Something I missed last week is Venus in Sidereal Pisces is
in retrograde. Since Venus is not closely conjunct to any orbs I suspect that
this is a time to be spent on self-renewal. Of course, some will have a
tendency to over imbibe during this time because reviewing loss and
disappointment may predominate their thoughts. If you know someone in
relationship crisis or loneliness, check in on them and connect in a comradery.
We can’t always get what we want, but we can have what we need. A little love
for your friends can help off set the trauma in the outside world and heal the
inside world. Also either actual or hauntings of ghosts of love lost will
reawaken at this time. Be good to yourself, sometimes a person is only a short
lesson in life, sometimes they are there to learn how to set up boundaries, and
sometimes the visit is welcome.
Due to a square between Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn in
Sagittarius, expect more harsh news this week. It is OK to voice your opinion
if that news brings you harm. With Mercury quickly shifting into Pisces on the
11th, depression and self-abuse can run rampant if community doesn’t
check in with the troubled. The Saturnian influence with Sagittarius tells us
to speak our truth even it is scary. What is heard is considered. Suffering in
silence will not serve you well. Just keep it civil, because we do have laws
governing riots and mischief. You want to continue a life that is rightfully
yours. I also find it interesting that Mercury is conjuncting Chiron which is
an element of self-healing. It seems absolutely appropriate that the Healthcare
topic is in full discussion.
The Sun will slip into Pisces on March 14th.
Also, it will be in square with Saturn in Sagittarius. Making overt actions
hard to nail down. There can be a drift into self-reflection, doubt and
commiserating. This will be worse in the next week and a half. Call on your
friends, gods, goddesses, whoever uplifts you to hope.
Friday, March 10th,
with a short lived Stellum developing with Mercury/Sun/ Chiron there is a very
tense realization that community and the common welfare may take a manic turn.
Those who have been helpless to participate or make a change will find news
hard to handle. Take extra good care of your mental wellbeing. Turn off the TV,
computer or whatever and get with friends for cards or star watching parties. Make
a few wishes on those stars! Be prepared for the blues and be proactive with a
safety net. We will get through this. What is particularly helpful is the Moon
is activating a new aspect to the future and how it works with that Grand Trine
for self-help and finding stability.
Moon in Leo.
Saturday, March 11th,
another day of that T Square with Pluto/Uranus/Jupiter. By now many have
figured out that things are happening very fast and furious. Ideas are being
flailed around like a drowning cat. This is actually a good thing as the
dumbest things have a chance to meet daylight and get sorted into the trash. It
is our job to find the nuggets of gold in all the muck. Go prospecting! I
already have a silly idea to make that call to my congressman. He must be
getting tired of hearing me…. Even though, he works for me. Moon in Leo.
Sunday, March 12th,
this could be a very contentious day on the world scene. The T square is
heavily squared with multiple orbs. I don’t plan on stepping out of the house
as those who can’t take the stress will be having a crisis. Mercury is well
into Pisces and in this T Square. Think twice or count to a ten before you
speak if you are angry or something sets you off. It will be very hard to take
back things said or intended. The worst is just today, so you can come out from
under your bed tomorrow. Moon in Leo.
Monday, March 13th,
try to take a breather and not indulge in excessiveness. Triggers will be
everywhere, but you can choose to take a wait and see approach. If you can
still focus on your great idea, spend more time on it today. You have a short
window to pull it together before it is sent out into the great world of
possibilities. Don’t let indecision or uncertainty slow you down. You could
have a game changer. Moon in Virgo.
Tuesday, March 14th,
this is the last day with Mars powering the Grand Trine in Fire. Make the most
of it. There is still a lot of “steam” around matters of health and security.
Try to just check in on progress, but limit it to bullet points so you can
focus on your submission or wrap up of a project. On the romantic front, be
careful to pay attention to nuances that your mate is expressing. This is a
time to do the little things that matter even if you feel sick or overwhelmed. Personally,
I have stopped fretting over the congressional battle and thought of a
different perspective to the program. That means, my letter will be edited and
sent to whom? Do I choose a side or send it to both, as a true Libran.? Moon in
Wednesday, March 15th,
this is a day to take advantage of the Moon in Libra conjuncting Jupiter’s
expansive yet detailed outlook. More data points are available and there is a
glimmer of hope that you can find solace in what is going on around you. Think
balance, finding your center and that turning point on the movements of the
scales. For those people who are caught in the T Square of Pluto/Jupiter/Uranus
there could be a point where you must discover something hidden in yourself
that can bring you peace. The changes in life are rarely easy, but the more you
fight it, the worse it will be. Moon in Libra.
Thursday, March 16th,
an epiphany moment in life is wedged into the forces of old view vs new
horizons. Find your personal point, and hope that others find theirs. There is
a fair chance that the same healing can occur in our psyches. A great day to
meditate of that point of “e pluribus unum”. Much of the dysfunctional is out
to pick apart. Now it is our time to figure out how to parlay our inspirational
revelation in the context of healing us all. We have the parts, it is up to us
to make them move together. Moon in Libra.
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