Wednesday, November 23, 2016



That crux point with what we need to transform in the general collective consciousness will continue until December 5th, when it will turn into more mainstream challenges. Most of what has been going on is how we internalize the outside. Next week that focus will shift, with hopefully a sense of better understanding and transformation. This involves all of us, so we need to heal ourselves and be part of the change. Just choose wisely.

Fortunately, many things in our personal lives will fall into place this week and that will help you interact with the world at large. So continue to focus on your inner dialogue and what you say to loved ones. With that said dicey times are head, so find your center every day before you step out, even if it is as simple as a satisfying morning ritual before you step out of the house. I recommend communing with your furry friend(s) in the AM and PM. That is what they are there for. They also tell us something interesting about being present and attentive, rather than fretting and fidgety.

Friday, November 25th brings some exact aspects with Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Virgo (transformation and the path to success). What this means is you know there is something really wrong, but you only have clues to what is the actual truth. It will be hard to trust your emotions today because they will want facts and only have subtle messages to pull together a story. On a practical approach, don’t sign anything unless there is a backdoor if things turn unpleasant. What is working well today is hard work and a bit of help from the supernatural. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, November 26th, despite the heaviness surrounding what we want and expect, there is a silver lining today. Your intuition should be better able to process information and you have more of a synchronicity with the more elusive elements to life. The test will be where does this fit with the transformation which needs to occur for us to get along better? There is some wild and crazy information flowing around us. Try to consider the source of the information before you internalize it. Some of it is valid and some of it is life lesson on how to sort out the lies. Remember the adage, “fool me once and shame on you, fool me twice and shame on me”. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, November 27th, today is a great day to take care of your head, heart, and body. There is a lot linking up to allow you to find that inner harmony. It is also helpful that personal desires should be happily moving forward today. The focus is fun, joy and togetherness. I like to think of today to move away from the material aspects and focus more on being present with the here and now. Just for today, enjoy it. There will be other days where staying informed about the comings and goings of the world will take over. Moon in Libra.

Monday, November 28th, the key to finding and living in a healing atmosphere are found in what you call satisfactory or sustainable. With Pluto in Sagittarius right now, our humor and honor are being slowly refined into something that will take us to the next level. Interestingly enough this is exactly where our biggest questions originate.  Find where you aid that process rather than fight it. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, November 29th, all that I said yesterday, will be tested. The Moon is dancing between the old school master, Saturn, and the Sun in Scorpio. Are you feeling what you are showing the world? Is it really something you can sustain? Are you being authentic? Even if you are embracing some heavy personal stuff, do what is necessary to learn from it and master it. Lessons come up so that we can grow, or remind us we still have more to accomplish. When you master this class, things will turn around. Then you get to work on how you fit with others? Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, November 30th, this could be an “eureka” day for many who have been working on big questions. The answer will come from reliable but unexpected sources. A Triad on this crucible will tie together what you are actively doing (physically or esoterically) and test it with how the rest of life is functioning. With all the long term T Squares in the works, don’t expect all the answers to be happy revelations. But starting from a point of better understanding is huge! Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, December 1st, probably some good news for those who are trying to see hope. Although it is just a snippet, most of us will take what we can get. In a few more days, better solutions will present themselves. So keep some hope in the future. We are creating it as we move along. Also as a sign of relief, Venus is moving away from Pluto now and inter personal relationships should be taking on a lighter, more secure feel. Moon in Capricorn.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 17, 2016



Last week the first layer of intrigue started with the T square with Uranus in Pisces/Jupiter in Virgo/Pluto in Sagittarius. Think of it as poor communication with chaos, bigger than life expectations and transformation. In review this is all about getting your details right or having chaos. In the world view I am seeing this as proving who is prepared and who is not. Now to add on top of that layer, is s set of squares with Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio and Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius. Think of that as all that we hold as information and stable will be transforming or dying mixed with trying to heal and understand what illusions or ideals need to come to the surface. All of this is affecting Donald Trump’s poorly aspected Natal Moon and us.

What does this mean esoterically? If you have social agendas that do not fit the best for the collective, you are going to face serious tests. There is no surprise he is having major problems selecting a cabinet that will work smoothly internally and externally (with each other and Congress). We probably will get about three weeks of information on this and then the structure will be under fire to perform. I get a lot of pain if all is not just right. With Jupiter, the master of leadership and big agendas, in Virgo of details and precision, I can only guess how it will affect the rest of us. There is a small light of harmony with Saturn and Uranus meaning that shocking and disturbing things will start to separate what is needed to happen and what needs to go. Like a baptism by flood, in this case, with all that powerful watery undercurrent. Emotions will be high and very vulnerable.

As a bright spot, on the home front, this should be a good week for fun and romance. Allow yourself to touch this aspect of life as the outer world finds its collective head. This is where you want to invest your energy in relationships that are fun and comforting. This is one of the few bright spots this week. You can also spend some time in gratitude for what you do have. This is a particularly beautiful time of year here in Oklahoma. Shifts in weather allow you to ease into deeper fall sentiments and color. And while I have problems with the Pilgrim Thanksgiving aspect of this time, I do love it when I can share food with those who love an appreciate me. I hope you can allow time for that this week.

Friday, November 18th, there is a Grand Trine bringing together the Sun/Moon and Chiron. Choose decisions to live a more conscious life, add an important activity for the winter months or simply find some time to be happy and grateful for simplicity. Add another layer on the new and improved you! Moon in Cancer.
Saturday, November 19th, there should be some interesting leaks of good information come out over the day. Not all the pieces have come together yet, but still another piece of the puzzle will come into view. Many will feel it rather than hear it. Which is fine also. Also, a good time to consider the extraordinary or unusual avenues of information, Uranus could be sending you special info in the late afternoon. We are complex beings who operate on many levels, and intuition or feelings are valid parts of that healthy life. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, November 20th, there is a Grand Trine with Uranus/Saturn/Moon today. Combining this with Neptune finally stopping and beginning forward motion, you can expect some mysteries to be released. I expect some major “ah ha” moments.  Neptune has been in retrograde for months which is not ideal for big decisions. None the less, big decisions have been made and the reality will start to emerge now…. Slowly. A great day to make that extra push to work on something that is towards making your own luck. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, November 21st, could meet up with some back tracking today. This will probably be feeling off or just not in the mind set to work or be productive. Many will find a new cloud of dissatisfaction with their lives or plight. I also suspect with Neptune opposite the Moon and Draconian points will mean some ill feelings towards something you held true. Or simply found out you have been lied too, and now know it! We have all been there! Don’t take it out on innocent people! Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, November 22nd, another day of knowing you got it wrong. Sometimes it is helpful to make it up to someone who stood their ground on an issue. What is looking good is this time allows for bridges to mend and better understanding of what is best for the future. But there will be pain, just don’t fall into misery. Really good time to talk it out and set new foundations. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, November 23rd, a great day to do a personal reality check in. There is a sense that all that was right in the world is being challenged. And it is! The Draconian points are bringing out the ugly points that were hidden from view for so long. This hits everyone in some way or another. Instead of holding fast to failed or disproven ideas, forgive yourself, pull up and dust off, and know you are wiser for the experience. So many over the last few years have been fighting change, and now it is on their door step like a bad Halloween trick of a flaming paper bag. No pity, but see past the “I told you so” moment. Also, be very health conscious. Don’t let bad habits drown away your sadness or anger. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, November 24th, it is Turkey day, and some of you will find it in your heart to pardon that turkey in the family. Don’t get me wrong, there is a big chance some blow ups when tender points are pressed. The Moon will be crossing Jupiter in Virgo today with a square to erratic Uranus. Check your recipes twice, and don’t over consume. Discussions may have facts but they are smothered in the gravy of feelings. Hardly a complete picture. The best way to deal with this is to find common ground and build on that. If necessary, do a bit of study on possible hostile debates so that you can connect with more foundational issues. Pro active is always the best way.  The world is NOT winners and losers. The world is making the best of what you have and striving for something better if you need or want a challenge. Moon in Virgo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 10, 2016



Friday, November 11th, brings a T Square with Jupiter in Virgo. Right now it is very important that the details be in order. Today something will feel like things are not at all right. Consider this a harbinger of this time next week when Jupiter will be in opposition to Uranus. If you are working on a project, know that the rules will change soon and don’t sign anything, including signing off on a project. It is not done. As the times have abundantly provided, there is a duality of things that will work and things that do not. Mostly called unpredictability. By next Thursday, you will be locked into a situation, like it or not. Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, November 12th, that big change you have been waiting for is on the horizon, but don’t expect it to turn out like you expect. The T Square with Jupiter/Uranus/Pluto will be activated with the Moon today. Expect your demands to be heard, but consequences will be harsh. Nothing like a splash into some boiling water to get you activated. Some good indications for relationships so focus will probably zoom in here. Maybe add some bubbles and all will be well. But for the bigger outcome, could be a tough time. Moon in Aries.

Sunday, November 13th, this will be a day where some equilibrium tries to come into our lives. Rather than waiting for outside sources to provide it, do something for yourself. Tomorrow is a full moon, so expect things to be intense and fiery. The future is a mixed bag of slippery noodles. Reminds me of Harry Potter and his friends eating jelly beans. Some will be animalistic; some will taste like snot. Choose carefully. Moon in Aries.

Monday, November 14th, expect some desires being acted upon. There are times where we wait and wrestle with timing. While the time is to do something, the outcome has a lot of challenges. Move on things you deeply want, so that any difficulty will be worth the price. Also, a full moon tonight. Should be spectacular if you have clear skies. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, November 15th, this is a day where an invisible box will hold you in place. It will not matter how you try to wiggle out of it, the fix is in. Again, there are plenty of positive connections in the skies right now, so not all of it is going to be bad. But for many, this snafu will be unexpected and you may not know what to do about it. Also, the Moon will be directly opposite Saturn today, so expect this to be a big emotional life lesson. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, November 16th, this is the day to expect something to come out of left field and affect your best laid plans. This involves Uranus the change maker and mischief maker. We will experience one or the other.  Uranus will be opposite Jupiter for a while now. Don’t expect this to lift until a peak around April 10th 2017. Whatever your challenge, it will grow and build until that time. Try to rectify it now because there will be a “remission” period and it will be back again. Also, today the Sun goes into sidereal Scorpio. A special time to learn to flow into change rather than balk and break. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, November 17th, a Grand Square is going to dominate the day. Yes, whatever your present Achilles heel might be, you will need to work on it. This boxing in will make more sense than it did yesterday as more data is evident. What is working is lots of information and foundational changes are in the works. Some of the information will be hard to sort out, so look for synchronicities to pull it together. Good luck, you will need it. Tomorrow you will have a better grip on it intuitively. Moon in Gemini.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Service Notice

Due to a overwhelming virus, this week's posting will either be later or not available. Never in my 63 years have I had something that was not a flu or pneumonia last so long. I think this is one time that changes in the climate are affecting all of us.

So sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope to be on the mend soon.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen