Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast December 4th through 10th 2015

Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 4th probably finds many people still in the grips of the heavy T Squares keeping many in a crisis. This is a crisis is either accepting things as they are or actually finding support and making a change. All of which is up hill. I don’t need to remind you that the news is filled with perplexing events. As the Sun passed Saturn in Scorpio, old issues came back into focus. Change of die aspect of Scorpio is seen with a lot of news. How to actually make a change with so much obsessive compulsiveness?  T-squares have solutions with cooperation and help from others. You can’t do it alone and in bigger issues we are not meant to have lone crusaders making a difference. In your immediate circle, include those who are of differing opinions and craft something better. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, December 5th In the chaos, there is a solution. There is an obsessive focus on the noisiest opinions. If any real order can be considered possible we need to change what we think is acceptable and make those changes. The tricky part is if there is rampant violence from the lost generations of un nurtured souls, a one fix will fit all is not possible. Turning back to when things were better can only provide insights to a solution. The T Square now has shifted to Pluto, the transformation of psyche, being at the apex. We must create a philosophy of honor and cohesiveness to bring this around. Lots of hard work is ahead of us before the daily sorrow abates. No amount of meditation will fix it. Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, December 6th take a break from all the bad news and responsibilities around you. Venus and Neptune are going to happy dance together for a while. Over the next week create some love and passion for one another and those around you. Start a love wave that will be felt around the world. There is a huge wave of negativity in our midst, so let’s push back right now with a bit of balancing love for our good fellow human beings. There is a lot of support for those who act accordingly and counter balance what is pushing our buttons right now. Moon in Virgo, going into Libra later today.

Monday, December 7th the Moon will be exactly conjunct with Venus today accentuating  love and working things out. Mercury has also moved into Sagittarius bringing us to terms with the status quo and where it should be re-designed.  Sometimes it is hard to keep perspective of our “social experiments”. Things happen, rules and efforts are made to correct problems, people change and then the cycle begins again. What can you see as some core issues that don’t infringe on personal rights? Is it possible to create such a thing as free society without establishing rules of engagement? I would like to suggest that we focus on what creates a healthy sane individual in this new experiment. It is true that the surge of “evil” causes damage, but when we do it to ourselves, we have to take responsibility and there is the window for change. Where is that in your sphere of reality? What can you do to make a difference? Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, December 8th yesterdays work can be visible today. Healing should be available to those who have love in their hearts and a desire to bring balance into our reality. Today reminds me of the oldest wisdom of mankind, “as above, so below”. The bigger world is a reflection of our immediate and inner world. Through our desire to heal, we can find a solution to our problems. Tough times need tough changes. Time to get back to basics. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, December 9th much of the heaviness of the last week is starting to lift. Still it will be hard to find solace in the events unless we seek individual and collective forgiveness and new focus on something better. The change is the key to healing not holding onto failed or non productive perspective. We have to feel the change in our hearts. What we hear and meditation will not be conflicted. The future is hard to see because we have not focused on what it should look like and the path that must be taken to get there. This could be a time to allow trust and allowance for light to return and fill us. Time to curb your tendency to obsessive and compulsive reactions. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, December 10th the Moon will start the day in exact conjunction on Saturn in Scorpio, hard lessons or big chances to release fear. Look for unusual solutions to your day’s adversities. These are found in the sensitive healings and messages around us. Perhaps it is as simple as going outside and breath in the change in season. The world is slowing down and maybe you should too. Grounding work will be of great benefit to those who feel unstable. The intellectual and manmade world is still not communicating well, but they are in the process of trying. Nature is another larger picture that is rhythmic, interesting and comforting to those who will connect up with her changes. If need be, bundle up and go outside a while. Connect with a natural rhythm. Moon in Scorpio.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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