Thursday, August 17, 2017



After flipping through my delineator, I realized that Saturn, the old task master and giver of stability will start to go direct on August 24 and be in full forward motion by the 26th. In hindsight, this period of Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio has been one of reviewing what is ugly, nonproductive and in major need of transformation. Scorpio influences are always intense, which most of us have been experiencing. We have seen that in our political world and some of us have seen it in their personal lives. Always a good idea to deal with unpleasantness when it comes up instead of putting it off for another time. So those whose personal life has been hard, just remember what you ignored and try not to go that way again. In the political world, which also can also relate to commerce, has a shift from debating how to deal with an issue and turn into making it real. I know this is a few days after the heavily speculated Solar Eclipse, but things take time especially when it comes to actions of Saturn. Just on this aspect, I predict there will be a big shift in our political structure, and we will be living with it for a while. Hold on and think positive thoughts that it will be something close to democracy.

Most of this week, the Mercury in Leo Retrograde will be opposite to Neptune in Aquarius. The fight for understanding what is going on will continue with lots of illusion, diversion, and a few sneaky bits of inconvenient truth. By the 23rd the aspect will be passed but then Mercury will start to aspect the Sun, North Node and Mars which will bring more action. I tend to think favorably of these planets when in Leo. Which can eventually work in our favor as leadership and sincerity start to make an appeal to our higher senses. There are lots of challenges with some crucial beneficial aspects so this week will demand our full attention to sort out what is real. If someone says they can’t handle all the news, give them hope that if they start picking up all the bits and pieces they will be less likely to be fooled because they will know what has conflicts. Hang in there, it will come together sooner rather than later.

This shifts of retrogrades and oppositions to Neptune in Aquarius and Sun in Leo have a direct influence on the POTUS chart. I still believe that he is so fluid in philosophy that if those around him change, so does his outlook. He is in a very challenging stage, mostly because he violates basic laws in regard to a ruling star of Regulus in his chart. Neptune’s opposition weighs heavy on his clash with reality and stability. Regulus is a “king maker” of ancient astrology. It has one proviso, that you do good, serve the people and avoid revenge and nefarious behavior for power. Karma is getting ready to square this up with him. He has a choice in to how he uses this power. Actions and consequences will be his biggest test.

This week, in particular, will see the Stellum with Sun/North Node, Mars and soon Mercury have a pass over by the Moon. This will intensify all our reactions to what is going on. With the influence of Leo a lighter or fierce perspective will surface rather than depressive. Then the Moon will drift a few days and mix in with the energies of Jupiter in Virgo which will be losing that challenging T Square about then. Which means the numbers come off the page and into life. Things can grow exponentially for those engaged in business.

Friday, August 18th, the moon will be connecting with a well aspected Venus later today. The only drawback will be the state of world affairs which have to be sorted out. So, it may feel like there is a struggle between moving forward with plans vs inopportune timing. It is always wise to wait for the right timing… patience is a virtue even if you want to go in two directions. Today is better for studying the options.  Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, August 19th, this is a better day for the warm and fuzzy aspects of romance as the Moon moves into Cancer. While there does seem to be two stories playing out in the world of love, a deeper understanding of the situation can be intuited. Now you may not like what the illumination may reveal, but in life, there is always value in lessons and accomplishments. Work towards what heals the soul not the ego. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, August 20th, by later today, the moon will start to conjunct Mars in Cancer. Actions have been hard to muster lately, and today will be no different. It would be better to take time to get in touch with your real feelings and set a course with those into the future. You will soon be able to take action, so get the plan together today. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, August 21st, well the elephant in the room is the total solar eclipse. It happens exactly about 1:29 pm in Tulsa, OK. Of course, you will notice the change about an hour before and an hour afterwards. Both the Moon and the Sun will be in sidereal Leo with a very nice set of benefits helping out. If you are a fire sign, could be a fantastic day of energy and opportunities. If you have problems with fire energies, then try to reach past your comfort zone for something special. I like that analogy of being on a merry-go-round and reaching for a golden ring. It can be done, but there is a need for some caution in the process and choices. On top of that, the Sun is approaching the Star Regulus, the king maker. The Sun and Moon will also be opposite Neptune in Aquarius which means that harmonizing an imbalance with the common good of humankind has to be addressed. Adding the energy of the Moon on top of all this gives a tremendous amount of charge to the day. Everyone will experience something interesting, even if it is just collectively sharing a shift in our consciousness with others of like mind. Remember, today is the shift and next week will be concrete demonstration of change.  Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, August 22nd, the day starts out rough. The Moon (our emotional state) will interact with a retrograde Mercury that is opposite of Neptune. Much of yesterday will be rehashed but this time in public. I don’t see anything too chaotic but still significant. The details and rules are there and going forward as expected. If you are having to function in a freeform situation, it might be better to not make any decisions today as there is no plan B should someone flake out on you. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, August 23rd. technically the days starts out with a Grand Cross. Expectations with money and income could be disappointing. Roll with it, as in a couple of days the situation will look completely different because Saturn is shifting direction and is station or still right now. In that time of feeling ungrounded, know that you are part of a whole that is being pushed from internal change to outward change. Consider yourself lucky that you have the ability to just enjoy something simple with gratitude and soon more of that will flow your way. Great day for not stressing over what needs to happen. Create by feeling what you need. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, August 24th, today is going to feel like limbo again. Remembering to breathe deeply and take one well-grounded step at a time is important today.  The element that gives you grounding, Saturn, is station right now and will soon be shifting forward. Now is your test to keep it together and keep it positive so that your hard work will be rewarded. If you haven’t been working at life in general, then you might be having a harder time than most. I am afraid for those there is not much to hang on to, not even friends. Times like these self-reliance is important. Even if it is a bit of final self-review where you realize that you have had changes before and they have worked out when you had your wits about you and just kept trusting in the process. Tomorrow, the Moon hands off to Jupiter in Virgo bringing some really synchronistic opportunities. Moon in Virgo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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