Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast November 27th through December 3rd 2015

Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, November 27th this would be a great day to make practical changes. If you want to do some shopping, and as most of us know Black Friday is today, the unusual experiences may out weight the deals that are found. Be prepared for bah humbug stories and some shifty deals too. Watch prices, times, dates and dollars. The parking lot can be particularly dangerous too as hidden agendas abound out in the world of commerce. Don’t forget to lock your home up because that is vulnerable also. Stay focused, or eye on the prize while you are out. Expect others to be distracted. Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, November 28th with two sets of T Squares going on today, expect the unexpected. Lots to talk about over dinner today. Try to stay focused, centered and at home if possible. It will be extra crazy. There is a sense of secret knowledge that can help transform a hectic day only as philosophical understanding can provide. Expect others to be distracted. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, November 29th there will be two kinds of people today, those who can’t get where they are going quickly enough and those who are still at home mentally. There is a lot that is constricting, difficult and confusing today. Keep it simple to reduce your mistakes. You will know you are in the right place at the right time if it feels good. Otherwise, honestly excuse yourself and go home. Especially if you walk in and feel a lot of tension, which could be frequent today. Not everyone manages stress in a positive way. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, November 30th from about 11ish Central time through the today and tomorrow, a grand Trine in Water will occur. For those who work well with water signs, the intuition and subtly will be in full force.  Among the conflicts, stresses and challenges, you should connect up with a transcendental understanding of the forces in play. Perhaps you will come to a deeper understanding of how secure you actually are. Of course, not everyone will have security, but they will have a better image of what it should look like thereby giving visualization a special power to form your future. Definitely take some time today or tomorrow forming a better life and circumstance for yourself. There is great trans formative energy to bring it closer to reality. You must feel it! Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, December 1st this is great day to start something new, especially something that takes you out of your comfort zone. You will not feel safe or settled though. This is where trust that you are on the right path has to unfold. You will soon know if you are off the mark, but most of you who are doing your regular spiritual work will glide into the next phase. Like taking a step, you know you are secure with both feet on the ground, but must lift one and balance on the other, until you can place that moving foot back on the ground. One step at a time… that is what gets you where you are going. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, December 2nd sit back at observe where things have gone. A lot happened yesterday, and much of it was unseen. Ask for help with a project if you are not an old hand in performing that skill. There is a deliberate obfuscation in the main drama, so know it must be revealed to go any further. I don’t know if this will work, but maybe if the pieces are not matching up, ask the universe or your higher guides and sources to pull the veil away. Something on the political front is not making sense.. that is more than usual. Call for all illusions to dissolve and reveal themselves without guile. Or you can just hide at home or in your work until the day is done. I plan of calling for revelation. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, December 3rd follow yesterday’s guide to either call out illusion or hide if you can. Unfortunately the hiding part may meet with obsessing on the weird details. Try and talk with others, if it is possible, about their perceptions as it may take more than one point of view to get the picture. Positive thinking about the future will be a winner also, but keep it real world, not ideals. Moon in Leo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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