Alchemist Meditation January 13th 2015
The purpose of this offering of meditation is to allow
people to listen, transform and elevate. Working with the divine elements
around and within you adds the creative element to a better place and better
Each meditation offered will have correspondences with the
astrology of the time. This meditation can be done several times until desired
result. You cannot rush personal development, so if you come to a block, rest
from repeating the meditation. In the future new insights and information will
surface for further work.
This meditation will go through several layers of personal
work. To set up the meditation it is best to prevent all annoyances and
interruptions. This particular meditation will be beneficial for self discovery.
Go through the layers of meditation until you have come to a point of clarity.
Then you will center and hold that new perspective. Unnecessary elements are
systematically removed or refined until a next level is created, centered and clarified.
Incense (frankincense, myrrh, amber) any of
these is good.
White candles, your choice of one, two or three.
(consider if the candles will represent just a point of focus, balancing out
polarities or duality in your work, or considering the trinity of creation
which is will, love and the perfection).
Comfortable seating, darkened room.
Small garden pot
Container of soil
Seed of something fast growing like a sunflower
Scarves (2 or 3) Place these over your
shoulders, arms or head.
Bowl of water (place in front of you) with a
small wash cloth and towel
Begin your voyage:
Position bowl of water in front of you. Place candles in
fireproof container at a safe distance, but easily visible. Place the soil, pot
and seed to your right. Drape the scarves on our head, arms, shoulders or
appropriate area needing work.
Light your incense.
Visualize you are seated in an open circle outside on a
summer’s eve. Comfortable breezes caress your face as the fire pit in front of
you gently crackles and sparks. You visualize yourself as comfortably sitting
under the stars inside an ancient temple. As if looking above your body, view
the scene. This will invite your higher guardian or divine self into the
meditation. Your divine self sees interference and discord around your aura.
Now come into yourself and visualize looking into a fire. You state your
purpose relating to harmony of philosophies and good will to others.
Consider your conflicts.
Now as you connect with the fire, the interference in your
aura will start to melt away. This is also considered negativity. It will start
slowly and then become a flow into the earth around you. When it touches the
earth, it will recombine with dirt and become grounded and sanitized. You will
feel this as the body is warmer and warmer until the bulk of the distraction is
melted off of you. What is left is your shinning spirit and soul newly
Now look into the water bowl and consider a hindrance to
yourself improvement. Recognize the problem and cleanse. Just do one at a time.
Take your time in washing the final particles of this set of resistance.
There is yet another layer to be removed. This one is of
deeper conflict or duality. Dig deep, was it caused by outside conditioning,
poor planning, bad luck, or a traumatic event stifling you? See this difference
as separate from your true self. When ready, quickly pull off the scarves, one
by one as you rid yourself of the confusion of conflicting concepts. This
should leave you with a centered perspective.
Now imagine you are gazing into the night sky. Connect with the
stars and recognize a higher truth which is illuminated now. What is that
truth? Has this created a shift in your being?
Now look down to your right and see the soil in front of
you. Consider the soil where earlier your negativity and interference flowed
into. Now it is cleansed and grounded from your negativity. Now take the small pot and put soil into it.
Take your right finger and poke a hole in the dirt. In this hole place the
seed. Take a bit of water from the bowl and water the planting.
Wash away the material issue and dirt from your hands, wash
them in the bowl of water in front of you. Then wash your face with this water
to cleanse. You have now completely separated yourself from the hindering
elements you were carrying and now transformed into something with fresh
Return your focus to yourself. Separate yourself from the
outside influences by centering your breathing and composure. Balance the
opposites within you that are scattered, like defragging a hard drive. Fill in
the blanks and re sort the pieces until you feel a wholeness of spirit and
Focus on your chakras. See the red of the root chakra and feel
the foundation of your being in the improved personal space. Activate.
See your sacral chakra, and the orange glow it projects.
Gather up intensity in that orange glow so that you feel the ability to create
and design. Activate.
Raise you vision to your solar plexus. See the yellow light
start to pulsate as you have a new, clear vision of what you can do. Activate
that chakra.
Now center in the heart area, this is the most intelligent
part of your being. Honor it with allowing the green glow to grow and pulsate
in love with the other activated centers. Activate the Heart.
Come to the throat area and see the blue glow of your
ability to communicate. Let the spot glow for a few moments. Take in a deep
breath through the nose and then breath out a quick breath. Know that your
words will reflect your transformed state. Activate the throat.
The indigo flame of the ajna center or forehead begins to
glow. Allow this to connect with your other activated centers. This is where
you gain insights from your divine source so you will act in accordance with
the higher plan. Activate.
The crown of your head is the violet blue lotus flower to opening
up. This will connect you with the higher consciousness. Let all the petals
expand. See the column of light enter into your being and connect all your centers.
You now have re-booted yourself in the newly conditioned
form able to have better human relations.
Slowly return to awareness of your surroundings. Open your
eyes and continue to adjust to this recent change to higher consciousness.
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