all thoughts could be on work and what is next. If you have to make a decision on something, make sure you dig deeper for the hidden elements. Our drive to make something happen can block out the details that are important. There will also be a tendency to be stubborn if you don’t get what you want. Be patient with  yourself and know that more information is on the way. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, February 16th, if you can stay at home today, you are one of the lucky ones. Anyone who is trying to force an agenda will find a boxed in environment. Don’t lose traction with personal health goals as they will tend to be the more positive things that get done today. Romance for the next few days will be off line, but don’t worry too much, foundations are being built for the future. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, February 17th, finally a day where you have a better edge on what is happening around you. Perhaps yesterday’s “centering” gave you enough time to pull more together. Doesn’t mean that you will find any more stability, but when you know what is up, you can adjust to the right situation. Another day of rocky romance, so give you latest sweetie a chance to re calibrate their lives because with Venus in Capricorn, there is focus on what is going to last. You may be part of that consideration as the next few days build momentum from the conflicts. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, February 18th, many aspects of daily life are going to take your full attention. Keep up the struggle to balance out the situation at home and at work. Any other issues will wait, especially if your intimate life seems on hold, it is because others are busy with the same stuff! There will be some lucky connections that create greater stability in this mix of personal tests of patience. Know that it is all for the best. Moon in Gemini.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

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