Thursday, March 30, 2017



Just a heads up that the never popular Mercury Retrograde will start being felt April 9th until May 4th. All this time, Mercury will be dancing around Uranus in 29th degree Pisces. This will just add tension and intrigue to all big matters and “surprises” in more mortal matters. This will restrict some news about certain affairs, but there is help in the heavens with the Grand Trine in Fire that will persist until July 16th… just before the monumental Solar Eclipse that will be seen over the US August 21st. What this means is, this is actually a good time for deep discoveries to occur even if the news in in black out. Just don’t forget that it is all happening and take the leaks as they occur.

We are also in a very good phase to kick bad habits and work on those personal upgrades we have promised ourselves and others. The key is to look at improving your personal choices and increasing integrity. For most people, I see this as more of a dedication to something of future importance. Personally, I will use this gift of energy to do some spring cleaning. Sweeping out the cobwebs of winter and looking at implementing some more creative projects with the extra room.

Most of next week is going to be swimming in a Grand Square. Get your part of a project done this week before the “work through” begins next week. Don’t expect much to actually materialize next week. But do expect a lot of work to happen in perfecting projects. It is all good!

Friday, March 31st, brings a day for reconciliation of lovers and those you love. There is some fertile ground for people to reconnect before the next distraction occurs. Make the best of this today. There can be some real healing of differences if you keep your mind and heart open. Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, April 1st, really not a good day for pranks. Make the most of this day by focusing working towards a greater goal. There will be a needed extra diligence towards keeping things honest. I know that there is a fine line between self programing in a positive new direction and self-deceit. What is important is the result. It will be hard to see how your life fits into the greater whole, so just focus on your practical side and do what shows gain at the end of the day. Keep the projects small, like clear your desk  or organizing. Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, April 2nd, if you can keep your focus on what provides stability and growth, your flood of intuitive downloads will give you a lot of perspective. Not a great day for attending big social events but staying at home and doing some personal work is far more satisfying. Take notes and organize or prioritize your energy. There will be a big push to jump into working on something fresh, but really you need to sort it out today and then work will be far more productive with the organization. Today is also a day of remembering what self-control means.  Moon in Gemini.

Monday, April 3rd. about mid-day, a major epiphany about how others are thinking can strike like a bolt of lightning. There may be more intuitive hits than you can process. Don’t worry, just know you need to assimilate this psychic download rather than utilize every ounce of it. There is a Grand Square today so if you can get past personal roadblocks, know that this can be utilized as a moment in time to gather all that is available and make sense of it. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, April 4th, could be a great day to connect up with things or people you love. The things probably relate more to home and comfort. So, share with someone you love! Those who ignore this hint today will be chastised for ignoring someone important. Stay in tune with the rhythms of life! Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, April 5th, some people are going to be extra sensitive today. The good aspects are that for those who are paying attention, the clues will be everywhere. Pay attention to the trail of cause and effects with those close to you. Try not to let sudden tears or out bursts upset you. Instead just be thankful of the heads up that someone needs your attention. Think love and compassion to help maintain civility. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, April 6th, while most things we care about are moving along fine, there is an undercurrent of tension or uncertainty. Especially with reading your partner. We have all been under such stress with destabilizing words and hidden agendas. If you tend to keep things to yourself until you have it all figured out, expect others to lose patience. Carefully open up your thought processes so that interaction and understanding can replace hostility. Moon in Leo by early afternoon.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, March 23, 2017



Some general influences on romance this week are not favorable for big moves. It is better to stay with what is known to work and being nice. The clashes are making even the most loving souls anxious. Let’s be supportive or at least not to judgmental.

Friday, March 24th brings a lot of stress for those who need to adapt to the new way. Right now, the question is whose way is the right way? There are some really creepy crawly things under the surface that must be dealt with. When I encounter this sort of dilemma, my first test is what gives me a feeling of light vs dark. Follow the light and call for illumination of the dark. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, March 25th, don’t be shy about asking those deep questions. Gather your answers from wisdom of the past and present. The answers are out there, don’t be shy to ask. Also, a good day to do some internal search. If you don’t have a wise person to ask, get something to read that might lead to answers or illumination. The pressure is particularly high right now. The stakes can be even higher if we don’t get this right. Every profanity in the book is keeping in full view. Instead of giving into the abuse, tell it no, one more time. Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, March 26th, the Moon is in Aquarius today and conjoined with Neptune which is a representation of mass consciousness or when squared there is illusion. There is a triad (favorable) casting resonance on Neptune and the Moon today, so I suspect that looking towards what makes the whole work well, is the winning solution. Not a time for elitism. We are all on a journey to perfection… lets help this along. Random acts of kindness or humanity are encouraged. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, March 27th, a Grand Trine in Fire has re-emerged with information towards the good fight for the future. This will hang out until April 6th. Then there will be a subtle shift to another Grand Trine that will show us what is going to happen. Then the wheels will start to move into action. If you sent out your idea, this is a time that you can start to hear back about acceptances or your next phase. Could be both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. Stay on your toes because a shift from the outmoded to the next phase is a hard break. Think like “big bang”. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, March 28th, there is a real sense of schism happening. Two flows of energy are more clearly outlined at the moment. Those that promote real stability for the greatest number will be the favored path. Those that are regressive will battle harder than ever before. Like a cornered animal, they will pull out every aggression to achieve their goal. But that goal is failure of ideas past their time. Hold on to your hat, because the airwaves will be flowing with breaking news. This is a good time to practice your bedtime meditation so that your sleep is not disturbed. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, March 29th, I have mentioned this before about 29th degrees of signs are like every issue encountered will be freshly exhibited for final review. So today is the 29th, in a month that is ending winter, with the crazy maker Uranus in actively focused on communication and feelings. Today is a day to sort out what you can because tomorrow is a day for action. Again, this is like a divine battle or comedy of fools. It is our choice to sort out which one we are engaged. Moon in Aries.

Thursday, March 30th, a great day to break bad habits and make transformations. This is all on your shoulders to make the changes of heart that you can control. We all have to start somewhere, and the first place has to be in sync with the divine plan. Remember “as above, so below” is ever more important today. The heavens are getting tired of our games and wants some method of operation on their desk by 5pm. Moon in Aries.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Friday, March 17, 2017



I would like to make a note that the Sun has begun its journey into Pisces with Mercury in tow. Reactions and words will be cutting and potentially make their mark on the guilty. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell just who that is these days. So, if you find yourself the object of those word daggers, take a moment to consider why they pained you and what is your next elevation. Hopefully this next 30 days will bring civility and attention to the details.

Also as a continuing retrospective of a long standing Uranus/Pluto square which has been shuffling the deck of our lives. There are ghosts of the 1930’s, which is by design, trying to gain lost ground. The same factions still exist. Those are an elite corporatist body jockeying for greater gains with people as dispensable to the bottom line, and the rest of us are the ground support which makes those empires real. Only we can stand up for our rightful share or we will be part of the servants of the local lords. Think carefully when you speak and act, because there is a strong wave of complicity moving over all of us. We will always have this battle.

Friday, March 17th, brings a disjointed Grand Trine to pull together actions towards our future security. Give the next three days, time to re-shuffle the deck towards something better. Still the classical T square happening with our need to change, is starting to shape up but it is anyone’s guess what that will look like. Someone has to tip the scales. Time to keep up the pressure for a more inclusive and humane society. Without that, we are all losers. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, March 18th, there can be a great deal of deep seated anger arise out of nowhere. Be aware of your own volatility and be careful how you speak to others. While some people need to hear bad news, it will only cause more stubbornness. In another arena of life those with lovers and mates in your life, cab take a step back from the outside world and reveal in the joys of having someone great to share your life with. These adventures of today will make history, just be sure to keep your personal life out of the headlines. There is just as much cause for crimes of passion as those of togetherness. Choose carefully. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, March 19th, another day to keep it local. There are some really great indications that your personal life can take some huge forward steps. Expect unexpected deepening of understanding with those closest to you. This is a great time to have a sense of humor when it comes to observations others may have about you. When people care, they say something… remember this when someone tells you to lighten up and smell the roses. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, March 20th, Blessings for Spring! The date on the calendar may not be particularly reflected in your morning commute, but know that your days are now equally long as your nights. I used to gather with like minded souls on this day and drum up the sun at sunrise. This year our active demand for light to return is needed more than ever. We are all ready for more action after a long winter of stagnation. The Moon is conjunct with Saturn creating the Grand Trine in Fire which will give gusto for those light bearers. Make the most of this and don’t wait for others to start the process. You have your invitations to attend, so go for it! Yes, action is a sign that spring is indeed here. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, March 21st, we lost that Grand Trine in Fire but most of the connections for progress to a better future are still there, just working more independently. The outside world is showing some serious strains about where we will go in the future. The dangerous aspects are in full view right now, so take note and keep the good deeds going. I would also like people to consider what their plan B might be should the agents of chaos gain more hold. This could well be part of the mechanisms that need to evolve. I will be working more on my garden to prep for summer veggies.  I will let you know how the rendezvous with the cultivator and leaves goes. Keep it pro-active and trust the process. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, March 22nd, this is a great day to take some control over your life and find time to do your paper work and get back into a healthy lifestyle. While the outside may seem like there is no hope, all is not lost. Remember back some time ago, I said that there are factions that need to make changes but cannot due to stubbornness or inflexibility. There is more signs those in crisis with the world are also in crisis with themselves. Pushing harder and more fervently does not make you right. It makes you crazy. Try extra hard to handle your own affairs and do your mental up keep. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, March 23rd, this should be a day that all my Bernie Sanders buddies will see a glimmer in the darkness. After all, it is up to us to choose how we look at things. Rarely does one way fit all, but a general mix of more light vs. dark ends up the best choice. At this time actions, do have more weight, so speak up when you can and cover yourself when you can’t. Keep those dehumanizing barbs from making their mark. A tough shield will work well, and when necessary, make the Roman “turtle formation” when under assault. Your friends and family are your greatest ally. Moon I Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, March 9, 2017



Something I missed last week is Venus in Sidereal Pisces is in retrograde. Since Venus is not closely conjunct to any orbs I suspect that this is a time to be spent on self-renewal. Of course, some will have a tendency to over imbibe during this time because reviewing loss and disappointment may predominate their thoughts. If you know someone in relationship crisis or loneliness, check in on them and connect in a comradery. We can’t always get what we want, but we can have what we need. A little love for your friends can help off set the trauma in the outside world and heal the inside world. Also either actual or hauntings of ghosts of love lost will reawaken at this time. Be good to yourself, sometimes a person is only a short lesson in life, sometimes they are there to learn how to set up boundaries, and sometimes the visit is welcome.

Due to a square between Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn in Sagittarius, expect more harsh news this week. It is OK to voice your opinion if that news brings you harm. With Mercury quickly shifting into Pisces on the 11th, depression and self-abuse can run rampant if community doesn’t check in with the troubled. The Saturnian influence with Sagittarius tells us to speak our truth even it is scary. What is heard is considered. Suffering in silence will not serve you well. Just keep it civil, because we do have laws governing riots and mischief. You want to continue a life that is rightfully yours. I also find it interesting that Mercury is conjuncting Chiron which is an element of self-healing. It seems absolutely appropriate that the Healthcare topic is in full discussion.

The Sun will slip into Pisces on March 14th. Also, it will be in square with Saturn in Sagittarius. Making overt actions hard to nail down. There can be a drift into self-reflection, doubt and commiserating. This will be worse in the next week and a half. Call on your friends, gods, goddesses, whoever uplifts you to hope.

Friday, March 10th, with a short lived Stellum developing with Mercury/Sun/ Chiron there is a very tense realization that community and the common welfare may take a manic turn. Those who have been helpless to participate or make a change will find news hard to handle. Take extra good care of your mental wellbeing. Turn off the TV, computer or whatever and get with friends for cards or star watching parties. Make a few wishes on those stars! Be prepared for the blues and be proactive with a safety net. We will get through this. What is particularly helpful is the Moon is activating a new aspect to the future and how it works with that Grand Trine for self-help and finding stability.  Moon in Leo.

Saturday, March 11th, another day of that T Square with Pluto/Uranus/Jupiter. By now many have figured out that things are happening very fast and furious. Ideas are being flailed around like a drowning cat. This is actually a good thing as the dumbest things have a chance to meet daylight and get sorted into the trash. It is our job to find the nuggets of gold in all the muck. Go prospecting! I already have a silly idea to make that call to my congressman. He must be getting tired of hearing me…. Even though, he works for me. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, March 12th, this could be a very contentious day on the world scene. The T square is heavily squared with multiple orbs. I don’t plan on stepping out of the house as those who can’t take the stress will be having a crisis. Mercury is well into Pisces and in this T Square. Think twice or count to a ten before you speak if you are angry or something sets you off. It will be very hard to take back things said or intended. The worst is just today, so you can come out from under your bed tomorrow.  Moon in Leo.

Monday, March 13th, try to take a breather and not indulge in excessiveness. Triggers will be everywhere, but you can choose to take a wait and see approach. If you can still focus on your great idea, spend more time on it today. You have a short window to pull it together before it is sent out into the great world of possibilities. Don’t let indecision or uncertainty slow you down. You could have a game changer. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, March 14th, this is the last day with Mars powering the Grand Trine in Fire. Make the most of it. There is still a lot of “steam” around matters of health and security. Try to just check in on progress, but limit it to bullet points so you can focus on your submission or wrap up of a project. On the romantic front, be careful to pay attention to nuances that your mate is expressing. This is a time to do the little things that matter even if you feel sick or overwhelmed. Personally, I have stopped fretting over the congressional battle and thought of a different perspective to the program. That means, my letter will be edited and sent to whom? Do I choose a side or send it to both, as a true Libran.? Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, March 15th, this is a day to take advantage of the Moon in Libra conjuncting Jupiter’s expansive yet detailed outlook. More data points are available and there is a glimmer of hope that you can find solace in what is going on around you. Think balance, finding your center and that turning point on the movements of the scales. For those people who are caught in the T Square of Pluto/Jupiter/Uranus there could be a point where you must discover something hidden in yourself that can bring you peace. The changes in life are rarely easy, but the more you fight it, the worse it will be. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, March 16th, an epiphany moment in life is wedged into the forces of old view vs new horizons. Find your personal point, and hope that others find theirs. There is a fair chance that the same healing can occur in our psyches. A great day to meditate of that point of “e pluribus unum”. Much of the dysfunctional is out to pick apart. Now it is our time to figure out how to parlay our inspirational revelation in the context of healing us all. We have the parts, it is up to us to make them move together. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, March 2, 2017



For the next two weeks, there will be a Grand Trine in fire elevating actions, that make a secure foundation for the future. Get those proposals done and then wait it out for the second round of Grand Trine.  Choose wisely what you focus upon. One element to consider is that you have two weeks for error and adjustments. The next two weeks think of starting planning for what you will be doing in the spring and summer. While this Grand Trine in Fire takes a break after March 14th, it will pick back up again in late March to then continue until mid-July 2017. So right now, it is your initiation of a special project. After that it will be a balancing act of unusual circumstances that must be navigated to reach results. Choose wisely as this will demand a lot of your attention and effort.

A bit of check in with the world of romance. Venus is in Pisces still but not really aspecting other orbs. Probably most people are going to be very comfortable in their situations and will have time to venture into new realms such as launching a goal for the future.

Friday, March 3rd, many will have some pent-up energy that is ready to spring into action, but no idea where to go. Consider this a day of making final decisions as to where that energy is going to be directed for the next several months. Winter is starting to take a back seat to Spring in nature and in our psyche. Clear up any lingering projects or details today so tomorrow, you will be ready to focus on your next big adventure in life. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, March 4th, the Grand Trine in Fire starts today. It has two faces. The first face is you do some sort of new action to get this idea off the ground. Saturn in Sagittarius, Mars in Aries and the North Node in Leo, all herald a chance to make something special happen. You have through the 14th to initiate your venture. After that a break and the Grand Trine in Fire until March 27th brings a communication that the project has a stamp of approval, and you have to get it pulled together. So, do your proposals, outlines or mission statements now, and then wait for approvals. March 7th there will be a Grand Square, so use that time to consider unintended consequences for use in later edits. So no procrastinating!  Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, March 5th, with a set of squares creating challenges, be sure that you don’t get off into to fantastical daydreaming about where you will be in the future. The temptation is there is no clear path at this point for your logical mind. Those looking at starting a new business may have to get out a crystal ball to figure where people’s needs will be in the future. A lot should fall into place before you can make more concrete plans. So stay informed, do your research and get back to your draft proposal. No one said this would be easy. Moon in Taurus.

Monday, March 6th, while the shift from where we have been and where we want to go has us guessing much of the day, don’ rely on your intuition to help much. You will be getting a flood of pros and cons to everything you want to do. So instead of trying to sort them out today, simply document the flow and then sort out the details tomorrow. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, March 7th, Today is the Grand Square that boxes us in with our thoughts and fears. To sort out what is valued, consider what fits the greater good. So much that needs to be changed feels like all that is left is chaos. What does history tell us about success? Those times always had people working together with some sort of social contract. Your guidance is in those situations. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, March 8th, the day starts out with a fresh perspective. Our intuition is helping us to sort out what is the best way to go. Allow yourself some healing time, should letting go of the past prove to be too much. But forward is the right momentum. Steer towards what is positive and has some guidelines for resolution. No need to re-invent the wheel today when it comes to how we want our lives to work out. It has all been done before. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, March 9th, this could be an oasis of romance today. Take time to connect with those you love. And if you are alone, do something healthful for you. Also, a great time to give some time to gratitude for what you have. While the Chinese may curse with “interesting times” the mind set of this country has been excitement at showing what we can do. That is a lot of shifting and creating. Self-care is just as important as caring for those we love. All of it keeps us strong in challenging times. Remember that we need each other, so make sure you show your gratitude to those who have been there for you during these challenging times. This could also be a day for obsessive behavior. Watch your motivations and words. Moon in Cancer.

Blessings and peace, 
Connie Hansen
