Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast January 30 through February 5


Not much will come easy this week, but then this will pass. This will be contrary to our need to get in and fix stuff. For me, I  plan on doing some resting activities outside of the few commitments that I already have.  There will be just a chosen few who will be able to make headway in this coming week, but it will be more mystical rather than physical. Plan accordingly.

Also the self revelations from our struggle with personal desires and reality will be very much in your face. All is good as long as you have a clear mirror to examine what blemishes need treatment and what needs surgery. Insistence on being in the right oscillating to deep despair can be challenging also. Stay close to your friends and moral supports. In the end, there will be greater clarity at the next step. Take lots of time to treat yourself well, keep on your health resolutions and face each situation with light and love. There are some strong triggers for anger this week, so don’t indulge them.

Friday, January 30th this would be a great day to take care of your taxes, especially if you are using an internet filer. With the uncertainty of the Moon in Sidereal Taurus the bottom line could keep you up at night. Consider that if the “deed” is done, then you can move onto the next year’s experiences and financial opportunities. Also a good time to check tax code for future adventures in business. This could give you some real insights to what could be an advantage if you want to set up a home office for that next generation of work possibilities. For those gardeners out there, today and tomorrow will be great days to start some seedlings.

Saturday, January 31st is a really a good day to get your head straight about a recent romantic change. Don’t expect any agreements to be long term as there is a fair chance of delusion. Remember that this is a time for cleaning the slate, gaining perspective in your personal lessons and centering from the ensuing chaos. It is cleaner this time because of the influence of Aquarius in these matters. Be thankful that is supporting what could be a really painful experience.  There is a beneficial connection with the Moon in sidereal Gemini working with Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius bringing a higher perspective. Remember to value yourself as well as other’s progress in life.

Sunday, February 1st in short, what has been said is done. Between a Grand Square, Grand Cross and a lingering opposition for the next couple of weeks, consider this time to do a good smudging of your house, car and possessions. Get all the last remnants of a difficult situation out of the house. Then take some time to treat yourself to loving and caring relationships. It is time to recharge for the next week.

Monday, February 2nd the Moon moves into sidereal Cancer today bringing possible water works and general ill temper. Gather strength in looking at your true stability and how that has improved. Only personal time gaining perspective can benefit you. Expect some hard feelings and hard words, but know that venting is just another way of communicating. Consider what the unsaid script actually is. Get to bed early so that you don’t lose your personal momentum.

Tuesday, February 3rd this is one of the luckier days this week, especially for those who make their own luck. If you have successfully faced the challenges of late; then you can see some foundational changes in your perspective. There will also be a chance to face off against authority. Know your stuff before you do this meeting and all will be well. Perhaps the key is to know that something is up right now, emotions are flying and a boss is looking for someone’s head to roll. Be prepared and he will know you are up to speed with the process.

Wednesday, February 4th  this is probably going to be a quiet day.  Use your critical thinking to determine what is real and what is illusion. There is a chance that someone is covering up a big mistake and they are willing to let another take the heat. Don’t get caught in the cross fire. This might turn out to be a day when you see justice served by an interesting set of events. There are powers for good out there and we need to see them at work occasionally, so keep the faith in justice.

Thursday, February 5th back to mixed messages and uncertainty of what is right. Delay any decisions for a while as the truth is having trouble coming into the light. You will just have to trust that what transpires is for the best. Actually there could be some relief when it all collapses down into a single point. The Moon is in Leo and expect false leaders to make a lot of noise for the next couple of days. If you are lucky it will only be posturing on the news with various candidates.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Alchemist Meditations for Venus in Aquarius Love Designs

Alchemist Meditations Venus in Aquarius January 26th 2015

Here is the pod cast link:  Meditation for Venus in Aquarius Love Designs

One of the biggest questions that comes up in readings and other inquiries is what is going on with  personal romance. This is not a tangent to the meaning of life. It is the root of why we have relationships and have incarnated. In the process of various types of relationships we understand more about how we operate and what our impact is around us.

Right now we are in a challenging period for those juicier things in life.  Although we want to dwell on that elixir of life, set it aside for a few minutes while you take a wider view. We are faced with personal questions of “if this is so unfulfilling, why am I continuing with the relationship?” Venus in Aquarius forces us to review our ideals, expectations and experiences in our daily relationships. If we take some time to dive into what those look like, we can understand more about what to expect and where we need to adjust. If you are to focused on ideals, you can cause just the opposite. Also this is a good time to take a close look at why there may be a disconnection to those expectations. This will be the work of this meditation.

Also, this meditation is mostly written for those who are alone and looking at finding someone special. You can adjust to make this meditation a way to improve an existing relationship by discovering something hidden.  If you can open up to what follows, you will be in a better place to draw in a satisfying intimate love. When Venus moves into Pisces later in February I will post a meditation for helping to draw in that love. So let’s get started.

Tools needed are:
·         Pencil and paper (a pen is OK also)
·         Pink candle, white candle, yellow candle and purple candle. Very small ones for just this purpose are great.
·         Lighter or matches… I prefer matches as the smell of sulpher is typically used for clearing out negative forces.
·         Dragon’s blood incense, either the stick or in resin form with a lighted charcoal.
·         Soft music without words but brings happy thoughts.
·         If possible sit next to or in a sunny window.  

·         Start the charcoal or incense
·         Start the music
·         Comfortably sit in the sunlight.
·         Release tensions of the day and pressings needs from your consciousness, do this by taking in a deep breath, holding it, then letting out any anxiousness held in your body and heart. When clear, light the candles.
·         Light your candles with these intentions:
·         White for protection through this energetic journey
·         Yellow for peace of mind and clarity
·         Blue for calm and understanding
·         Purple for connecting with your highest good or divine source.

Take in several more inhalations and exhalations to find that meditative peaceful state of being. It is important to do this centering work.

On the paper, create three columns. At the heading of each put Agape, Platonic and Eros.
Now I want you to focus on all the people in your life. First sort the relationships into which ones are people you love for their contribution to others. How they have helped others and you. Create a short sentence or phrase to describe them. Write them down under the Agape column.  This can be spiritual leaders, mentors, relatives etc. Remember their gift. These are the people who fulfill agape love. This is unconditional love that it is impossible to take or to be taken. It is also brotherly love.

Second, gather people in your life that provide platonic love. This is the type of love that gives a spiritual connection between people. This is someone who inspires you to your best work. It is also unconditional as there is an understanding of “growing as you go”. This is where there is a meeting of minds. Consider what they are best known for. Create a short sentence of phrase to describe them and write it down under the Plutonic column.

Third, gather those who have inspired Eros, that sexual attraction that brings people together. It also provides the glue to hold people together while they develop the other forms of love which will sustain the relationship over a lifetime. Is there someone who has connected like this? Create a short sentence of phrase to describe them and write it down under the Eros column. Are any of these people in your everyday life or are some in mass media?

Now comes the tough part. Find those who have intersected between Eros and the other vision of love. Are there any overlaps? This is an important question if your intimate relationships have a habit of not working out.  What are your triggers for Eros? Spend some time thinking on this. Note those virtues at the bottom of the page.

What ideals are shared with those who are in the Agape and Platonic love group? Do any of them connect up with Eros?

At this time, consider what you do when you find Eros awakening? Where are the successful overlaps with Agape and Platonic as well as arousal? Here is your personal work, to sort out how you are aroused and what is around you that satisfies your emotional needs. Is there a disconnection?

The hard part of this is to decide what you are attached or attracted to, and what is being presented to you as intimate relationships. Consider this over several nights of dream work and meditation. Keep a journal.  Even just watching for synchronicity in your everyday, will allow moments for you to understand what you are doing vs. what you are getting. The trick here is to discover hidden agendas that sabotage your relationships. When we get to the next phase, you will be able to answer what attachments to let go of because they may not relate to what is sustainable.

Here is the final key to be prepared for next month, how does my vision and emotional connection look now? Form it carefully in your mind, then feel it in your heart. Let there be a new emergence of your vision that has fine tuned qualities. Repeat this three times then write it down.

Start to become aware of your surroundings again. Slowly open your eyes and move about so that you are back in the here and now. Take notes of your experiences and revelations. Revisit this meditation if necessary to dig deeper into unanswered questions. Keep this in mind for the next three weeks so that you can start to change your attraction energy. If it is helpful, gather up photos of all the people on your list and compare them.

Blessings and Peace,

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast Jan 23 thru 29 2015

The currents for romance have us feeling frustrated with the classical desires of Eros. What is my challenge to you is to determine how many types of relationships you have. How many friends, special plutonic relationships and how you feel about people in general. Venus has moved into Sidereal Aquarius and our perceptions of ideals and our fellow human beings will be tested and evaluated. Pick up the missing pieces and see how much fuller your life will begin to feel. I will be offering another installment of Alchemist Meditations for preparation of next month’s journey of Venus in Pisces.

Mercury is in retrograde right now and last week I mentioned that there will be beneficial aspects during this phase. For this week, consider personal changes that create a better future. Face at least one of your personal demons and square off. Frequently that which we fear the most turns out to be less of a concern when we gather courage and deal with it. Over time we all have that choice to choose which path we take. If you use the test question, “how will this change or action impact my future?”. If you weigh the cause and effect, you have just taken a step to mastering your faults and ventured into a stronger personal attitude.

All this week there is a high probability for special surprises. Some will be good and some will be more challenging. These could include material things, but mostly will relate to the intersection of home and heart. Uranus is part of this mix and is still challenged by our need to personally change into something greater than we are now, a continuing theme for some time yet to come. Face this personal question so that you can then ask the importance of what to bring into the future and what to leave in the past as lesson learned. Cause and effect evaluation is essential right now. There is a strong tendency for self delusion so consider chatting with a trusted confidant for a reality check. For my personal struggle it is how to maintain momentum with my enterprises with impediments flaring up with each step. Usually our biggest struggles are those small pesky things, especially if we have been on a conscious path for a long time. Be glad if your challenges are seemingly small rather than life changing.

Here is the audio pod cast for this report for those who wish to listen to the forecast:  Cosmic Waves Forecast Jan 23 -29

Friday, January 23rd among the flurry of self discovery, we may simply focus on our personal health regimes. We have many ailments both physical and psychical that need attention in these dark dreary winter months. This is a time where we are tired of the cold, and yet forced to stay home bound. In some areas, spring feels like it is just a month away, but our biological rhythms say focus on your cocoon and later the unfolding will occur. When your health is at its best, so will your next seasonal experience. With the Moon in sidereal Aquarius for the next couple of days, our ideals and humanitarian side will be worth reviewing again.

Saturday, January 24th today will be a great day for emotional and psychic epiphanies. Consider what will bring you the most wealth, return on investment or stability. You may not be able to put words to your discovery, but you will know the right connection when it comes up. Do some journaling while the inspiration is fresh. This could also be a great day to take note of last night’s and tonight’s dreams. Your dream time is where you play out astral, psychological and fun possibilities. These dreams could be very influential in navigating your next new enterprise.

Sunday, January 25th with the Moon conjuncting Uranus in Pisces today expect synchronicities and surprising messages from within and unusual sources. For those who meditate or have a similar spiritual practice, stay very open to divine suggestions and guidance. From an early Zen Buddhist practice, I found a connection with nature that would give me insights to very profound revelations. Allow yourself some time outside to gather special messages from nature. Like the flight of crows that bring your attention to newly awakened branches in a field of snow. Change is around us right now, stay tuned in.

Monday, January 26th Activity and healing are keys to today’s discovery. Create a focal point on work and what makes your day significant. Is it working for you? Those who can openly discuss and exchange ideas with peers or experts will benefit greatly. Personal attitude is shifting right now to a new paradigm. So don’t get too attached to your personal insistence of what has worked in the past, and find something sane to embrace for a better future. This could be as simple as adding some activity to your routine if you are sedentary all day. What is your sleep like? Are you mentally tired but not physically active? The Moon will ease into Sidereal Aries today creating angst to start something new.

Tuesday, January 27th today favors starting some activity that involves other people. Joining a Tai Chi or yoga class gets you into connecting mind and body. Do be aware that not everyone in the group is there for self improvement; there could well be an ulterior motive that is not so evident.

Wednesday, January 28th personal revelations will start to focus into something impressive. This could well be a day where new territory is laid out to provide a that next step. Embrace what you and your higher divine influence have crafted and implement your next phase. Not a good day for romance so if someone is pushing that on you, know there is a game being played. Learning opportunities are everywhere so if someone is less than honest, give them reason to know that is not where you are and let them go. Don’ let the Moon in Taurus give you a case of pushy and stubborn tantrums.

Thursday, January 29th just a series of bland days have passed, a set of wonderful alignments with the Moon in sidereal Taurus create a situation where you can find your confidence and articulate just why someone should hire you or give you credit for a project. For those who need a sip of “liquid luck” lots of good luck and special situations can be optimized-. There is a Grand Trine in earth today with a focus on intuitive special occurrences.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast January 16 thru 22nd 2015

This week the moon’s placement will be particularly important. As it crosses some very powerful planets and a “stellum” we are bound to see a mix of unexpected surprises and significant challenges. Times like this, what is needed to be acknowledged so we can take responsible action. You may feel you are going to lose something important but the change will allow something rather satisfying to fill the emptiness. This could be a new direction for many people. Also the feel of this week will be waves cresting and receding. How hard you have to maintain the outdated willfulness exponentially creates extra havoc. Be smart. It is easier to make changes along the way rather than something that creates a big tsunami. Resistance is futile!

Another week with Venus and Mercury will be humming along with the future as we are creating it. Great news and affirmations from loved ones will keep flowing. Keep the conversation going, because times are changing daily. Jupiter is still in opposition to these two planets, but it is in retrograde. This means that the big changes are within us and our perspective. I don’t know who coined this phrase but “attitude is everything”. If you work hard to keep a clear head and in reality, you will surprise yourself with how this is amplified. Conversely, we are dealing with an opposition that creates an opportunity to come to a balance with ourselves, if you focus on tired, discredited concepts, that will look much worse than it should.

Here is the audio blog for those who wish to listen to the forecast: Audio version of Cosmic Waves

Friday, January 16th brings a day where the Moon in sidereal Scorpio is passing the old task master, Saturn. The highlight of today will be what have you left behind and where is your energy going to be focused. There is a heavy square to our ability to function as a society. Every action should be reviewed as how it affects those around you. ideals could be shattered, but look for the next phase. Our best is expected.
Saturday, January 17th today will be much easier. Especially for those who will allow intuitive insights to help you on your way. This could be a big day for major revelations at home or what you call home. Mostly good vibes this day. Many who have to make sense of some recent changes will find healing. Just focus on the healing aspects because there could be a strong tendency to just be angry. In your outer affairs, give someone some space if they are acting out. There is a reason. There could also be some good news about a future event. That event will relate to your work effort and best laid plans. Also health rewards could be reaped today.

Sunday, January 18th today we will want to just ditch the difficult. The keen point here will be if you are ditching something that has been dysfunctional? Don’t let a bad habit suck you back down with it. Rise above the norm and surprise yourself with your smart choices. Ideas, ideals, and maybe a bit of flaky behavior will dominate your to do list.

Monday, January 19th most of this day will be quiet for you to process the weekend and get your work done also. Definitely a day to let things fall into place after the shake ups over the weekend.

Tuesday, January 20th brings the Moon is now in Capricorn swinging past the Sun. Things that have to do with money, markets, authority, property and legal briefings will be highlighted. Could also be a good day for job offers that did not make it last night. Notices to better security will be brought into the picture as well. Work and money are both highlighted. So stay connected for anything to happen.

Wednesday, January 21st the moon will make its way through the stellum the 21st, 22nd and the 23rd. this means that emotional containment will be necessary to deal with any potential bad news. Couple this with Mercury going retrograde will mean it is time to double check details. This could relate to business problems, money losses or general difficulty in getting work to perform . This will feel like a bottom as fallen out of the floor. But know that if it did not happen this time it was not meant for our future.

Thursday, January 22nd brings a chance to be retrospective to how the whole world works. The Moon moves into sidereal Aquarius and we start to see a pattern. Questioning our world view will take a bit out of us. There will be some nefarious activities that cloud your judgment, so be careful of getting to far from the facts. Tomorrow we will have a much better perspective on our situation. Another noteworthy bit of information is Venus will move into Aquarius. This gives us a chance to consider higher ideals when it comes to love and life. Remember the Greeks three forms of love? Gravitate towards agape love of your fellow man and friends. It is not all just sex and stuff.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Monday, January 12, 2015

Alchemist Meditations

Alchemist Meditation January 13th 2015

The purpose of this offering of meditation is to allow people to listen, transform and elevate. Working with the divine elements around and within you adds the creative element to a better place and better person.
Each meditation offered will have correspondences with the astrology of the time. This meditation can be done several times until desired result. You cannot rush personal development, so if you come to a block, rest from repeating the meditation. In the future new insights and information will surface for further work.
This meditation will go through several layers of personal work. To set up the meditation it is best to prevent all annoyances and interruptions. This particular meditation will be beneficial for self discovery. Go through the layers of meditation until you have come to a point of clarity. Then you will center and hold that new perspective. Unnecessary elements are systematically removed or refined until a next level is created, centered and clarified.
·         Incense (frankincense, myrrh, amber) any of these is good.  
·         White candles, your choice of one, two or three. (consider if the candles will represent just a point of focus, balancing out polarities or duality in your work, or considering the trinity of creation which is will, love and the perfection).
·         Comfortable seating, darkened room.
·         Small garden pot
·         Container of soil
·         Seed of something fast growing like a sunflower seed
·         Scarves (2 or 3) Place these over your shoulders, arms or head.
·         Bowl of water (place in front of you) with a small wash cloth and towel

Begin your voyage:
Position bowl of water in front of you. Place candles in fireproof container at a safe distance, but easily visible. Place the soil, pot and seed to your right. Drape the scarves on our head, arms, shoulders or appropriate area needing work.
Light your incense.
Visualize you are seated in an open circle outside on a summer’s eve. Comfortable breezes caress your face as the fire pit in front of you gently crackles and sparks. You visualize yourself as comfortably sitting under the stars inside an ancient temple. As if looking above your body, view the scene. This will invite your higher guardian or divine self into the meditation. Your divine self sees interference and discord around your aura. Now come into yourself and visualize looking into a fire. You state your purpose relating to harmony of philosophies and good will to others.
Consider your conflicts.
Now as you connect with the fire, the interference in your aura will start to melt away. This is also considered negativity. It will start slowly and then become a flow into the earth around you. When it touches the earth, it will recombine with dirt and become grounded and sanitized. You will feel this as the body is warmer and warmer until the bulk of the distraction is melted off of you. What is left is your shinning spirit and soul newly cleansed.
Now look into the water bowl and consider a hindrance to yourself improvement. Recognize the problem and cleanse. Just do one at a time. Take your time in washing the final particles of this set of resistance.
There is yet another layer to be removed. This one is of deeper conflict or duality. Dig deep, was it caused by outside conditioning, poor planning, bad luck, or a traumatic event stifling you? See this difference as separate from your true self. When ready, quickly pull off the scarves, one by one as you rid yourself of the confusion of conflicting concepts. This should leave you with a centered perspective.
Now imagine you are gazing into the night sky. Connect with the stars and recognize a higher truth which is illuminated now. What is that truth? Has this created a shift in your being?
Now look down to your right and see the soil in front of you. Consider the soil where earlier your negativity and interference flowed into. Now it is cleansed and grounded from your negativity.  Now take the small pot and put soil into it. Take your right finger and poke a hole in the dirt. In this hole place the seed. Take a bit of water from the bowl and water the planting.
Wash away the material issue and dirt from your hands, wash them in the bowl of water in front of you. Then wash your face with this water to cleanse. You have now completely separated yourself from the hindering elements you were carrying and now transformed into something with fresh potential.
Return your focus to yourself. Separate yourself from the outside influences by centering your breathing and composure. Balance the opposites within you that are scattered, like defragging a hard drive. Fill in the blanks and re sort the pieces until you feel a wholeness of spirit and soul.
Focus on your chakras. See the red of the root chakra and feel the foundation of your being in the improved personal space. Activate.
See your sacral chakra, and the orange glow it projects. Gather up intensity in that orange glow so that you feel the ability to create and design. Activate.
Raise you vision to your solar plexus. See the yellow light start to pulsate as you have a new, clear vision of what you can do. Activate that chakra.
Now center in the heart area, this is the most intelligent part of your being. Honor it with allowing the green glow to grow and pulsate in love with the other activated centers. Activate the Heart.
Come to the throat area and see the blue glow of your ability to communicate. Let the spot glow for a few moments. Take in a deep breath through the nose and then breath out a quick breath. Know that your words will reflect your transformed state. Activate the throat.
The indigo flame of the ajna center or forehead begins to glow. Allow this to connect with your other activated centers. This is where you gain insights from your divine source so you will act in accordance with the higher plan. Activate.
The crown of your head is the violet blue lotus flower to opening up. This will connect you with the higher consciousness. Let all the petals expand. See the column of light enter into your being and connect all your centers. Activate.
You now have re-booted yourself in the newly conditioned form able to have better human relations.
Slowly return to awareness of your surroundings. Open your eyes and continue to adjust to this recent change to higher consciousness.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast January 9th through 15th 2015


To start the week review, I wanted to focus on romance. While this won’t be a time for warm fuzzy exchanges, it will be a time to create a solid practical foundation for relationships. Those who want to build a better tomorrow will find this time conducive for down to basics understandings, discussions and activities. Now through January 18th will find the most positive results. After that Mercury will go retrograde making mixed communications possible. So build your base now, and then the rest will be negotiable. This will also be a very good time for work, income and positive connections concerning the future. This time will have a number of surprises both in your perceptions and those relating to spiritual experience.  

Also, take note that January 21st will be the beginning of a Mercury Retrograde. While not everyone will be introduced to the trickery and snafus that time can present, we all are affected by someone else’s troubles. Good reason, to spend this next week and a half working on personal relationships and their economic future. The retrograde will persist though February 10th. Fortunately there are some rather protective aspects to Mercury this time which will provide some cushion to the difficulties. As always, keep on your toes during that time and ask questions if something does not seem to be right or is missing. Trust others enough to let them correct a mistake and then move on.

For those who pay attention to these things, the Sun will move into Capricorn on January 14th. You will notice more focus on monetary concerns, inheritances and other energies revolving around foundations and the cardinal sign of earth. For those alchemists out there, after the next new moon, January 20th will be an excellent time to put pieces together for future employment and money opportunities. Just be aware that the Mercury retrograde will provide all the glitches that need solving before complete launch. Planning is everything. Take it as an advantage creating a more perfect launch of a project.

Also with the approach of Mars in Aquarius to Neptune in Aquarius expect a period of social re-evaluation. Idealists will be more fervent, but those who are creating a growing common sense base will be able to be heard. That period of conjunction will be from January 13th through January 26th, with an exact match on January 19th.  Most of this month will have lots of activity happening even without consideration of the weather outside. Next spring should be quite special and dependent on what you do this next month.
So now for the day by day notes.

Here is the audio pod cast for those who wish to listen to the report. Please note that my secret Santa did bring me better equipment for that presentation and the first launch went very well:

Friday, January 9th the moon has moved into sidereal Leo and is making sense of the latest transformation in the search for truth and affairs of the heart. People are going to be able to see the bright spot in what has transpired. With the sidereal Sagittarian energies being played out, even those who are awakened to misrepresentations will tend to move quickly into corrected space. After all, we are here to learn to be better people and better to each other as part of the awakening. More relief will be experienced than despair.

Saturday, January 10th very much a continuation of yesterday. The extra highlight will be really good news for lovers and those wanting that something special possessions. The focus will still be things that are solid and foundational rather than frivolous. So if you have been thinking of a new frig… go for it. There is a note of caution, that bad news will be everywhere. Saturn in Scorpio brings some tests for how we act and what we expect. So bear that in mind when buying a big ticket item… get assurances.

Sunday, January 11th the moon has moved into sidereal Virgo bringing far more going right rather than astray. One of the better days to sign a contract if you can’t delay a few months. The trick will be a continued chance for unforeseen drama and conditions in that contract. Unfortunately that association will be a long standing opposition, so most things can’t wait. Be aware of the need for details and facts.

Monday, January 12th this will be a day that you re-affirm your need for better health practices and developing a better interaction with the world in general. Not always easy. Just start with small steps and create a program that will have a larger goal. Increments are the key here. The plan set up today must include some behavior modification as well to succeed. Whether adding gratitude and meditation to your life or simply smiling more often. There is a twofold aspect to this change for the better. Studies are re-affirming the connection between mind and body for healthy active longevity.

Tuesday, January 13th many of the stressors of late will fall away. The underlying elements that need a solution or change will be easier to detect right now. So follow your bliss as the moon moves into sidereal Libra for the next couple of days. Keep it simple, and keep your eyes and ears open to what is expressed both obviously and between the lines. More people will be making nice right now.

Wednesday, January 14th  today the obvious conflicts of ideologies will be everywhere. Recently I listened to a concept about how we are in a birthing time of a timeless humanity. The technology is there to connect us in a way never before utilized. We are being pushed to connect to something higher rather than the divide and conquer strategy of the past. We are all connected as a very special species. That is easily forgotten when our tired minds are endlessly whipped by special interests. So when you hear that vitriol one more time… stop… think… and consider what would be better. This next couple of weeks will play out this challenge. With any luck, I will have a selected meditation geared for this re focus.  Look for Alchemical Meditations on Spreaker.

Thursday, January 15th there is something important about this next couple of years with Saturn in Scorpio. Today will be one of those accent days when the moon will traverse that orb. Most of the day will be kept civil, but those who want to hold on to negative and/or unsustainable ways will be forced into introspection by others. No way to miss it right now. Compassion is important now. If you surround yourself with happier people, you probably will miss the brunt of this test. But do keep the flaming arrows off of those who need more work but are not there to defend their perspectives, in other words no gossip. For all of this to untangle, we need to understand motivations and fears.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast Jan 2 thru 8 2015

Get ready for a couple of noisy face offs in this next week. All the players that are fighting for their brand of righteousness will be swinging high and low. The only thing mere mortals can do is observe the clash of faith, honesty, truth, and transforming battles of wills. Each day will have pieces of the puzzle to navigate.
A celestial event, after the full moon has started to wane, is a view of Comet Lovejoy cruising the course along Sirius through Orion’s belt. It will have a greenish cast to it due to the chemical makeup. This will be seen for a few weeks in early January, so when the Moon rises later in the evening, you should be able to see it somewhere on that path.

So let’s get started with the daily’s

Here is the audio blog for those who want to access Spreaker and listen. BTW my secret Santa did get a late package to me of a new microphone and head phones. I hope the sound quality is much better. Wish me luck on getting it all in sync for the next broadcast:

Friday, January 2nd among the struggles all around us, there is a small glimmer of healing that can happen. Our New Year’s resolutions will have a boost into the next year and should you find the time there are ample ways to deal with the inside and outside struggles. This is not a time to back off of fussy children…er… adults with an agenda. Question their authority, experience and facts; but if the conversation reverts to insults, back away holding the high ground. When someone is reacting to a situation, they have an emotional overload and stop thinking. Only hurt feelings and no resolution will come of this. The Moon is in Sidereal Taurus and also in a very favorable decan… that of Rohini.  A lot of joy and frivolity can be had today.

Saturday, January 3rd about all you can do is enjoy the company of your loved ones. The outside world is like an overly tightened spring… ready to decompress into a violent burst. The general feeling will represent by the Moon in Gemini creating big swings to diametrically opposed ideas. Hang on, this goes for the next couple of days. Stay close to home, count your blessings and know that outside things are happening because of a necessary lesson that has been subverted for too long.   Also do something that brings creativity into your life. This is a great time to pick up that languishing project and give it another whirl.

Sunday, January 4th the Sun and Pluto conjunct today with the Moon in opposition. If you can stay at home, do so. If there is a foot ball game on, the hitting will be extra hard. This analogy goes to whatever else is out there when it comes to dealing with frustrated, un evolved sorts of people and events. What will be good to do is cleaning files and desks. Get your financial forms or insurance policies out and give them a quick review. There is a big positive connection with ideas and feelings about our humanity. Is your view inclusive or exclusive?

Monday, January 5th it will be back to work as usual today. The Moon has moved into Sidereal Cancer creating some very touchy emotions for the next few days. Connecting up with Jupiter, that bigger than life energy, will only make it more intense. On a microcosmic view the weekend extremes have abated a bit, leaving room for a few good messages about money, health and those things that make the physical world worth enduring. A lid covers the overall pressure of the last few days, but only because things would break if there was not a bit of release of pressure. It would not surprise me if there weren't some outcries from pure exasperation. Do your thing and head home after your work is done.

Tuesday, January 6th Things that you can control and deal with in a conscious manner will be met with success. It may hurt along the way, but when you want closure with something that is dead, you have to feel the pain. Reminds me of the phrase from Dune, where young Atrade’s is tested and he tells himself that fear is a mind killer… and how to deal with it so there is only a passing of the event without damage to the soul.
Wednesday, January 7th as the Moon in Cancer approaches Jupiter, an uneasy state of affairs becomes obsessive. We are not given all the information, so if you can just deal with your situation, then leave the rest of it to those involved. I know usually I say we have to stay engaged with the flow of things. About all a person can do is press for answers, thoughtful action and accountability of those who have been commissioned with leadership for the best of all.

Thursday, January 8th forget a walk in a rose garden today. So much is meeting with challenges with lots of resistance from those who want it their way. The Moon will move into Leo today, but we won’t be able to see the comforting, caring leadership qualities that the Leo moon can usually provide. The news should be interesting either at the water cooler or on the TV. Just stay away from the tabloids unless you understand that is opinion and entertainment. Although I wonder how many of us can afford to entertain fear mongering and hatred. Listen to facts only and go easy on jumping to conclusions as the disinformation is rampant. The only positive connection today is if the news makes you feel good, and you are working in a conscious mode, then it is a small glimmer in an otherwise embattled arena. Something is coming to a peak… keep your wits about you. Tomorrow is a new day.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen