Thursday, December 10, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 11th the morning is conflicted with trying to get something done and finding more roadblocks than expected. The forces at work just doubled down again for today. This will be tied to how we want to make changes, but yet, they just don’t seem to gel. The only positive action you can do is step back from what action you can and redesign, reconsider, trim and refit what you intended. Even if it is perfectly right, there will be forces to keep things stagnant. All you can do in that case is center yourself in peace, and bide your time. I like to consider times like this as a moment of pause, accepting there is a reason. We all know what is happening and find a way to distract ourselves from the commotion without becoming detached. The delay is not completely in our hands. Do only what you can. The New Moon is today creates a turning point. Could be a very good time to reach out into the darkness and be open to something bright in the future. Moon goes into Sagittarius.

Saturday, December 12th just for today, do things that will heal your mind. Mercury and the Moon will dance together in Sagittarius most of the day bringing interesting discussions hopefully without the fixation and anger. Some glimmers of hope seep in between the cloudy skies. If you can see them, some interesting unexpected joys come to view. I don’t know if there is actually something special energetically about this time or if it is just tradition saying take time for considering peace and family. It would be a very good day to find something uplifting to read or help you discover the mysteries of life. A different perspective may help. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, December 13th there could be some significant revelations for those who can step out of the mire. You just have to be emotionally prepared to see things differently. We are truly making up the way things are as we go. The future is in our hearts today. Try not to let the mind cling too tight to the past. Those who are having a very hard time now because their perspectives have become polluted and they now have to own up to it. Like any recovery, the first step is acknowledgement. In your own life you can see smaller versions of this change of heart and mind. Those pesky inconveniences could turn into opportunities to heal which is one of the tensions we need to collectively embrace with this set of T Squares. Moon goes into Capricorn this evening.

Monday, December 14th yesterday’s work will evolve into a great connection with how you love and what is around you. The struggle can open up some grounding moments. When you are unsure of your footing, you are very nervous about that transition. But with your wits and feelings fully engaged, there is a great sense of accomplishment. Even if it is just a small intimate detail that is resolved, there are far reaching changes in a new direction. Smile today at everyone and hope that your heart will allow it to stay. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, December 15th a steady flow of what can be interpreted as happiness is in the works for several days. You may still get a reminder of what the lesson was to be learned, but perspective rises above the fray of confusion. Healing in relationships and ideals have you working in the right direction. Even things that have been tied up for months will begin to unfold. We are all on a roll for a few days, so go with the punches and thrive. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, December 16th a palatable shift in tension can be felt. Lets hear a sigh of relief as all the T Squares are broken up and leaving just a positive change in those doing the work. I know, creating your own virtual reality would be easy, but do the work and see success. The reality is internal work and outside adjustments must be slogged though until completion. The lingering question now will be how do I feel about the place I am in right now? Victories in our souls will have greater value than those in the mundane world. There is momentum to more of what you want. Try to stay on your board and ride the wave. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, December 17th another day of things moving in a understandable direction. Do be aware that those that you love may call on you to bear more than you should. Maybe it borders on enabling or co dependency. Call it a test or just the world of give and take. These effects will just be for a few days. You will still know that what is happening is just what you needed. Tomorrow will be a bigger test of a power struggle. Maybe the only real struggle is nothing is perfect. Moon in Aquarius.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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