Thursday, August 24, 2017



This week lovely Venus is well into Cancer and some lovely aspects happening for healing and creation of stability in your romantic life. The 28th is especially warm and fuzzy. After that she disconnects and it is back to work. Enjoy what you can right now. I know we all need a refresher on what it is like to be loved.

Mercury in retrograde is about to start closely connecting with the Sun/North Node/Mars in early degree Leo and later degree Cancer. Yep, that ties together some really major powers into a struggle. While there are positive trines with Saturn (the great instructor) and Uranus (that dose of mayhem), neither of those is particularly easy to deal with. What will do you the most good is to stay with the details, follow through and give it your best. If you are in the public eye, be sure to stay on topic and get your facts straight!

We will be starting a series of Grand Trine aspects with essentially the North Node (or point of destiny), Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries. These will continue until November 11th only to have yet another set of Grand trines continue. This set relates to power structures and where our efforts will lead us into secure places for the future with lots of unusual situations. By then we should be so used to the pace of change and challenge that it will just be normal. Keep your grounding practices and healthy lifestyles in place. You will rely heavily on those to keep from overload. By November 11th , Saturn will start to be in Sagittarius and conjuncting the Stars Aculeus and Acumen. These in order are “attacks but still success” and “attacks that weaken”. Other leaders in recent history had to deal with this aspect and had a very hard time. It will test the mettle of the greatest of souls. Where ever you might have early degree Sagittarius, prepare for some challenges.

Friday, August 25th, starts the day with the Moon and Jupiter conjuncting. Generally a joyous time even in Virgo. There are some other wonderful aspects allowing those of earth signs to get their acts together and get something big accomplished. Just don’t expect it to be without a few unexpected surprises. Yes, Uranus will be sprinkling in some craziness. Grounding is key here and you will be able to forge ahead and find some healing time with your sweetie too! Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, August 26th, could be a test to find the energy to get started and then persevere knowing that the timing might be off anyway. Today is going to be better suited to planning, preparing and spending some time healing from a hectic week. Could be some unexpected news that is dragged from deep recesses into the light right now. Stay tuned and keep your cool. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, August 27th, Mars goes into Leo today. While Mercury will be doing its backward moon walk passing a conjunction with the Sun, the news will still be flowing. But now it will be more commentary than something new. In about 4 days, Mercury will be conjuncting with Mars which will bring a sense of right actions happening. Whatever it is, it will be powerful. What I find fascinating about astrology is it provides timing for tests of character and opportunities to change for the better. Both will be on Regulus (6* Leo) about the same time. Like two trains about to meet head on. Remember that necessity is the mother of invention and change. Moon in Libra.

Monday, August 28th, like a debilitating sting of a scorpion, the Moon will be challenging the status quo of those who have been abusing power. The show should go on for a few days. This is a day we should pay close attention as to the sub current and accusations that spin around us. If you happen to be subject to that poisoned stab, keep facts and reason close at hand. Strangely, I don’t think it will rock to status quo so much as to cause anarchy. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, August 29th, a powerful set of oppositions hit the midheaven in the morning. These strike issues relating to money, power and force in the world. Just to settle into a cradle of protective trines that keep us from sinking into despair. Somehow our sense of structure is weathering what ails us. While we may want to escape into wanton behavior, it is best if we take time by evening to center and ground ourselves. I plan on just watching the news and turning it off for the night. Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, August 30th, there is a jolt to the Grand Trine precariously in Leo, Aries and Scorpio and Cancer. Mars/North Node/Mercury gather energy from Uranus the agent of change and Saturn/Moon in Scorpio. None of these works well together. But yet, here they are blending their energies. On a everyday level, this is a day that if you can stay focused on your needs, the fractions pulling us to change and adapt will hopefully make sense by the end of the day. All I can say is it will be stressful, exciting, unexpected and make a lasting impression. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, August 31st, that complicated Grand Trine continues today and tomorrow as Mercury creeps closer to Mars. Mars is going to be making some sort of big move in these days. It relates to leadership, power and what has to be done. Cross your fingers that it is something you can live with. There is so much flowing in the positive that the challenges of your day will bend to your will by sheer perseverance. No time to feel worn out or lazy. Let the “fight or flight” response kick in. Moon in Sagittarius.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, August 17, 2017



After flipping through my delineator, I realized that Saturn, the old task master and giver of stability will start to go direct on August 24 and be in full forward motion by the 26th. In hindsight, this period of Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio has been one of reviewing what is ugly, nonproductive and in major need of transformation. Scorpio influences are always intense, which most of us have been experiencing. We have seen that in our political world and some of us have seen it in their personal lives. Always a good idea to deal with unpleasantness when it comes up instead of putting it off for another time. So those whose personal life has been hard, just remember what you ignored and try not to go that way again. In the political world, which also can also relate to commerce, has a shift from debating how to deal with an issue and turn into making it real. I know this is a few days after the heavily speculated Solar Eclipse, but things take time especially when it comes to actions of Saturn. Just on this aspect, I predict there will be a big shift in our political structure, and we will be living with it for a while. Hold on and think positive thoughts that it will be something close to democracy.

Most of this week, the Mercury in Leo Retrograde will be opposite to Neptune in Aquarius. The fight for understanding what is going on will continue with lots of illusion, diversion, and a few sneaky bits of inconvenient truth. By the 23rd the aspect will be passed but then Mercury will start to aspect the Sun, North Node and Mars which will bring more action. I tend to think favorably of these planets when in Leo. Which can eventually work in our favor as leadership and sincerity start to make an appeal to our higher senses. There are lots of challenges with some crucial beneficial aspects so this week will demand our full attention to sort out what is real. If someone says they can’t handle all the news, give them hope that if they start picking up all the bits and pieces they will be less likely to be fooled because they will know what has conflicts. Hang in there, it will come together sooner rather than later.

This shifts of retrogrades and oppositions to Neptune in Aquarius and Sun in Leo have a direct influence on the POTUS chart. I still believe that he is so fluid in philosophy that if those around him change, so does his outlook. He is in a very challenging stage, mostly because he violates basic laws in regard to a ruling star of Regulus in his chart. Neptune’s opposition weighs heavy on his clash with reality and stability. Regulus is a “king maker” of ancient astrology. It has one proviso, that you do good, serve the people and avoid revenge and nefarious behavior for power. Karma is getting ready to square this up with him. He has a choice in to how he uses this power. Actions and consequences will be his biggest test.

This week, in particular, will see the Stellum with Sun/North Node, Mars and soon Mercury have a pass over by the Moon. This will intensify all our reactions to what is going on. With the influence of Leo a lighter or fierce perspective will surface rather than depressive. Then the Moon will drift a few days and mix in with the energies of Jupiter in Virgo which will be losing that challenging T Square about then. Which means the numbers come off the page and into life. Things can grow exponentially for those engaged in business.

Friday, August 18th, the moon will be connecting with a well aspected Venus later today. The only drawback will be the state of world affairs which have to be sorted out. So, it may feel like there is a struggle between moving forward with plans vs inopportune timing. It is always wise to wait for the right timing… patience is a virtue even if you want to go in two directions. Today is better for studying the options.  Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, August 19th, this is a better day for the warm and fuzzy aspects of romance as the Moon moves into Cancer. While there does seem to be two stories playing out in the world of love, a deeper understanding of the situation can be intuited. Now you may not like what the illumination may reveal, but in life, there is always value in lessons and accomplishments. Work towards what heals the soul not the ego. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, August 20th, by later today, the moon will start to conjunct Mars in Cancer. Actions have been hard to muster lately, and today will be no different. It would be better to take time to get in touch with your real feelings and set a course with those into the future. You will soon be able to take action, so get the plan together today. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, August 21st, well the elephant in the room is the total solar eclipse. It happens exactly about 1:29 pm in Tulsa, OK. Of course, you will notice the change about an hour before and an hour afterwards. Both the Moon and the Sun will be in sidereal Leo with a very nice set of benefits helping out. If you are a fire sign, could be a fantastic day of energy and opportunities. If you have problems with fire energies, then try to reach past your comfort zone for something special. I like that analogy of being on a merry-go-round and reaching for a golden ring. It can be done, but there is a need for some caution in the process and choices. On top of that, the Sun is approaching the Star Regulus, the king maker. The Sun and Moon will also be opposite Neptune in Aquarius which means that harmonizing an imbalance with the common good of humankind has to be addressed. Adding the energy of the Moon on top of all this gives a tremendous amount of charge to the day. Everyone will experience something interesting, even if it is just collectively sharing a shift in our consciousness with others of like mind. Remember, today is the shift and next week will be concrete demonstration of change.  Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, August 22nd, the day starts out rough. The Moon (our emotional state) will interact with a retrograde Mercury that is opposite of Neptune. Much of yesterday will be rehashed but this time in public. I don’t see anything too chaotic but still significant. The details and rules are there and going forward as expected. If you are having to function in a freeform situation, it might be better to not make any decisions today as there is no plan B should someone flake out on you. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, August 23rd. technically the days starts out with a Grand Cross. Expectations with money and income could be disappointing. Roll with it, as in a couple of days the situation will look completely different because Saturn is shifting direction and is station or still right now. In that time of feeling ungrounded, know that you are part of a whole that is being pushed from internal change to outward change. Consider yourself lucky that you have the ability to just enjoy something simple with gratitude and soon more of that will flow your way. Great day for not stressing over what needs to happen. Create by feeling what you need. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, August 24th, today is going to feel like limbo again. Remembering to breathe deeply and take one well-grounded step at a time is important today.  The element that gives you grounding, Saturn, is station right now and will soon be shifting forward. Now is your test to keep it together and keep it positive so that your hard work will be rewarded. If you haven’t been working at life in general, then you might be having a harder time than most. I am afraid for those there is not much to hang on to, not even friends. Times like these self-reliance is important. Even if it is a bit of final self-review where you realize that you have had changes before and they have worked out when you had your wits about you and just kept trusting in the process. Tomorrow, the Moon hands off to Jupiter in Virgo bringing some really synchronistic opportunities. Moon in Virgo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, August 10, 2017



There will be a mix of frustration and understanding in personal relationships. A T square brings difficulties in nailing down commitments and details. If you are planning a wedding or other romantic event, double check all the details and your expectations. These will be mistakes you have made before and need to finally resolve. In this process, if you can focus on the healthy need to be patient and understanding. Use the opportunity to see what motivates your love interest. This again, is all a matter of perspective and patience. Stay attuned until August 20th when things will still be an issue but the urgency will dissipate.

Just when you start to get the hang of this powerful eclipse season, Mercury in Leo goes retrograde on August 14th. There is a very nice happenstance of the peak Persids meteor shower and a strong Grand Trine in water on the evening of August 12th. . Since I tend to love to grasp magical moments in time, for some fun on the night to morning of August 13th, make some heart felt wishes on the falling stars. Be careful what you wish for as the connections to bring it into reality are there. Added to this set of aspects is a Grand Square which will box in whatever your ideations tend to take you.  Here is when we learn a lot about ourselves and how our desires shape our future!

By next Thursday, the Sun will have drifted into Sidereal Leo with lots of fanfare. There is an urgency of power, hope, finding stability or taking a stand and taking chances. Surf this preliminary wave this week and then be ready to hit the ground running. Mars is following closely behind so that will add energy to all your efforts. Just focus on what is in your highest good.

Friday, August 11th, this is a day to tie up the work week and focus on understanding your mate and the many facets which sparkle when the two of you are together. Keep it high minded but real. This time is so potently charged that if you grovel in the dank soil of the past, you could get concreted into that space. So, create understanding and really listening to your mate. I say this because there will be big challenges with details to life and it is more important to consider what it unveils rather than if something gets done to expectations. Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, August 12th, things feel a bit boxed in today, but if you will focus, you will find lots of great opportunities abound. You will have to work for what you gain, plus only what is best for your situation will find any momentum. I know, it might just be something as mundane as getting all green street lights or the barista finally get your coffee perfect. What is important to note is there is a chance to up your game today. Tonight, spend some time watching the meteor shower and make some heart felt wishes. Moon in Pisces.

Sunday, August 13th, no matter how you struggle for things to gel, don’t despair as this moment may not be perfect. The sweetness of the day is whatever you want to make of it. I suggest taking this time to enjoy some real fun with those you love and let the world slip away for a while. You have earned it, and tease what you can out of a complicated situation. Moon in Aries.

Monday, August 14th, today there is another Grand Trine, but this time in Fire. Major headway can be made towards what you are wanting to transform into something next level for yourself. It may also seem like the world is co-creating with you! Stay focused, and remember the details and order of events. Getting ahead of yourself right now will not work as well as just taking it one step at a time. Even with Mercury going retrograde today, the drive to do what you need will pay off. Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, August 15th, the day presents some emotional tangles. Don’t fret as this is a time to delve into a bit of self-care and nurturance. Keep it healthy as anything else only dulls your abilities and insights that are flowing right now. The week is young and the conflict between common sense will be sorely conflicted with Mercury retrograde. Don’t believe all you hear or even what comes out of your own mouth. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, August 16th, there will be a gravitation to what is solid and real. We need these grounding moments from time to time to set us straight. So much is mixed signal and half-truths. Neither are worthy of our time, but we wade through them anyway. Put on your sensible shoes today and give it your best. Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, August 17th, the Sun moves into Leo with a conjunct with that point of destiny all in Leo. While this can have a potent spotlight on our Leo friends, it also can highlight things relating to leadership and right use of power. Abuses will be busted, while honest effort for the common good will shine. Your choice will lead you into which ever rabbit hole you want to explore. Expect erratic data points everywhere. The key to handling all of this is to simply make columns of categories and log in what you hear. Later you will be able to sort out what is really happening. Remember, keep it real and if possible wise. Moon in Gemini.

Blessings and peace, 
Connie Hansen


Thursday, August 3, 2017



I wanted to start out by discussing the upcoming eclipse season of August 7th and 21st. To complicate things there will be a Mercury Retrograde in the middle of it around August 13th or 14th. Basically, there is a two week window where events are set in motion with the Lunar eclipse and then fully fleshed out during the Solar Eclipse. Most people know that here in America, we will get the full brunt of the Solar Eclipse on August 21st. Just in time for everything that can go wrong with communications, will go wrong. Which brings home some big energies on our front doorstep. For me, I am expecting some infamous tweets. Most of the time I skip blow by blow accounts of what is out of our immediate control. But a quick understanding of outside forces on our government will affect us in our daily life. So, this is my time to touch base with this.

On August 7th, and the lunar eclipse, the moon will be in sidereal Capricorn. This can be a rather dark or stoic place for the moon and will be opposite the Sun in sidereal Cancer. Neither orb is happy in either of these signs, so that adds a huge stress. Imagine the sun is all watery and moody and the moon is all about dollars and cents.

A certain level of melancholy can follow this kind of eclipse. In times of great strain and change, many people are overwhelmed at how things have gotten out of sync with how things are supposed to be. Capricorn expects rules, foundations and general expectations to be honored, but they seem to conflict with what we find in our daily lives. Fortunately, what makes up our foundations and the unexpected shifts in events will look favorably on the needs of the future. But what that looks like will be hard to tell because of the cruelty being set upon us emotionally and trying to expose the culprit. It will seem like our darkest hour, but there is more than meets the eye that is working its way into changing the group situation. A less analytical way of saying this is facing the ugliest part of our nation will result in ousting those who perpetrate the outdated and unsustainable agenda, leaving breathing room for those who care about what is being done. It will take all of us to stay alert and voice our concerns.

Over the course of this eclipse season, the Sun will move out of Cancer and into Leo. A much happier place for the ole sol! Also the Sun will be leaving behind the dance with Mars which has created drama with no solutions. That is what can be cruel and picking at our vulnerabilities. With the movement into Leo on the next and solar eclipse, more optimism will arrive. To add some extra hope, there will be two sets of Trines bringing change in big circumstances, but not necessarily where we can all see the action. Could it be a string of subpoenas? Congress getting back together after a long separation? With Mercury retrograde at this point, there is big changes in hidden places. Add Uranus and its mischievousness, there is little doubt that something significant is happening behind the scenes, such as cyber attack. All I can say is there is some really good luck at this time, and it favors those who want positive change in the power structure. The fingerprints of shock and awe are written all over this Solar eclipse that crosses our country.

If you are looking for closure, it won’t happen quickly. Over the primary span of the Mercury Retrograde from August 13th to September 5th the little Hermes will be back tracking past everything in the public eye and giving us a second look. This time those who have not seen the truth will be forced to review the information in a new light. For the rest of us, exploring rough spots in our lives will be important to get right this second time around. Communications will be all over the place, so, be sure you are getting the real story. Don’t fall victim to reporters being emotional as they tell you the latest in this rerun of errors. Actually, you should be so turned off by the manic card being played that you simply find another news source. Watch out against manipulation! Never has it been more important to be savvy in what information you consume. By September 5th, the tide should be turning directly into a rehash of the worst of the worst and entirely something different will result, ie, wrong doers will start facing the reality of their actions.

As sideline from the eclipses, is Venus in Gemini will start to trine Neptune in Aquarius on August 7th to 18th. While not warm and fuzzy, it will bring one some fascinating friendships. In personal relationships, this is a time of getting things worked out. After that, until August 28th , a time for healing and understanding your personal power. The energy shifts when Venus goes into Cancer and hits that sweet spot with Chiron in Pisces after August 18th until August 28th. So for those dealing with the dog days of summer, perseverance will pay off! And be careful with your messages!

Friday, August 4th, brings a lot of movement into those important long range deals and needs. Don’t be surprised if some lucky and unusual gifts arrive. They can come from letters, proclamations or other oracles that are necessary to piece together the whole story. There is some setup to a fake story going around. Be vigilant. Moon in Sagittarius.

Saturday, August 5th, the set up to a story is being designed. As it gets started, hold your personal light high as this setup will be rehashed many times over the next month or so. With Mercury dancing over a significant house to the POTUS, expect some detailed notes being taken that will be used against him. No one needs to look any further than the guilty person for evidence. That will be reflected in your everyday life as well so look for comeuppance!  Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, August 6th, over the months a similar story has been ever present in our minds. Still gets back to if someone is doing their personal work, then the changes will flow for them. If you think you can cheat responsibility and personal integrity, the fates won’t leave you alone. It will seem that some of the noise is becoming chatter. But under that noise is a whole lot of big change. Your job is to look at your own personal life and make your loving connections when you can. Even tough love. Over the next two weeks, the unexpected will continue to surprise and intrigue you. I hope you are in a happy place, because otherwise it will be really tough going. Moon in Capricorn.

Monday, August 7th the lunar eclipse will not be seen in the USA as it will be exact at 1:11pm Central. Numerologists take from that what you want, but if you want to take a break in your day to push out the impractical and unsustainable, you could have a powerful response. Just remember that, when you make that kind of night and day change in your life, a cascade of dominos may fall at the same time. This is a great time to fight the crimes against humanity. Just as a side point, this is the full moon also, which lunar eclipses always are. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, August 8th the world as we know it could get a lucky boost. Not everyone will benefit, it is more for freedom fighters and progressive ideals. The day starts out with world news that can shake us up, but not threaten our security. Hold on tight, it just amped up a notch. Those that work against the common good, will find a lot of resistance. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, August 9th, there could well be a couple of days of secret assaults on the news and technology. Is the cyberattack beginning?  It is all bent on twisting, perverting or confusing those who are staying engaged. This is not a time to faint from the difficulty. Instead feel proud of you savvy towards finding deliberate propaganda and shut it down. Make sure you have a good antivirus program. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, August 10th, today is retraction day. Or back track day. This is our new reality of having to hold judgement on an issue until it has met with some level-headed critiques. At the end of the day, connect with those you love and take some time for gratitude. Those pursuits will offset your tension from the hidden battle that is waging right now. Take a note that just as Mercury in Leo opposes Neptune in Aquarius on the 12/13th then Mercury will become retrograde. Meaning a rehash of all that lead us up to this stress of our times. It will take Mercury about 5 days to clear out of this mess, but the story is not done. Watch your headlines and pay attention as this old story unfolds. Moon in Pisces by evening.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
