Thursday, December 31, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 1st first I would like to say Happy New Year to all those who get these astrological updates! In a pro active spirit, I want to make note that Mercury will go retrograde this week on the Tuesday the 5th. Mercury has started its journey in Capricorn which affects strategic plans and money. Know that most of this retrograde will be in good aspect with Jupiter the opportunist, until the 18th. So bear witness to situations that your communications initiate and speak only well of the future. Try to see the good luck in anything that may otherwise be disappointing. We are still in a phase of creating something better for ourselves, so why not promote the best? Use the silver lining argument for a while. Try not to sign any contracts right now. February may be better. Otherwise the other influences are romance will take a back seat to creating a comfortable feel to your surroundings. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, January 2nd. Today’s influence will have you instigating some very positive changes for health and healing (Sun & Pluto in Sagittarius sextile to Chiron in Aquarius). There is more focus on mental health and supporting philosophy, without the airy fairy denial vibe. Also this next week will find unusual support for bringing the spirit of life into your day to day expectations. The Saturn in Scorpio /Uranus in Pisces trine can present opportunities to inspire you with verses for everyday. I love using a method of bibliomancy where I have a book of short verses, or tarot cards and just flip until the book opens up. That is the inspiration for the day. It is always a good idea to let light into your morning while you are fresh and see how that can guide your day. Attitude is everything right now, as today, you will be particularly pressed to make attitude course corrections.  Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, January 3rd. the day starts out with a sense of a weak mind and no energy. Why fight it? Today the Moon conjuncts Mars in a weakened state in Libra, so sort out yesterdays choices and fine tune what you can. We are all works in progress; keep your sights on the high road. Yes there are attention getting stumbling blocks everywhere, but the test is to work around them. Moon in Libra.

Monday, January 4th there is a positive triad with the Sun/Pluto in Sagittarius as the focal point. Allow this day to usher in revelations of how well recent adjustments and decisions work out. There are times when learning to be receptive to events is more beneficial to trying to control every step. Today the universe does not respond well to short sighted or tightly held control. There is so much more out there and we are a part of the whole, not the king or queen. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, January 5th. If you haven’t felt the shift yet, today it the day that areas around security, systems and money may start to be challenged. Mix-ups and foul ups are frequently to blame. For the next few weeks, double check bank statements, contracts and whatever relates to communications.  Maybe turn off your auto correct as new relationships may be strained over chaotic word choices. Moon in Scorpio by mid day.

Wednesday, January 6th for success, follow up on all memos etc from work and business. Heaviness is over a number of people and they are just not fully engaged in what they are doing. Maybe their new beau is not texting, maybe they lost an important tax document… who knows. Cover yourself and do a lot of follow up. There is some luck with new endeavors but be aware that some co creating will be necessary for success. Two heads are always better than one. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, January 7th today we will want what WE want! You just can’t force things to happen. Look for synchronicities to fill in the next line of exploration or endeavor. Those riding the wave of self discovery will find the most reward. Just bear in mind, not all of it is fun and easy. But growth is defiantly there! Much of this relates to your outlook, not your altruistic or fantastical dreams. Moon in Scorpio.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


Thursday, December 24, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 25th, for those who are so wound up in their own drama, the lips will engage before the brain does. If you are entering a known hassle zone, take a deep breath, and prepare mentally for what is likely to occur. There is something interesting that happens when you are prepared for those slights, slanders and other jabs from frustrated relatives. The sense of your preparation tends to slow down their mudslinging and muddle. Such angry actions are done only to get the better of another who is unprepared or open, especially you have managed a smile with feelings of good will. Smirk instead and see if the rhetoric tones down. Full Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, December 26th a lot of feel good moments if you can see love and growth in those around you. An astrological Yod is directed at the Moon in Gemini creating a focus on what the sides of a situation happen to be. If you can associate with the positive healing aspects of love and forgiveness, just about everything around you will flow together. Venus is in a lovely position for those who have intimate partners or spiritual cohorts to spend the afternoon. Go where you will be uplifted, find something inspirational to consume and see what magic the day holds. Also note that Mars has gone into sidereal Libra, weakening Mars’ harsh edges and stinging actions. Maybe a moment of seeing both sides of the situation will help guide new directions.  Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, December 27th a great day to allow the different forms of love into your life (Eros, agape, and plutonic). Warm and juicy connections with the right person could set off a great new year. Keep your eyes and heart open for what is around you. Electrified Uranus is involved also, so even the internet could manage some joy and happiness in those connections. This evening, a Grand Trine in Water involving Uranus in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio and the Moon in Cancer bring deeper understanding of how our spirits connect and bringing into the world something that will bring happiness to you. indulge in some moon gazing tonight, if so inclined, make a wish. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, December 28th I love it that I can use this euphemism again, but if you go with the Force today, all paths lead to where you should be. Lots of wonderful synchronicities coming around today so keep sharp on the lookout and keep your heart in a joyous song. You will attract more of the same. Also lots of good news concerning things progressing towards power, prestige and overall goals. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, December 29th there is shift in the air concerning your desires and relationships. Struggles concerning advances and different spiritual perspectives can clash. This relates more to hitting trigger points rather than a real difference. Focus more on graciousness and foundational importance’s in any relationship conversations. Work related issues need attention as well. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, December 30th with a T Square effecting the day, expect someone saying the wrong thing at any time. Foot in mouth will run amok with those who are on the wrong side of either real public opinion or oblivious to the effects of brainwashing. Neptune in Aquarius is squared and opposed by the Moon bringing the wrong thing into the light. This could be a big political faux paus or social blunder. What really saves the day is to run any comments you may want to blurt out through your filters of compassion, practicality and what fits a more harmonious future. Many of us with perspective recognize how far things have gone. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, December 31st. if you have a special date tonight, be aware that illusions will abound. There is a caveat, as long as manipulation for self satisfaction is not the goal, but instead there is a positive trend setting for the next year. Remember that what is meant to happen, will, and the foundations of the future will start to take form with today’s actions. A certain level of weird and wacky can happen to bring out your true self. If that self is still is still in illusion, expect the evening to fall flat. Otherwise, good luck with your adventure into a Happy New Year! Moon goes into no nonsense but earthy Virgo this evening.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


Thursday, December 17, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 18th any holiday parties attended today will be boisterous, and full of social faux pauxs. As long as you keep it sober, and watch the show, you will stay on track. There is a T Square to endure today that makes things you see, especially those in authority, will cause both humor and scandal. Its all is a matter of perspective. Listen carefully for secrets from the mouths of the guilty. If you are trying to keep damage control… good luck today as there will be towers falling everywhere.  Moon in Pisces. 

Saturday, December 19th the stress of the day will be on our deepest desires. While intense and destructive actions may happen, there is an immediate shift into where your heart says you will be safe. This sanctuary is in unusual places so be open minded. This is a great time to start something that heals the mind and feeds the soul. If it is reading some new philosophy or renewing your dedication to creating internal peace, you should find just what you need when you go searching. If you ask for advice, be aware that there are some factions out there that want to guide you the wrong way. Go for trusted opinions or keep it simple with something tried and true. My choice is to start back to more of an afternoon meditation and inspirational reading time. Soaking in the sun to break up a busy day will become my winter practice.  Moon in Pisces.

Sunday, December 20th issues about your future may come up in a big way. There have been two forces at work for a few days and by Wednesday, the choice needs to be made. If you focus on power and prestige, know that ego driven actions will be tested. Actions that bring conversation and greater understanding will bring progress forward. Your choice today, is to choose between possible temper tantrums and navigating the wisdom path. Everyone will have varying degrees of challenge. Moon in Aries.

Monday, December 21st the Sun has been in Sagittarius for the last few days. That holiday feeling has been blocked by power plays, lies and shenanigans. Buy Christmas Eve those will take a break and open up for the real deal. There is a lot of focus right now on the Pluto/Mercury conjunction (transformation and communication). We all have a certain level of internal work to make this world better. The Sagittarius gift of love, charity and happiness should start to flow into more of our lives, should you chose to allow it. Enough is challenged to give you reason to fear chaos, but only if you chose to not design that chaos into interesting adventures and opportunities to grow. A Kite formation is calling people to work towards what they want today and make a wish on this Winter Solstice! The right mix of action, compassion and get down to business will bring success through mid afternoon on Tuesday.  Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, December 22nd finish up your plans and wishes by mid afternoon. The flow of happy circumstance will bring cheer into your heart. Also, take a bit of time to put things into perspective today. Change is whirling around despite the commitment of the Grinch’s. Stay focused on the whole picture so that tomorrow’s glitches will be easily dealt with. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, December 23rd, you know you are on the right track if things are moving smoothly. Should you find resistance to plans or agendas, you know it is time to re-consider your actions and prospects. A greater flow of compassion is in the air as well. Don’t pick fights with those who have agendas. It would be better to leave them alone. Let karma deal with them. Gather those who you love in you circle and start to do some serious gratitude and find peace in your heart, even just for a few hours. Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, December 24th, ask yourself two questions today. Who loves me and who understands me? That is the place to put your attentions. There will be continued conflicts of those who want to divide us so that we can be conquered by loneliness and fear. Give those sorts just what they are pushing on you, by staying with the healthy relationships only. Yes, I am saying to abandon those who want to cause strife and sorrow. And trust that if there is something salvageable, that the light of the time will shift them, if they will allow it to happen. Think Scrooge and his story. No need to let their bitterness bring you down. Right now we need a burst of love in this transforming world. Moon in Gemini later this afternoon.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, December 10, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 11th the morning is conflicted with trying to get something done and finding more roadblocks than expected. The forces at work just doubled down again for today. This will be tied to how we want to make changes, but yet, they just don’t seem to gel. The only positive action you can do is step back from what action you can and redesign, reconsider, trim and refit what you intended. Even if it is perfectly right, there will be forces to keep things stagnant. All you can do in that case is center yourself in peace, and bide your time. I like to consider times like this as a moment of pause, accepting there is a reason. We all know what is happening and find a way to distract ourselves from the commotion without becoming detached. The delay is not completely in our hands. Do only what you can. The New Moon is today creates a turning point. Could be a very good time to reach out into the darkness and be open to something bright in the future. Moon goes into Sagittarius.

Saturday, December 12th just for today, do things that will heal your mind. Mercury and the Moon will dance together in Sagittarius most of the day bringing interesting discussions hopefully without the fixation and anger. Some glimmers of hope seep in between the cloudy skies. If you can see them, some interesting unexpected joys come to view. I don’t know if there is actually something special energetically about this time or if it is just tradition saying take time for considering peace and family. It would be a very good day to find something uplifting to read or help you discover the mysteries of life. A different perspective may help. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, December 13th there could be some significant revelations for those who can step out of the mire. You just have to be emotionally prepared to see things differently. We are truly making up the way things are as we go. The future is in our hearts today. Try not to let the mind cling too tight to the past. Those who are having a very hard time now because their perspectives have become polluted and they now have to own up to it. Like any recovery, the first step is acknowledgement. In your own life you can see smaller versions of this change of heart and mind. Those pesky inconveniences could turn into opportunities to heal which is one of the tensions we need to collectively embrace with this set of T Squares. Moon goes into Capricorn this evening.

Monday, December 14th yesterday’s work will evolve into a great connection with how you love and what is around you. The struggle can open up some grounding moments. When you are unsure of your footing, you are very nervous about that transition. But with your wits and feelings fully engaged, there is a great sense of accomplishment. Even if it is just a small intimate detail that is resolved, there are far reaching changes in a new direction. Smile today at everyone and hope that your heart will allow it to stay. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, December 15th a steady flow of what can be interpreted as happiness is in the works for several days. You may still get a reminder of what the lesson was to be learned, but perspective rises above the fray of confusion. Healing in relationships and ideals have you working in the right direction. Even things that have been tied up for months will begin to unfold. We are all on a roll for a few days, so go with the punches and thrive. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, December 16th a palatable shift in tension can be felt. Lets hear a sigh of relief as all the T Squares are broken up and leaving just a positive change in those doing the work. I know, creating your own virtual reality would be easy, but do the work and see success. The reality is internal work and outside adjustments must be slogged though until completion. The lingering question now will be how do I feel about the place I am in right now? Victories in our souls will have greater value than those in the mundane world. There is momentum to more of what you want. Try to stay on your board and ride the wave. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, December 17th another day of things moving in a understandable direction. Do be aware that those that you love may call on you to bear more than you should. Maybe it borders on enabling or co dependency. Call it a test or just the world of give and take. These effects will just be for a few days. You will still know that what is happening is just what you needed. Tomorrow will be a bigger test of a power struggle. Maybe the only real struggle is nothing is perfect. Moon in Aquarius.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast December 4th through 10th 2015

Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 4th probably finds many people still in the grips of the heavy T Squares keeping many in a crisis. This is a crisis is either accepting things as they are or actually finding support and making a change. All of which is up hill. I don’t need to remind you that the news is filled with perplexing events. As the Sun passed Saturn in Scorpio, old issues came back into focus. Change of die aspect of Scorpio is seen with a lot of news. How to actually make a change with so much obsessive compulsiveness?  T-squares have solutions with cooperation and help from others. You can’t do it alone and in bigger issues we are not meant to have lone crusaders making a difference. In your immediate circle, include those who are of differing opinions and craft something better. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, December 5th In the chaos, there is a solution. There is an obsessive focus on the noisiest opinions. If any real order can be considered possible we need to change what we think is acceptable and make those changes. The tricky part is if there is rampant violence from the lost generations of un nurtured souls, a one fix will fit all is not possible. Turning back to when things were better can only provide insights to a solution. The T Square now has shifted to Pluto, the transformation of psyche, being at the apex. We must create a philosophy of honor and cohesiveness to bring this around. Lots of hard work is ahead of us before the daily sorrow abates. No amount of meditation will fix it. Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, December 6th take a break from all the bad news and responsibilities around you. Venus and Neptune are going to happy dance together for a while. Over the next week create some love and passion for one another and those around you. Start a love wave that will be felt around the world. There is a huge wave of negativity in our midst, so let’s push back right now with a bit of balancing love for our good fellow human beings. There is a lot of support for those who act accordingly and counter balance what is pushing our buttons right now. Moon in Virgo, going into Libra later today.

Monday, December 7th the Moon will be exactly conjunct with Venus today accentuating  love and working things out. Mercury has also moved into Sagittarius bringing us to terms with the status quo and where it should be re-designed.  Sometimes it is hard to keep perspective of our “social experiments”. Things happen, rules and efforts are made to correct problems, people change and then the cycle begins again. What can you see as some core issues that don’t infringe on personal rights? Is it possible to create such a thing as free society without establishing rules of engagement? I would like to suggest that we focus on what creates a healthy sane individual in this new experiment. It is true that the surge of “evil” causes damage, but when we do it to ourselves, we have to take responsibility and there is the window for change. Where is that in your sphere of reality? What can you do to make a difference? Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, December 8th yesterdays work can be visible today. Healing should be available to those who have love in their hearts and a desire to bring balance into our reality. Today reminds me of the oldest wisdom of mankind, “as above, so below”. The bigger world is a reflection of our immediate and inner world. Through our desire to heal, we can find a solution to our problems. Tough times need tough changes. Time to get back to basics. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, December 9th much of the heaviness of the last week is starting to lift. Still it will be hard to find solace in the events unless we seek individual and collective forgiveness and new focus on something better. The change is the key to healing not holding onto failed or non productive perspective. We have to feel the change in our hearts. What we hear and meditation will not be conflicted. The future is hard to see because we have not focused on what it should look like and the path that must be taken to get there. This could be a time to allow trust and allowance for light to return and fill us. Time to curb your tendency to obsessive and compulsive reactions. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, December 10th the Moon will start the day in exact conjunction on Saturn in Scorpio, hard lessons or big chances to release fear. Look for unusual solutions to your day’s adversities. These are found in the sensitive healings and messages around us. Perhaps it is as simple as going outside and breath in the change in season. The world is slowing down and maybe you should too. Grounding work will be of great benefit to those who feel unstable. The intellectual and manmade world is still not communicating well, but they are in the process of trying. Nature is another larger picture that is rhythmic, interesting and comforting to those who will connect up with her changes. If need be, bundle up and go outside a while. Connect with a natural rhythm. Moon in Scorpio.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
