Thursday, October 29, 2015


Sidereal Astrology

Friday, October 30th brings a T square involving the moon and some major movers… which could mean productive outcomes is last on the list. Team work will help rather than being the lone star cowboy. Expect some stubborn behaviors, tantrums and general frustration in public. About all that will be working are some unexpected insights into the situation. This is definitely a time to play the observer and think twice before you speak. What you say will get around and have an impact. If you have too, bit your lip so that your character won’t be next on the chopping block. Also the odds of getting that last minute Halloween costume is not so good. Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, October 31st what a difference a day makes. The airwaves will be full of important information concerning the general state of affairs. A Grand Trine in air gives us a lot of talking points for a while. We want to get out our message with just about everyone else. Your phones could be blasting off the charts so be sure to turn them off while driving. For that matter, even when you are simply walking you could be so shocked at a message that you walk into traffic. Better be safe rather than sorry. Lots of changes in the air today so don’t be surprised if some spooks come and visit you this evening… the trick or treaters and some passing ghosts, too. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, November 1st there has been a tendency to just be flaky with commitments instead get your act together. For those who can follow through on promises and commitments, there will be a reward. Not only does this relate to something particularly transformational, but healing can be found from following through on whatever you start out to do today. Expect the unexpected all through the day. This will not only be a test of fortitude, but one of understanding what it means to go the extra mile. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, November 2nd the pressure cooker we have all been functioning within will have a break in intensity. There still are a number of days that some opportunities will be challenged, but much of the Jupiter/Venus/Mars/North Node conjunction will be out of opposition meaning a sigh of relief. What did you learn about yourself in this last display of trial and error? I bet it was something significant. So take some time to recap the experience and put things into perspective. Fortunately life gives us breathing space between events. Get to bed early tonight. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, November 3rd still a few things to deal with in the wild and crazy events. What you can put off today, can be dealt with tomorrow. In fact what is an issue today may well disappear entirely by Thursday. What you will be doing is letting a new set of information infiltrate into the situation so that a wiser move can be determined. The solution may be on the way without further assistance. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, November 4th the day will start out with a fresh perspective. Not only can you do it, but the road will be paved for the path. It will seem like the outside world is also moving in step with a more self reliant process. Give all changes careful review, but know that taking a leadership role when placed in that position is the right thing to do. It may only work for a few days, but your value will be measured by your efforts. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, November 5th most of this day is going to move well. We all need that wheel to be greased before it will let us get where we are going. By early evening the whole process may boondoggle, so cut out work while you are ahead and let the tension pass by you. Those who are working for positive change will see the best results. Those trying to hold on to the past will get left in the dust. Things will move fast, especially over the next couple of days.  Moon in Leo.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


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