Thursday, December 17, 2015


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, December 18th any holiday parties attended today will be boisterous, and full of social faux pauxs. As long as you keep it sober, and watch the show, you will stay on track. There is a T Square to endure today that makes things you see, especially those in authority, will cause both humor and scandal. Its all is a matter of perspective. Listen carefully for secrets from the mouths of the guilty. If you are trying to keep damage control… good luck today as there will be towers falling everywhere.  Moon in Pisces. 

Saturday, December 19th the stress of the day will be on our deepest desires. While intense and destructive actions may happen, there is an immediate shift into where your heart says you will be safe. This sanctuary is in unusual places so be open minded. This is a great time to start something that heals the mind and feeds the soul. If it is reading some new philosophy or renewing your dedication to creating internal peace, you should find just what you need when you go searching. If you ask for advice, be aware that there are some factions out there that want to guide you the wrong way. Go for trusted opinions or keep it simple with something tried and true. My choice is to start back to more of an afternoon meditation and inspirational reading time. Soaking in the sun to break up a busy day will become my winter practice.  Moon in Pisces.

Sunday, December 20th issues about your future may come up in a big way. There have been two forces at work for a few days and by Wednesday, the choice needs to be made. If you focus on power and prestige, know that ego driven actions will be tested. Actions that bring conversation and greater understanding will bring progress forward. Your choice today, is to choose between possible temper tantrums and navigating the wisdom path. Everyone will have varying degrees of challenge. Moon in Aries.

Monday, December 21st the Sun has been in Sagittarius for the last few days. That holiday feeling has been blocked by power plays, lies and shenanigans. Buy Christmas Eve those will take a break and open up for the real deal. There is a lot of focus right now on the Pluto/Mercury conjunction (transformation and communication). We all have a certain level of internal work to make this world better. The Sagittarius gift of love, charity and happiness should start to flow into more of our lives, should you chose to allow it. Enough is challenged to give you reason to fear chaos, but only if you chose to not design that chaos into interesting adventures and opportunities to grow. A Kite formation is calling people to work towards what they want today and make a wish on this Winter Solstice! The right mix of action, compassion and get down to business will bring success through mid afternoon on Tuesday.  Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, December 22nd finish up your plans and wishes by mid afternoon. The flow of happy circumstance will bring cheer into your heart. Also, take a bit of time to put things into perspective today. Change is whirling around despite the commitment of the Grinch’s. Stay focused on the whole picture so that tomorrow’s glitches will be easily dealt with. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, December 23rd, you know you are on the right track if things are moving smoothly. Should you find resistance to plans or agendas, you know it is time to re-consider your actions and prospects. A greater flow of compassion is in the air as well. Don’t pick fights with those who have agendas. It would be better to leave them alone. Let karma deal with them. Gather those who you love in you circle and start to do some serious gratitude and find peace in your heart, even just for a few hours. Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, December 24th, ask yourself two questions today. Who loves me and who understands me? That is the place to put your attentions. There will be continued conflicts of those who want to divide us so that we can be conquered by loneliness and fear. Give those sorts just what they are pushing on you, by staying with the healthy relationships only. Yes, I am saying to abandon those who want to cause strife and sorrow. And trust that if there is something salvageable, that the light of the time will shift them, if they will allow it to happen. Think Scrooge and his story. No need to let their bitterness bring you down. Right now we need a burst of love in this transforming world. Moon in Gemini later this afternoon.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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