Thursday, October 29, 2015


Sidereal Astrology

Friday, October 30th brings a T square involving the moon and some major movers… which could mean productive outcomes is last on the list. Team work will help rather than being the lone star cowboy. Expect some stubborn behaviors, tantrums and general frustration in public. About all that will be working are some unexpected insights into the situation. This is definitely a time to play the observer and think twice before you speak. What you say will get around and have an impact. If you have too, bit your lip so that your character won’t be next on the chopping block. Also the odds of getting that last minute Halloween costume is not so good. Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, October 31st what a difference a day makes. The airwaves will be full of important information concerning the general state of affairs. A Grand Trine in air gives us a lot of talking points for a while. We want to get out our message with just about everyone else. Your phones could be blasting off the charts so be sure to turn them off while driving. For that matter, even when you are simply walking you could be so shocked at a message that you walk into traffic. Better be safe rather than sorry. Lots of changes in the air today so don’t be surprised if some spooks come and visit you this evening… the trick or treaters and some passing ghosts, too. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, November 1st there has been a tendency to just be flaky with commitments instead get your act together. For those who can follow through on promises and commitments, there will be a reward. Not only does this relate to something particularly transformational, but healing can be found from following through on whatever you start out to do today. Expect the unexpected all through the day. This will not only be a test of fortitude, but one of understanding what it means to go the extra mile. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, November 2nd the pressure cooker we have all been functioning within will have a break in intensity. There still are a number of days that some opportunities will be challenged, but much of the Jupiter/Venus/Mars/North Node conjunction will be out of opposition meaning a sigh of relief. What did you learn about yourself in this last display of trial and error? I bet it was something significant. So take some time to recap the experience and put things into perspective. Fortunately life gives us breathing space between events. Get to bed early tonight. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, November 3rd still a few things to deal with in the wild and crazy events. What you can put off today, can be dealt with tomorrow. In fact what is an issue today may well disappear entirely by Thursday. What you will be doing is letting a new set of information infiltrate into the situation so that a wiser move can be determined. The solution may be on the way without further assistance. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, November 4th the day will start out with a fresh perspective. Not only can you do it, but the road will be paved for the path. It will seem like the outside world is also moving in step with a more self reliant process. Give all changes careful review, but know that taking a leadership role when placed in that position is the right thing to do. It may only work for a few days, but your value will be measured by your efforts. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, November 5th most of this day is going to move well. We all need that wheel to be greased before it will let us get where we are going. By early evening the whole process may boondoggle, so cut out work while you are ahead and let the tension pass by you. Those who are working for positive change will see the best results. Those trying to hold on to the past will get left in the dust. Things will move fast, especially over the next couple of days.  Moon in Leo.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


Thursday, October 22, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology 

Friday, October 23rd for those who are hoping for some relief of the tension that tries to holding us hostage to another’s agenda, by November 2nd the tension between Neptune/Chiron and the conjunctions of Jupiter, Venus and Mars will diminish. There has been a positive aid with Pluto, that agent of change, as long as there is healing action. For those of you who have been able to hold positive space in the midst of this, thank you! There will be intensification this week as the present level of struggle make their well planned maneuvers. The T square on Pluto will last a few more days so stay engaged in working together in light. It does make a difference. The element of today has the Moon in Aquarius making us more sensitive to the ploys at work. Focus your meditations and daily thoughts on routing out the gimmicks and illusions so that the veil can be ripped apart. Stay vigilant my friends! Moon in Aquarius.

Saturday, October 24th As the day progresses, we can see the effects of shenanigans. It is time to ask yourself just how practical elements in your life may be. Communications should be focused on how does it work, who does it really serve and pay attention to the oddball signs. Probably some shocking news today also, if you can still be sensitive to what is truly out of the ordinary. We have had a tremendous about of crazy to deal with. I think the marvelous lesson here is how people have not given into subversion and have maintained love and light though the process of change, even if some of it is tough love. Moon goes into Pisces this evening. 

Sunday, October 25th Nerves will be on edge for the next couple of days. Our sensitivities will be greater as well as fears of the shocking try to hold sway over us. Insist on holding both a pragmatic and empathetic presence. We dearly want to have some healing news saying that the battle is over and that the bullies will be crawling back into a hole. While we cannot eliminate such influence, we can demand that they only hold what space they deserve, which is small and obscure. What lessons are the lesson to be learned from the world situation, or the national situation? Meditate on a holistic perspective to pull us out of this downward spiral and be ready to adjust your opinion if there has been fear or hate. Moon in Pisces.

Monday, October 26th another day of crazy, inflammatory information. The news will be pressing hard to create just enough chaos to create doubt. Control over your thoughts bring questions of concern that equilibrium will never be seen again. Like all energetic flows, there has to be oscillation between and through the shift. Some cracked edges will continue to allow light to give us hope. The T Square has lessened, bringing just a touch of ease in our tensions. But today the Moon is conjucting Uranus which puts yet another psychic strain on those who are sensitive to undercurrents. Turn off the TV or don’t watch the news if you can help it. In the madness, we can draw some lines and create our inner peace, even if the world is anything but that. You are also not feeding the frenzy. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, October 27th brings some intensity of the full moon. While you may need to watch extra carefully for the lunatics that have been let out of the asylum, there is strength to move away from the fray and rely on your inner knowing of what is good and wholesome. Times like these we learn what it means to be connected to our higher self and the greater good. Lots of room for individuality but still an empathy for how it all works. We all experience ups and downs. It is time for the wheel of change to shift into positive ground. Sometime after lunch, 2:30 Tulsa time, a grand trine in fire will affect that shift in experience for us in a big way. This should be a big energetic push to take control of your emotional state and connect up with what the next level will be. Take some time out this afternoon or watch the moon rise to engage in a cosmic call to raise our daily existence into something greater and more fulfilling. This will be a very potent time today. Moon in Aries.

Wednesday, October 28th, the day starts with announcements of changes in the night. While the day progresses, affects can be mounting. For those in observer mode, this could be a very enlivening and enlightening day. It still does not feel comfortable, but we can know that something is emerging that will give greater potential for us. Whatever space you want to exist in, give that energy full attention. Try to let go of doubt and fear, because those are the elements that stifle us and subject us to manipulation. There has been a lot of trauma lately, so allow some nurturing time. You have deserved it, even if the full plan is not settled. Moon goes into Taurus later today.

Thursday, October 29th be mindful of those who still hold on to the lie. They will be particularly protective of their delusion today. There have been two pressures over this seemingly endless struggle. One pressure is to hold onto what has sustained you but leaves you in fear. The other is to let go of the fear and create love and understanding but in a practical way. No room for airy fairy solutions. Start out your day by being mindful of the test of wills. We are dealing with unconscious matters that some refuse to negotiate. Tempers will flare and battle lines will be drawn. Let your act of rebellion be one of not engaging the destructive or petty. Good luck, you will need it. Moon in Taurus today.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, October 15, 2015


Sidereal  Western Astrology

Friday, October 16th will find a strong desire to make a big shift into the unknown. But truly you have had your eye on that future point for a while now. if you listen to the illusionary proponents of the press, you will have a hard time getting a handle on what it is you really want to happen. The job today will be to trust the transformation and hold fast to values that make sense for the greater good. Don’t be afraid of losing your individuality, that is always there. Just remember we were never meant to be lone ships in the night. The Moon is in Scorpio and conjunct with Saturn.

Saturday, October 17th perhaps the rebel in us will have a positive outlet to our subconscious. There can be a healthy perspective to knowing that you need to go against the sheep of the world. They are after all sheep who can’t and won’t think for themselves. If you pick out a costume for Halloween, I suspect that there will be a tendency to pirates and rebels for good causes. Who do you want to be remembered as? Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, October 18th The Sun will move into Sidereal Libra today changing the tone of summer. This is considered inhospitable to the individuality and personal drive which could be a good thing right now. We will be in this aspect for a month. I see this as a humbling series of events to let us know that power plays can meet resistance and for a good reason. What is leading in strength right now is Venus, Jupiter and Mars all tangled together in Leo. With the later degrees involved, consider that team work is more important than the one star player. This lesson will be evident for a few more weeks. I see this as a positive since usually an ego fest has predominated all summer . Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, October 19th the Moon has conjunct Pluto right now creating an intense episode of change and uplifting to those things we now hold dear. The crazy part of this is you will not be thinking of how this plot twist brings about the change we have been needed. The bottom line is this is good for the majority of beings out there being conscious of their impact. Again, this is a day that egotists take a cosmic two by four to the head. This could be interesting as you come into work today as events are happening behind the scenes. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, October 20th there could be some major scrambling as both heads and positions jockey to fill the voids. Think of it as someone just threw a bag of skittles on the table and there is a gathering of favorites for personal pleasure. There will be winners and losers but only if you chose opportunities that are the wrong flavor. There still is a tension about that special communication to pull things together.  Moon in Capricorn after noon.

Wednesday, October 21st could be a hard day to make good your next move. If your closest friends cannot help, you may just need to take a break from pressing forward and let the tensions subside. Your mood will be to get the work done, so if you can’t find active channels, then go further into observation and adjusting planning elements. No need to lose productivity because there is a glitch in the stream of progress. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, October 22nd another day of working harder at progress than you feel like doing. The good news here is that some mystery has been revealed and there is a way to intuit your position into something stable. It is all about keeping a level head and openness to what is the flow of the future. Not a time for attachment to the past or its worn out dogma. Those who are interested in their relationships, be particularly calm when weird messages or actions arise. If there is parting of ways, then so be it for the better. Other indications mean that right someone is right in front of you waiting to be noticed. Let the luck of this time be available by going with the flow today. Just don’t jump into whitewater and expect to come out well. Moon goes into Aquarius this afternoon.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


Thursday, October 8, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, October 9th this week, and until November 3rd, has a set of oppositions that will make any transaction difficult to finalize, so go easy on yourself if there is more work or wait than anticipated. Something needs to be understood in the meantime to balance out the value of getting a head of the game and what is OK in the general consensus. Those who are either Leo or Aquarius will find it particularly important to stay with the plan to see what you want happen. This revolves around inheritance, buying that something special and trying to take advantage of opportunities.  The good thing is Mercury retrograde has ended and your communications will make more sense so you know how to proceed. There will be a slow acceleration for the next week. With the moon traversing the big money makers, our desire to spend what is not in hand may be intense. Take a step back into reality and don’t spend anything until you have it has digested into your bank account. Moon in Leo.

Saturday, October 10th very little is going to change this week. Stay on top of your responsibilities and then step back and work on personal goals. As the seasons start to show a shift, it would be easier on your mind if you just make time to connect with nature and feel the shift. There is more to life than money, work and possessions. These things are stagnant and restricted right now. But if you  can feel the temperature changes, survey the harvest from your garden and make small peace offerings to family and friends, a lot of enjoyment can be found. What can you release as a completed goal or lesson learned at this time? Moon in Leo.

Sunday, October 11th another day of pushing a piano up hill. Today’s personal question should be “why am I hung up on having things my way or a particular prize in hand”? If you can come to a clear answer, you will find some of the dynamic pulse and pain start to recede. You can use this question in meditation for divine clarification. Remember to get your rest because the next week will need your full attention.  Moon in Virgo.

Monday, October 12th if you have to work, the day will have you wanting to be lazy and just hide while others take your share of the work. It won’t work, but you will need to just pull together some focus and get it done yourself. For many, just getting started is all that is needed. Especially if you are wanting to do some fall cleaning. The rest can flow into a completed day. Don’t let boredom distract you either. Maybe try to take a deeper look at why something is done in a certain way and possibly learn more about a system. Good day for investigation if you can stay focused on something other than last weekend’s games. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, October 13th some of the pressure to release bad habits has abated. Now there needs to be a focus on what is sustainable, cost efficient and practical for the future. This week will continue those struggles to get what you want without alienating your conscience and family. A layer of that struggle will lift today and you can now focus on how it will look. Perhaps a communication will arrive to help you get to the next step. Have faith that any delays are there for a reason and you won’t lose the race. Things will simply shift into the new design during this time of emotional and practical matters. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, October 14th someone in your sphere will take a leadership position and you can feel like there is hope for the future. Different sides of a story are illuminated right now and you can find reason in the chaos. This is also a very good day to let your daily meditation subject be more objective. There is a lesson in cause and effect which can be perceived at this time. Even if someone fails to do what they promised, there can be clarity. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, October 15th this could be a great day to fine tune your health regiment. You will intuit some common thread of aches and pains that can be addressed in a better way. This can be in any area of life as well. Look for a way to come to closure with a situation and the people surrounding it. While you may not like the outcome, there can be a release of stress in the process. Reducing our daily stress should be a primary goal at this time. Moon goes into Scorpio later in the day.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, October 1, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

I want to apologize for any delays or confusions. My father was hospitalized, for the last time and passed on the eclipsing moon, which I am going to call the traditional Harvest Moon. It has been hard to focus on my routine responsibilities. 

Friday, October 2nd  will find the regular person dealing with some oppressive circumstances. The grace in all this will be that in the over inflated egos, there will be a spotlight of scrutiny. Where there is light there can then be change. Do your best under the circumstances and know that change is happening.  Moon in Taurus.
Saturday, October 3rd  the weekend can be designed however you wish. You can focus on the rough week, or you can focus on tender moments with your sweetie and what the future should look like for you. In all the chaos of the time, I think it is important to craft your own world with proactive thoughts and actions. As in all situations, there is a flow of both crumbling infrastructure and building for a new reality. Try to avoid falling back into bad habits which will keep you in decline rather than viewing for the future. Also remember that the future is more about sustainability and simplicity. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, October 4th  you will get the most out of this day if you can find some time to tinker with a personal project. In the time that you are working creatively, there will be a glimmer of a solution to a particular problem. Today will be best served by balancing out practical experience vs. just wanting it all to come easily. We need to know where we are in the flow of life, and our niches may be glimpsed today.  In the labor pains of birth, new life begins. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, October 5th when you arrive at work, there will be conflict of interests flying everywhere. The good news is that those who need to hash things out will be verbal. So no guessing who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. There is a certain level of being boxed into a situation. This is a good time to really address what you can diplomatically. And perhaps a word about interactions. We have to regain the approach of discussing an idea without vilifying ideas that do not reflect our impression. We are creating as we go, and no one has a full picture. A general influence experienced over last month and most of this month has been one of personal identifications in a changing world. There are still a number of people who are desperately holding on to past systems and are uncomfortable with the way things are moving. Moon goes into Cancer later in the day.

Tuesday, October 6th what will set today apart from other days is there will be a deeper understanding of what is happening and where we can contribute. Our personal dialogue will start to see a glimmer of light as to what we can do to be happier and be of service in our personal sphere. No grandiose plans and no lazy expectations without personal contributions. There is a triad directed to Mercury Retrograde and the North Node in Virgo creating a kinder gentler reality. Be thankful if you have already balanced out the inequalities and are content today. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, October 7th in the mix of the day try to graciously lend a hand or give some random act of kindness. The world needs it, and the opportunities will be abundant. These will be especially significant in bringing a greater sense of humanity if you can help a stranger without expectations. There will be other instances where someone has been cruel or insensitive, so you may be re-balancing faith in human nature. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, October 8th there can be an oppressive vibe today. If you can sequester your energy in a safe environment, you will reduce your stress. At work, keep the nose to your notebooks or screens and think groovy vibes. The world will need your effort to hold positive space. This would be a great day to go home and have a meditation with some fire. Recharge your batteries for tomorrow. If you can’t have a fire, then light a candle and incense. Helping transformation is important today, even on a subtle level.  Here in middle earth, Tulsa area, it is cool and I love seeing the smoke of incense waft through the house and outside, like sending out gentle reminders of peace and love, especially inner peace. Moon in Leo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
