Thursday, November 5, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, November 6th over this week, both Mars and Venus have shifted into Virgo. These leave a weak spot for action in any form, probably a good time to evaluate the week and plan a course for the next 4 weeks with practicality in mind. Trying to do anything else will fall flat. Today will have an emotional pull to grandstand or state your case, but consider that few to listen. Save your words for just a few trusted souls or a journal. What you can expect from today is intellectual stimulation of what will heal you and others. Pieces for big plans are in motion right now and you should be able to perceive the nuances of those directions. Moon in Leo until evening then it goes into Virgo.

Saturday, November 7th  expect the next week to bring to light some important communications. Some of which will be bringing out less than beneficial behaviors. Watch the tendency to hide from what is happening. Remember that we create the future with our present sentiments and actions. Keep it thoughtful, compassionate and practical. There could be some strange and exaggerated posturing by someone who needs attention. Be gracious but ask intelligent questions. We all need to be noticed and appreciated. If you tend to take another close associate for granted, give them some dignity for their contribution… even if it hurts. Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, November 8th the times … they are a changin’ … and those who are inflexible will be facing a harsh reality. Living in a static life may have some secure qualities, but it does not allow for forward growth. Many people who just can’t handle the questions and insecurities will have seek within themselves for release and grounding. If you know someone in your circle that is having a hard time, give them a call today. A friendly voice could be enough for them to know that the future does not have to be scary especially if there are those who actively want to make things better. They will understand paths to improvement. No one wants to live in a world of total chaos and fear. The guide for today is to know that you have the ability to use past experience and reason to take the next step. Moon in Virgo.

Monday, November 9th you could wake up with the tension of unresolved expectations vs. the desire to just stay in bed. Rather than calling in sick, get going as this conflict will pass well before noon. There is a focus on what is unseen. The news says part of the story trying to sugar coat just how scary it has become. The return of recent struggles must be met with conviction to make a better place by your presence. After all, our own experience shows us how things works. If you find that you are doing the required submissions, and not getting expected results, then you must consider what is false in your plan of action, even if it means releasing old habits. You can do it! Moon goes into Libra by noon.

Tuesday, November 10th get ready for an emotional break through. If you are waiting on that someone special to call or open up, this could be the day. Just be aware that things which will heal you the most will be revealed. To me this sounds like a great day for truth and epiphanies. Take a deep breath when each synchronicity passes by. You will be releasing a lot of junk in the process. Remember to breathe deeply today, it will really help. Regardless of what happens, even if you feel unsettled, this is what the face of then next situation needs to resemble. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, November 11th in a swarm of good, bad and ugly, today will bring some healing and heart felt changes of view. Not only will things make more sense, but your heart will beat smoother and quieter. Take some time throughout the day to meditate on just how good this feels. Get a strong sense of that feeling so that you can use that as a centering point when you need to rise above the mass hysteria. In general, a great day for those who have been moving towards a life that is worth living. Just remember that the material attachments may need to change as Saturn( our sense of stability) in Scorpio (the transformer) is still squared to Neptune the seat of illusion. No keeping up with the marketing ideals. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, November 12th on the heels of some self revelation and bliss, today could bring a counter reaction to your new found center. What needs to be understood is you are doing fine, but the counter reaction of false information and punitive control wants to be heard. Pay careful attention as tomorrows snafus will be set up today. If your intuition tells you that you are not getting the whole story, you are probably right. Try not to engage in a return to fear and riot. You need to breathe, and remember that calming center you discovered yesterday. Keep the faith that good supersedes the negative impacts of perilous times. Actually we have always lived in difficult times, it is just the trigger points that have changed. The games have not. Remember to breathe! Moon in Scorpio.

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and you will understand more then. Just don’t fall for the crazy stuff. What matters most is how we treat friends, family and even strangers. They all have a story.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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