Friday, March 17, 2017



I would like to make a note that the Sun has begun its journey into Pisces with Mercury in tow. Reactions and words will be cutting and potentially make their mark on the guilty. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell just who that is these days. So, if you find yourself the object of those word daggers, take a moment to consider why they pained you and what is your next elevation. Hopefully this next 30 days will bring civility and attention to the details.

Also as a continuing retrospective of a long standing Uranus/Pluto square which has been shuffling the deck of our lives. There are ghosts of the 1930’s, which is by design, trying to gain lost ground. The same factions still exist. Those are an elite corporatist body jockeying for greater gains with people as dispensable to the bottom line, and the rest of us are the ground support which makes those empires real. Only we can stand up for our rightful share or we will be part of the servants of the local lords. Think carefully when you speak and act, because there is a strong wave of complicity moving over all of us. We will always have this battle.

Friday, March 17th, brings a disjointed Grand Trine to pull together actions towards our future security. Give the next three days, time to re-shuffle the deck towards something better. Still the classical T square happening with our need to change, is starting to shape up but it is anyone’s guess what that will look like. Someone has to tip the scales. Time to keep up the pressure for a more inclusive and humane society. Without that, we are all losers. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, March 18th, there can be a great deal of deep seated anger arise out of nowhere. Be aware of your own volatility and be careful how you speak to others. While some people need to hear bad news, it will only cause more stubbornness. In another arena of life those with lovers and mates in your life, cab take a step back from the outside world and reveal in the joys of having someone great to share your life with. These adventures of today will make history, just be sure to keep your personal life out of the headlines. There is just as much cause for crimes of passion as those of togetherness. Choose carefully. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, March 19th, another day to keep it local. There are some really great indications that your personal life can take some huge forward steps. Expect unexpected deepening of understanding with those closest to you. This is a great time to have a sense of humor when it comes to observations others may have about you. When people care, they say something… remember this when someone tells you to lighten up and smell the roses. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, March 20th, Blessings for Spring! The date on the calendar may not be particularly reflected in your morning commute, but know that your days are now equally long as your nights. I used to gather with like minded souls on this day and drum up the sun at sunrise. This year our active demand for light to return is needed more than ever. We are all ready for more action after a long winter of stagnation. The Moon is conjunct with Saturn creating the Grand Trine in Fire which will give gusto for those light bearers. Make the most of this and don’t wait for others to start the process. You have your invitations to attend, so go for it! Yes, action is a sign that spring is indeed here. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, March 21st, we lost that Grand Trine in Fire but most of the connections for progress to a better future are still there, just working more independently. The outside world is showing some serious strains about where we will go in the future. The dangerous aspects are in full view right now, so take note and keep the good deeds going. I would also like people to consider what their plan B might be should the agents of chaos gain more hold. This could well be part of the mechanisms that need to evolve. I will be working more on my garden to prep for summer veggies.  I will let you know how the rendezvous with the cultivator and leaves goes. Keep it pro-active and trust the process. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, March 22nd, this is a great day to take some control over your life and find time to do your paper work and get back into a healthy lifestyle. While the outside may seem like there is no hope, all is not lost. Remember back some time ago, I said that there are factions that need to make changes but cannot due to stubbornness or inflexibility. There is more signs those in crisis with the world are also in crisis with themselves. Pushing harder and more fervently does not make you right. It makes you crazy. Try extra hard to handle your own affairs and do your mental up keep. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, March 23rd, this should be a day that all my Bernie Sanders buddies will see a glimmer in the darkness. After all, it is up to us to choose how we look at things. Rarely does one way fit all, but a general mix of more light vs. dark ends up the best choice. At this time actions, do have more weight, so speak up when you can and cover yourself when you can’t. Keep those dehumanizing barbs from making their mark. A tough shield will work well, and when necessary, make the Roman “turtle formation” when under assault. Your friends and family are your greatest ally. Moon I Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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