Thursday, December 28, 2017



Mars and Jupiter in Libra will be accentuating big bold moves in things that relate to the way we operate together. Some of that will be good and some will test our patience. Through January 17th, this action and abundance mode will be in full swing. Just remember that when it gets to mid-January, a new period of purging the old and embracing the new will begin, and that might not be so polite as the first part of the month. Build some good will while you can. This gradual conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Libra will culminate on midday January 1st through most of January 2nd. I would like to propose rather than staying up late to usher in the new year, to have open houses on the 1st by connecting with the people in your life that are important. The tone we set for the first day of the year, which is also timed with a full moon, can be earth shaking… in a good way! If that is not possible, then spending the day in gratitude and some austerity would be a wonderful counter to the excesses that have ended the year. Set the tone of sustainability.

Also, a short note on January being a double full moon event. The first day and mostly the last day of January will have a full moon. The one at the end of the month will also be a super moon and eclipse. Eclipses can be turning points in who you were and who you are becoming. Take the hints and opportunity to use the first full moon, January 1st, and create a wave of good deeds and gifts for the month and hopefully the rest of the year. Attitude and gratitude are everything right now.

Friday, December 29th, Risky behavior will case a backlash. Better to consider how actions will affect your health and how others look at you. In general, the news will say something inspiring and momentous, but we feel like we are going backwards and we are. Ask yourself if this is a history lesson being repeated and act accordingly. What is the best strategy on this edgy day is to make plans for the future that include your goals without the bad attitude. You are setting a tone, or shift in consciousness which can help tip the tide of depressive free fall. Those with heavy Aries influences, be very careful with your tendency for showing off or shock and awe. That behavior will really upset those you love. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, December 30th, present your best social face around noon, you know, smile and act polite. If practiced enough, then the pattern will be set as well as some of the bonuses of optimism. Others are watching and will judge you the rest of the day by your behavior. Give them a good impression! There are few difficulties today as people do their daily activities. But there is a heightened sense of anticipation as the new year and full moon approach. Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, December 31st news is likely to act as daggers to the heart. Be careful with what you say and what you think as they can bring some unintended consequences. Watch your health also. If you need to make some life style changes, begin with them today. The next couple of days will be setting a tone for your next year, make it count. Moon in Taurus.

Monday, January 1st, Happy New Year to you all. We need to see something other than contentious and debilitating agendas. While it won’t last, do get used to the groove of feeling centered, grateful and content with what you have. With the full moon in Gemini we will be all over the place with our desires. Focus those thoughts and avoid monkey mind of losses or disappointments. An after effect of a world of wanting more, we could learn to appreciate just what we have and how much that really is. This is a great day to call upon those you care about and have an open house where you wish each other something special and just be happy. Lots of magic can occur if we set the new year in the right tone. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, January 2nd, we have one last day of testing our new perspective of good will towards man. Balancing out your thoughts with higher philosophical platitudes will go a long way. Make the best of the near conjunction of Venus and the Sun in Sagittarius with higher ideals and understanding. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, January 3rd, your need for crutches and indulgences will be strong. You have probably taken some steps to improve your lot in life. This could be a test for those without the full resolve to be successful. Be strong, and you can go with the flow you desire. You just need to show the powers that be you are engaged and mean what you say. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, January 4th, fortuitous news comes our way as a Grand Trine connects with lucky synchronicities and where we need to go in the future. Be on your best behavior, like you have been for a few days and lots of great things can come your way. These really could be very good things, and maybe more in the genre of offers from others, as your personal efforts have lots of blocks. Look at it as the universe letting you know you are on the right track. Moon in Cancer.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, December 21, 2017



My question of the day was what is the effect of this tax bill? Saturn is in sidereal early degree Sagittarius which is also part of the scorpions’ tail. There are twin stars that relate to “attacks that you recover” and now “attacks that weaken”. My question is, who is weakened?

I took a quick glimpse into the future today to find when Saturn will be in sidereal Capricorn. That date is in February 2020 and as it negatively aspects Uranus we could be in quite an upheaval. Also, Mars in sharp and decisive Scorpio challenges Neptune in Aquarius relating to difficult public opinion. Neptune is direct then which lends to transparency or revelations that are undeniable. These challenges mimic the initial birth pains of the bill in 2017.

In-between now and then, when Saturn moves into mid decans of Sagittarius, perspectives will shift to optimism, but then what else can we do besides make the best of it?  A huge question about what we will learn from this is can you trust the elites to really be wise enough to establish a system that benefits all. Are they now beyond greed and ego? Will pressure among the elite peers curtail the degenerates? My intuition says Congress will placate donors, create a problem with the bill, then go into savior mode to fix it. All hoping we don’t remember they are the ones who created the dysfunction. It is all an amoral gambit to them.

So, after that cheerful prospect, what is the general horary or imprint of the present? Creating a tax bill during a Mercury Retrograde can be hazardous. Both failure and unintended consequences will pervade. Perhaps they know that, perhaps they are so goal driven it is immaterial. All I want to buy right now would be something short term like a movie ticket, I hear the new Star Wars is great!

This week will be a tight conjunction with the Sun, Saturn and Venus in Sagittarius on the Scorpion’s tail. By the end of the week, the Sun will start to pull away from attacks that weaken setting the stage for a more optimistic period just at New Years the week after. The intensity will be unforgiving. With Uranus aspects maybe this is a week ethical questions about the internet. Can we learn how our technology has to be managed in a way that empowers us, rather than as overloads.

Mercury goes direct on December 24th and will be retracing footsteps in Scorpio as it moves towards the Stellum of Sun, Venus and Saturn in Sagittarius. This means old issues will come back into focus. Also expect uncomfortable situations as the Draconian point (North Node relating to the future) the Stellum of Saturn/Sun/Venus Stellum as well as squares to Jupiter blowing up into controversy. So, anything gained over the last few weeks will be challenged or simply have flaws exposed.

Friday, December 22nd starts out with a stagnant Mercury trying to get out of reverse and a T Square creating real pessimism about the future. Luck is going to be hard to find. What is favored is stepping away from immersion of the social drama. Get what info you need, but know that two arenas are playing out at the same time. One in the system of things, the other is the loves and joys that heal the heart. Remember the best things in life are free. And money cannot buy love. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, December 23rd, look at what touches your heart today. Instead of dwelling on past injuries, consider our common threads that bind us. There is a reprieve to the general tension as people start to gear up for a feast, fun and moments of solemnity for the shift of the sun. I for one have felt like the encroaching darkness is having its toll. Each culture has a story to demonstrate this shift out of darkness which brings more light or the light or the hero. I for one rouse later during the longer nights as dream work busies me longer than what I can do in the daylight. Release the stress of pushing yourself to work out of natural order and start enjoying this potentially uplifting time. I know we are going in the wrong direction with squares to the Stellum and the North node. So, it is better to ask why are we stuck here? Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, December 24th, the day starts out with news of changes for all the wrong reasons. Somehow, it is simply put aside and living takes over. Otherwise, some significant lashing out will occur. If you have that “weird uncle” which you have to engage over the weekend remember inebriants will loosen tongues creating a war of words. There is a fair chance they will make their mark. Isolate from those who don’t get it. Ultimately that is an age old method of social sanctions. Otherwise there is a good chance people will be in the spirit of the time wanting to be happy.  Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, December 25th, keep focused on your actions representing how you feel. Others will notice if you are acting out or getting along. Avoid co dependent situations as they accomplish nothing. If necessary, maintain your mental health and enjoy the comradery of like minded souls and loved ones. Emotions will be seething off the radar, so approach known mal contents with caution. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, December 26th, everything just got really weird. Chaos is stabbing at the heart of what we hold dear. Chose your company carefully. While it is not good to be around clones of yourself, constructive discussion can be painful but beneficial. Not everyone will be up to saying what they mean. See through that and call them out. Rough emotional seas for a couple of days with the Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, December 27th, this day brings an uneasy truce between what is easy and where you should go. The future demands some tough choices. Honor the truth today. No need to lament letting go, just do what needs to be done so the next door will open. Consider a real live situation where you have two doors. One represents necessary change and one represents what you want for your future. As you open the door to the future, the wind picks up and closes the door to the necessary change. No healthy remedy will keep both open. Honor it. Moon in Aries by late day.

Thursday, December 28th, a new day dawns and things are clearer today. Things have been set, for better or worse and time to carve out some personal space. The Sun has moved away from the tail of the scorpion and that just leaves Venus (our desires) and Saturn (foundations and life lessons) still it assault. A really good time to take the broad view of your situation and how you fit in the bigger picture too. Doing things to create wellbeing and open mindedness are imperative today. Some things will become very clear. Moon in Aries.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, December 14, 2017



With Venus aspecting the Sun this week, expect to meet someone special or something really cool to happen. Wishes can be made and a fair chance that Santa will deliver. With positive influences with the Draconian point of the future and Uranus still hovering in Aries, something new and significant will happen in record time. Yes, and that is among the random craziness happening around us!

The Sun also shifts into Sagittarius bringing some much-needed good cheer and time to reflect on what is best. Think carefully as any changes are going to be grounded for a while as the Sun also starts to co-join with Saturn. There are a lot of surprise shifts involved this week. Be on your best behavior and make sure you think about anything interesting that comes your way. It may be a chance in a lifetime.

The only hindrances this week will be as the Moon traverses the Stellum (Saturn/Sun/Venus/Mercury) your hidden agendas or fears may play havoc with your choices. I am not sure how to explain this, but there are two situations running simultaneously. Even being in public will bring out some major anxiety if you don’t use good sense to override the fears. I am not proposing recklessness, but gather your tribe and enjoy the adventures. There is safety in numbers.

Friday, December 15th, do a check in with your mental health today. Getting a balance on it now will help you access the bonanza of events that will happen this weekend and early next week. Good vibes around you can be felt but that will shift when another struggle occurs. Just make sure you are not struggling with yourself also! We are in exciting and challenging times. Keep the momentum of wisdom gained from past and refuse to repeat the mistakes. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, December 16th, this is a day to trust the process because you will feel like it just failed… but it really did not. This is a period of knowing there are excellent reasons for laws and structure to be in place, because when emotions get out of sync, they are not wise. This will be in the bigger world and in your own household. Tomorrow the fortunes of all will make more sense. Know when to allow and when to make things change. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, December 17th, confusing news and events mix with fun in your personal life. Give more attention to joys and just stay informed on the bigger picture. A lot will balance out over the next few days. The future just took a sour turn, but that will pass by late January. There are so many scenarios playing out right now, keep your private circle happy and grateful. Moon in Sagittarius by evening.

Monday, December 18th. This is a new moon, and an excellent time to do some pre-New Years housecleaning or emotional clearing. This evening will present some golden moments to let go of what seems to be stubbornly haunting you. I am not sure how to explain this, but there are two situations running simultaneously. One is our citizenship and levels of fear are challenged while strange and miraculous new discoveries are being unearthed. If you can contain the fear mongering, and look clearly at what is under that rock in your life, you may just beat the cosmic challenge and grasp that special something for your life. It is like night and day with the Sun and Saturn in the tail of the Scorpion. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, December 19th, as the dust settles from yesterday, there is an excellent opportunity to sort out things in a new light. I know most people reading this will do fine, but they probably know others who will not be. The pressure is significant to change your perspective. If you are in the right flow for you, you will be fine. Just think of all those that ignore abusive behavior because they somehow think the solution is tainted? Our choices in life rarely are clear. But what you chose is more significant to demonstrate who you are. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, December 20th, for better or worse, short term solutions will be the status quo for how people generally think. Luck will seem to have gone on vacation for a while. Keep up the struggle, as it is necessary for about a month. There is some positive movement today, but it needs lots of help to thrive. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, December 21st, today is like sword play. Cutting at precision points but yet not enough damage to call a winner. Lots of fixation on the goal but your personal efforts are just struggling to bring relief. At the end of the day, count your scores and wounds and decide what your next move will be. Moon in Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen

Thursday, December 7, 2017



The general trend this week is Mercury in its retrograde motion will be moving out of Sagittarius and back into Scorpio and intersecting the Sun again. So the mood shift of honor and philosophy will revert back to letting go or sinking. What this says is a big issue that needed to be transformed back in mid October (around the 16th) will need more attention and conversation. Such as the Russian Trolls, death of special forces soldier, Muller, Weinstein and other important issues.  At that time Jupiter was also aspecting events in a different situation. Which is Jupiter and Mars in Libra. Justice is highly suggested or major deals and contracts. This will have a harsh aspect because Mars in Libra will be weakened and Jupiter is all about making things bigger than usual. Yes, contradictions of who is responsible will be very evident. December the 13th should be a pivotal day.

Through the week, and more challenges to ideals vs what is comfortable. At some point ideals need to adjust to where they are comfortable, not just a clash of ideology. Perhaps a chance for compromise. The news will be full of opinions, be sure to sort what is fact and what is an opinion.

Friday, December 8th, has a fortuitous Grand Trine with a focus on what the future will look like and how stable we will be. Lots of difficult aspects around it, so my best opinion is when it comes to things at home, or balancing out life, we have more power today to settle disagreements. In the bigger world, there is a great deal of discomfort which will work its way into our lives throughout the week. Lesson here is don’t overload on news, take time for your life, and make every minute count. Moon in Leo.

Saturday, December 9th, there is an uneasy balance between what we can do and what is going to happen. There is no guarantee positive change will occur. So, being a holistic thinker, meditation on correct human relations can be the result of the price being paid. In everyday life, this makes you stick to your word and show that truthfulness, as best as you can muster, is how you will interact. The outer world and the inner world will be very stressful. Take time to defuse. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, December 10th, don’t believe everything you hear, which is normally good advice but especially today. What is being said is trying to hit your trigger points. When you are re-acting you fall into a predictable pattern. Count to 10 before you react to a statement. You want to piece together what is happening rather than rely on an interpretation for you. Consider the last time you tried to read an insurance disclosure about what is covered. It may on the surface sound like you will be covered, but that legal ease really means you will not be covered. Moon in in Virgo by mid day.

Monday, December 11th, slowly but surely old issues will come back into the conversation. Unresolved contests of will, creates a pugilistic environment. We have been here before, it is an opportunity to think and respond in a better way. Still lots of resistance to where things are going. Pay attention to your own life because those areas can be addressed. Things in the bigger world are still out of your hands. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, December 12th, perhaps more of us are becoming spiritual warriors, but today savor the sweetness of knowing what we are hearing is important, but get the details. No more short sound bites. Get the full story. Our strength is in being able to hold reason as our guardian rather than hiding from how things are shifting. And there is still an uncertain outcome, thanks to Mercury being retrograde! Things that are not fully formed can collapse in a retrograde. Just make sure you are not acting out of old illusions which are being brought back into view. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, December 13th, among our greatest discomfort, the greatest surprises can happen. Jupiter, Mars and the Moon in Libra are loosely conjunct through the day. Especially in the late afternoon. Connecting with Neptune in Aquarius, something will awaken our collective vision of where we go next. Perhaps in less hysterical times, it would be the swoon of Christmas or Yuletide. But with so much focus on what the future will hold and what is going to be in our pockets, that realty will show its self today. There is favor in the unexpected, so look deeper into the news and events that happen today. But still there will be an uncomfortable feel to it all. Know who you can count on! Moon in Libra.

Thursday, December 14th, Venus is joining with a Stellum with Mercury, the Sun and Saturn. While the passage through the tail of the scorpion (actions of attacks that weaken), there is a certain grace to how things work out. This will continue for a couple of weeks as Venus transits these other celestial bodies. I suggest that how loss or defeat is handled says more about you than winning at any cost. Venus will help sweeten the shift from one phase to the next. For some people, lost lovers may show up in the next couple of days. Remember the lessons learned from the past and don’t repeat mistakes. This could be a new beginning for romances that were not timely. Moon in Libra.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
