Friday, October 19, 2018


Sorry to say I am having equipment problems and the astrology report will be delayed until I can get what I need.

Thursday, October 11, 2018



The shift for this week is Jupiter moves into Libra. It is not a fast-moving planet, so get ready to re establish how we judge one another and find that point of compromise. There is a strong emotional undertone that will follow Jupiter as a Grand Trine in Water forms with healing agencies, the future and our opportunities. This will run well past the election.

Aspects with Mars this week will make it very high intensity concerning the material world. Money, property, jobs all will be exposed to some unfortunate truths. Guard your money, don’t buy unnecessary things and you can control losses.

Friday, October 12th, expect the news to run contrary to what is actually happening. Unexpected revelations may set things into doubtful territory. Some of this is just to de-humanize us and break our will to fight. But if you do that now, fixing things later will be much harder. Time to trust the process and stay aware. Could be a very stressful day but then it might be hard to distinguish from any other stressful day. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, October 13th, this is a day of repressive actions and merciless pressure for control. Instead of freaking out, consider this a time to see clearly what needs to change and how to do it. Faulty premises are emerging in expected places. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, October 14th, expect certain players to be called out on their misguided domination. The next couple of days are particularly straining as the Moon traverses Saturn and Pluto in Sagittarius. Sagittarius demands higher standards or all hell could break loose. Don’t anger the Centaur! This is not a time to be holding on to antiquated philosophies as they will receive loud and vigorous complaints. Better to be open to fixing problems rather than creating more divisiveness. Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, October 15th, the weekend fallout is still hard to grasp. There is an unacceptable reason for this, as struggles to hold onto poor decisions is forced into the open. The things you see up front and personal are under scrutiny. The whole system is going to creak like a sinking ship. Be sure you have a life jacket and supplies. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, October 16th, the struggle seems darker and meaner than a few days ago. It would not surprise me if things that have to do with money markets ushers in some scary times over the next few days. Compassionate change is rewarded, where greed is not. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, October 17th, there is a double whammy on Mars in Capricorn today as the Moon brings out deep seated problems. The numbers are not adding up, and hopefully only red ink will flow. Strange and unexpected events will flow so keep a close eye on your position and where things are going. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, October 18th, new aspects emerge to the week’s drama/trauma. Higher forces are at work, so there is really a silver lining. But it will be a while before it is revealed. We have been living with a hidden agenda for a while, but this Grand Trine in Water could well help ease a lot of the pain. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, October 4, 2018



I suspect that issues around love, sex, romance and relationships will be foremost in our thoughts. She goes retrograde in Libra this week and will be square to Mars in cold and hard Capricorn. Facing issues with the battle of the sexes and the cost to our needs and desires will be both collectively and individually in focus. While the individual struggles will be harsh, the bigger picture will find fertile ground to change. We are definitely re thinking what gender relationships mean to the over all context of society. There will be challenges for about 6 weeks until November 16th when Venus starts to go direct again. More of this will feel like festering sores, so get help if you need it. Healing is possible so ask for your share.

Mercury goes into Libra this week also asking us to do what is just and fair. Conversations should revolve around this. Expect the throwbacks to what are now failed laws, words or excuses to be aired. Don’t fall of it. There is a time when tradition is important until it clearly causes harm. Let’s not sweep up the issues of fairness and justice under the carpet.

By weeks’ end, Jupiter will go out of Libra and into Scorpio. Look for a great healing to show up in big ways. We all need it, and just staying actively in touch with the daily news turns out to be an act of penance and revolution. As I have mentioned before, any planet at 29 degrees brings out all the nasties to review. Once it shifts into the next sign, which turns out to relate to rising above the fray and soar, or change or die. It is always our choice to meet our challenges with courage and our full attention. This week will show us yet another issue that we need to rise above or it will cripple us.

A T Square will develop this week until the 14th that will push bigger and bigger pressures on what we hear about interpersonal relationships and what we want in life. Mercury in Libra, the North Node in Cancer and Uranus in Aries travel together in uneasy company while we hear all out in the open about justice and then it works into relationships. Those who are more stable help out those who need an understanding ear.

Friday, October 5th, greets the day with a Grand Trine in Fire. Work on things that create stability both emotionally and ethically. Winning battle lines will be fought along these areas of life. You know you are on the right track when it feels healing rather than authoritarian. This is the last day that Mars and the Draconian points will be agitated. Even if this note is not played loud enough, it will be heard or felt. Moon in Leo.

Saturday, October 6th, tensions grow when some try to hold onto something they have invested too much energy. Of course, no one wants to be wrong. Perhaps a different perspective would be wiser. Such as, we played that concept until all the variations have been explored. Now it is time to look at the cause and effect and make course corrections. That takes the pressure off of “wrong” and “right” and allows for growth. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, October 7th, looks like a day to trust the process. Unless you are making up the rules as you go, as that won’t fly today. Good things happen to those who keep receipts, document their experiences and make decisions based on good data. The process you use is important to your success. Don’t play fast and loose with it. Moon in Leo and in Virgo by mid-day.  

Monday, October 8th, a good day to work with your accountant of financial affairs. Practical affairs bare the greatest benefits. Fix things around the house or do the extra effort to create that physical form of whatever you want to do. Moon in Virgo.   

Tuesday, October 9th, while the future seems rather mercy, take this time to simply enjoy with gratitude what you know is yours. Keeping your words and thoughts in balance may be a bigger challenge considering what the greater world is demonstrating. A good day to take a break and just get the clift notes on the day’s occurrences. It may just be too intense. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, October 10th, watch out for random comments that may injure. Keep your thoughts to yourself and try to observe rather than actually get in a fight. The Libra moon should help your keep your place in the whole in better perspective. Just don’t wound because you can. That just slows the healing process. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, October 11th, with the Moon conjunct Jupiter in newly placed Scorpio, know that some real healing is here in a big way. Some it is going to be harsh on those who are stubborn or just to mean to believe. The future should seem brighter today! Moon in Libra until late afternoon.

Thursday, September 27, 2018



As for general shifts this week, Pluto will go Station on October 1st. While this is a slow moving and distant planet, don’t expect immediate changes in ideology or philosophy of those needing a wake-up call. But know it is in the works through October.

Also, romance will get a boost this next 10 days or so. You may have to dig a bit deeper to see that is happening, but it is there and you can tap into some really higher understanding and comradery. Consider this a time to open up to a soul connection with your mate, such as Zen moments watching the sun set.  In about 2 weeks these understandings will be blossom into  clear and endearing connections. Should be a good way to start your fall.

Friday, September 28th has the Moon in Aries playing hard wall with Jupiter in Libra. Legal issues and setting the record straight are potentially explosive late morning. News cycle should be interesting. What happens says a lot about who we are. This is on a big scale so expect it to both upfront and personal. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, September 29th, as the day develops some down to earth actions will bring important news that hits the heart like a cosmic two by four. There is a Grand Trine in earth this day so it will be fleeting and beneficial. Not everyone will be excited. We are in a trend to learn some big lessons about how things have changed and how they will be moving forward. Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, September 30th, this is a good day to phone home and connect with those you know. Also, a good day to eat well and get some things done around the house. And by the way, take a nap in the afternoon. Anything that feels good and builds up your emotional and spiritual strength should be on the agenda today! Moon in Taurus.

Monday, October 1st, another layer in the Retrograde Year is starting to release. Pluto in Sagittarius goes Station today and a new day will dawn. Although the general feel of the day is going to be positive, you should start preparing for what is next. Some are going to feel very scattered, but if you focus more on starting a new catalogue of information, you will start to see a pattern develop. It if it healing it is where you need to go. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, October 2nd, get up early and start your day knowing that big things are here. There will be lucky changes or redirections. Now you may not perceive them as lucky, but they defiantly get you where you should be going next. Projects may end up in your lap or flirting may bring someone to start a conversation. Be prudent, as so much for all directions will be flying about, that your free will must be acknowledged. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, October 3rd, foster what makes you feel at peace or in good mental health.  There are a couple of Grand Trines bringing a lot of stray pieces together. You will know it is right if you find the synchronicities among the odd events. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, October 4th, another day to roll in delight over the set of circumstances that have arisen. Perhaps a celebration is in order, but do wait until after work. Partying at work or making light of some situations in the work place could backfire. Smile instead and keep them guessing where the mirth flows. Some people are going to be moody and will take offense at someone enjoying themselves or worse think you are up to something. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018



Method: I use classic Western astrology wheels and associations to the planets and orbs, with the exception of my calculations are in Sidereal Time. I am defining Retrograde Years as years where seven planets and/or orbs are in retrograde most of the year. Most noted is Chiron is involved in all of my presented Retrograde years. I did not specifically figure in Mercury Retrogrades as they are a common occurrence through out the year. As I tried to use software to find similar alignments, to no avail. My next method was to go to similar events that are being repeated. Today just about every negative social problem has been square in our face. My first choices were not fruitful until I stumbled on something provenly so pervasive, it was my later search.

Invitation: to openly discuss “what ails us” and compare the differences and or similarities of the two traditions of Tropical vs Sidereal. Clearly the signs will probably be different bringing some differences in focus. Also, after stumbling on a connection point to these Retrograde year events, I have cross-referenced those years with specific events. I have also only considered what is in our recent history (1866, 1877, 1915) to compare with events happening this year (2018). To follow up with other intense events in our civilization, I have found they had at least 4 major planets in Retrograde at any specific event.

Observance: in astrology you can see pressure points, much like acupuncture on the energetic body of mankind. Planets and zodiac signs give further guidance as to the meaning of each set of Retrograde years. While there is only guidance rather than fated outcomes from these trigger points, we still want to understand.
It is human nature to avoid pain, but at what level of avoidance does it continue “samsara” or pain itself? These Retrogrades are more of return to a serious flaw in rising consciousness. They by nature have pulled our awareness back to the center of our heart, and ask the simple question, do I “do unto others as they do unto me”? The “pain” is when that answer is who is asking the question. If others are feeling pain and fear, can the rest of us continue to be above it? Or do we have to bring them along our rise so that we can enjoy those merits and then face yet another aspect of human development? In simpler terms I am getting at trauma and its healing. Coming from a personal belief that we are all connected and what we do to another, we end up doing to our self. Or rather if you marginalize another, there is a reaction that can end up hurting me also, such as trauma, disenfranchisement, reactions of rebellion and then destabilization to the whole through crime, addictions and violence.

During this year, I think of myself as someone who has done a lot of personal work via associations, discussions, lectures and most importantly my own time spent contemplating my aging navel and what has been me and who I am now. So, in short connection and facing the ugly and yet deep shadow of my soul. Many others are doing the same thing, but there is a stubborn cluster of souls who for what ever reason still follow another’s lead and don’t rise above the karmic cross of influence by others. What I have observed is each time these Retrogrades visit us, more and more rise above our deepest fears and restrictions. It is a known psychological lesson that we will endure great pain because we know the situation, instead of facing the unknown and what it may provide. We don’t exchange one fear for another. That act of looking at the unknown is more painful than the known.

One of my teachers, was gracious enough to explain that as things return on the cosmic circle of time we learn more and more. At some point we master the lesson and it no longer drags us into the failings of the past. That is the upside to this year of Retrogrades. Each era has its own deep flaws to negotiate, so the value of this year’s series presents as something different than maybe early civilized man may have endured. Circumstances and specific situations are just different from today. Our choices determine what we gain by seeing the returning situation.

Now to get to the observation. I need to present this delicately so forgive the disclaimer babble. I am also going to focus on the United States as similar events were happening worldwide. As I started to look at events, I gravitated to the time of the Civil War as we are feeling that divide right now. The actual Civil War didn’t have much in the way of major retrogrades and I look as those times as positive or progressive despite the loss of life and expectations. This was a time of rising above an age-old concept that one life may be more valuable than another, i.e. slavery as a means of building personal wealth. The negativity happened afterwards as if some dark minion tried to raise from the ashes to reinstall its venom. As after all, it had resided in a large part of our collective consciousness. The three years I am going to look at is the founding of the KKK (1866), the Start of Jim Crow (1877) and the start of WWI and what was happening here in 1915. Some alternative events that pressed for facing trauma and opening up a chance for healing.

So here is what seems to be the symptom, racism, nationalism, security via economic supremacy and fear of the other. All due to difficulties in tapping into collective consciousness and increased self-separation or isolation. It is seen as a White Supremacy through many forms. Some of those forms are altruistically paternal, but human kind does not do well if it is kept in perpetual childhood. Since today’s science says, there is no real difference between any of us, and race is a social construct, we have to look deeper at why this has occurred. Each time we addressed a facet of this tribalism or fascism, it went from full bloom to now a de je vous of cries from a not so distant past.

As for economic security, each period has shown that there are a few people who are so tied to money as security, that they subvert everyone else for their own needs. It takes generations to move past these cultural and cultish fervors. Because that is what they are a fervor that does not allow thinking outside of the paradigm. Looking at these things in the present, we see that there is indeed something else outside of that perspective, so choice is possible and, in this case, preferable. Compassion is a key here. This is not soft and emotional, it is straightforward, with real levers to rising even the weakest into healthy realities. But some of the old ideas of what that looks like must be tempered with real social science of how we all work together.

I know that an alternative view is that these things have been with us since humans started living together, and yes that is true. And the development and implementation of what came out of these Retrograde years extends for years. Consider the concept of “harmony through conflict”. We don’t deal with anything until it causes conflict. Trauma scars us internally, genetically and socially. When something is broken, you need to mend it. For what it is worth, humans seem to find the oddest ways to operate while that healing process has time to occur. The next stage of development is “concrete knowledge or science”. This is a time to start bettering ourselves through intellect rather than power manipulations that have fallen into fragments, i.e. we need healing through intellect. After we master that and find the flaws of our nature, yet another lesson of development will present. Some of us are slow learners, so ages will pass as we test every conceivable variation.

Questions: So what impact will this year of Retrogrades mean for us? Where do we want to take it, how do we want to heal this aberration of reason and personality that we have created in life? What would life look like if we cured this throwback in collective consciousness? I propose the we would start to work with everyone doing what they are best designed to do, and no factions would be held back due to convenience, insecurity, paternal authority or fear?

Charts and Associations with Events

The creation of the KKK (1866) and the Jim Crow Laws (1877) all came out of Reconstruction period after the Civil War. I wonder how differently things might have turned out if Lincoln had finished out his term instead of Andrew Johnson commandeering the radical reconstruction of the south and final incorporation of the blacks into citizenship. It is noteworthy that Johnson was impeached due to his ineptitude. Clearly, sensitivity and a sense of human justice was Lincoln’s manifesto, but not Johnson’s perspective.

Each of these periods had counterbalances of social concepts of equality and unity. While the reaction to losses due to the Civil War, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments which freed and constructed a reality for enslaved blacks, the negative reaction was to double down with the past repressive behaviors and subtle enslavements of the very people who were federally liberated. Chiron is involved in these two years. with Chiron retrograde in Aquarius in 1866 a true clash of ideals comes to the forefront. Financial restrictions created the tensions in the south as reparations had to be made as well as not having an economic system that was functioning.

Our lesson of this time is that after trauma, you can’t create more hardship and expect people to accept the oppression. They will fall back on old ideas that reminded them of having more personal power. This recognition that blacks were indeed humans, but equal while creating financial hardship simply made little room for healing. Buy the time of the end of Reconstruction, the Jim Crow Laws filled in creating another way to enslave blacks to boost the failing economic situation in the South. This was social restriction as well as economic restriction.

To carry this forward, tariffs were unfair to the Southern farmer trade practices which brought much loss and instability to the south. Much of which started to wane by 1913, which leads to just before the first World War. The south was very much unable to get on its feet. Interestingly enough, the advent of the NAACP rose about 1915 which shows how quickly the Blacks were able to pull together and organize so that they could maintain their new standard of autonomy. At a peak at 1909 statues to the Southern Confederate generals and leaders were being punctuated throughout the south to remind both whites of their once prosperous times, and the subservience of the blacks. So, arises 1915 and the KKK creates a new insurgency but is very much “invisible”.  Like the ghost of past glories making yet one more rise into consciousness. I want to get back to the original premise of our challenge which is as humans there is not difference between us. We are all collectively tied together. The more you struggle against the notion, the greater the boomerang back to facing the reality. The healing has to occur with both economic equalities, but social collective consciousness also.

There are more parallels to that time, which include women’s rights and their struggle to be full citizens and recognized as something more than chatmates. But that is yet another set of dates. What we are seeing is a full review of how the ability to value everyone has been a winning battle as long as we don’t regress. Shifting those perspectives of those still lagging behind will be hard. We can do it.

Thursday, September 20, 2018



After a fun adventure with family through the mountains of the west, I will try to get back into the swing of keeping everyone advised as to the movements of the orbs. Looking at today’s changes, the Sun and Mercury have turned into the constellation Virgo. An excellent month to pull together details, do some yard chores and prep the home for changing weather. The Grand Square that has kept our focus on the task at hand, will be breaking up by Saturday and Sunday. That should relieve some pressure on most people to just take the rest of the week to deal with the immediate and maybe breathe a bit easier, for now.

There may be more a sense of the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” this week as Mars will be triggering the Draconian points. The unthinking person will fall back on old ways or habits which will burn them to the core. Health issues will be worse right now, so take extra care of your personal physical weaknesses. We all have them, and they will be acting up this week. if you find yourself caught between having a health episode and taking the easy way out, don’t! If you aren’t well, let it be known and let another fill in rather than make a mistake. We all need to move forward right now, so don’t fall to your passions or weaknesses.

I am still fine tuning the comments on Retrograde years. The more I search the deeper the correspondences I find. So, hope to have that finally pulled together over the weekend. I will need to write a short version and then the long version for those who want to delve into it more.

Friday, September 21st, this is a day to take a look at your end of year finances and what needs to be done to your property. Resist taking short cuts or hedging your bets on things as this week, Mars will be in the crosshairs of the Draconian points. Shifty actions will cause serious problems later down the road. Watch out for power plays and nefarious actions. Call them out on their stuff! Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, September 22nd, pay attention to those subtle calls off love and devotion. Reward those who have stuck it through the hard times, and be ready to reciprocate. There is a sense of fatigue when it comes to what we need to thrive, so go easy on those that are struggling while the fighting the good fight. Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, September 23rd, connect up with those who are close to home. Big benefits come from simple gestures. It is times like this that you know who has your back should you need some help. While it is not a good idea to be too independent, knowing your strengths means you know when you can help others, especially loved ones. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, September 24th, fortune smiles on those who keep up with the work load. There is a test in the wings so to pass it, keep it all business, and stay in your lane. Even if it hurts. You can rest when you get home. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, September 25th, avoid indulgences as they will show up for all to see. No one want’s their weaknesses exposed, and this could be another day that they will cause you troubles. With Mars in Capricorn and tangled in the web of Draconian points, you could be facing financial difficulties or job loss if you can’t keep it together. You know what you need to do or pay a price. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, September 26th, being honest today will keep you out of trouble. I say this because of a T Square involving security and the unexpected is not only the single focus of this time, but also is protected if you are doing civil and intelligent things. Don’t get caught off guard. I know it sounds repetitious, but this could be events moving really fast because of pent up energy that has things happening like the release of a loaded spring. Some people will be walking out the door for the last time. Moon in Pisces until early evening when it goes into Aries.

Thursday, September 27th, this morning may be a surprise that you are not working with a full crew. We all can get playful when we become comfortable in a situation, but if it leads to carelessness at work, you might not like the results. Expect the shocking, and play friendly. Moon in Aries.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018



It is getting time for my sabbatical to recharge. This report will cover two weeks so please refer back to it as needed during this time. I hope to return refreshed and offering some tantalizing insights to this period of Retrogrades. What I have discovered is both hideous and fascinating all worked into one.

So, to get on with the present, one of the major conditions of the next two weeks revolves around the Grand Square which will end September 23rd. Remember that this creates a boxing in of your energy and focus. I hope you are in a place of your choosing! During these two weeks we will start to see Saturn in its direct motion forward. It will be slow at first but that which has not been working will have opportunities to gradually mill solutions to hidden problems. More will be revealed through this fall as a unfolding of agendas and goals will start to be revealed as other major planets start to go direct.

Friday, September 7th, this is a day to watch out for emotional reactions. Catch yourself before you go off on depressive territory because the real situation is much better than it feels. Lots of hidden agendas, but we are all getting wiser to those games that people play. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, September 8th, what a difference a day makes! Yesterday’s despair turns to renewed vigor and self-awareness. Some particularly good news could be coming our way as the bigger scene has found a positive venue marked on a stable star. There is a balancing quality to what we want and what can heal us if we listen carefully. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, September 9th, look for legal victories or determinations that cut back on the repressive and vile. This will be a battle that has been seen before, and is ongoing. Look carefully at the details that are available as more is exposed today in a big way. Moon in Leo.

Monday, September 10th, today is more of a day to show who you are and what you are worth. There is a cloud on what others think, simply because they are not getting the whole story. Stand firm in your integrity and wait for vindication. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, September 11th, today, Venus in Libra is exactly opposite Uranus in Aries. Star-crossed lovers may cross paths again. Reminders of the quirks and whims that have caused difficulties in your relationships. They will need your full attention for a couple of weeks. What might be a out of the blue connection from the past, is needing more healing. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, September 12th day two of balancing your desires vs the harsh reality of a situation. Like all oppositions, there can be a essence of opposites attracting, which unless it is just the perfect set of balance/counterbalance, you will understand more why something did not work out. Try to take this as a learning experience rather than another stab to the heart. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, September 13th, if you can shift to more altruistic visions of the future, you will gain greatly. The Moon taps Jupiter in Libra today amplifying what you are feeling and how things have worked out. Messaging will be on the point, so listen very carefully to the whole message. Moon in Libra.

Friday, September 14th, there can be a great sense of renewal today if you can let the past go and edge into the limitless future of relationships. This is a time I like to think of the three faces of love. Eros, Agape and Plutonic. Sometimes we try to push everything into one form when they are rarely coexisting at the same time. Also consider that while Eros is fantastic for those strong bonds meant for procreation, the other forms are subtler and more lasting. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, September 15th, this is a day to make plans for the future. Something that gives you joy and allows for that special place you are at right now. Healing is really highlighted today, so take time to rest, rejuvenate and recreate. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, September 16th, a time to consolidate the latest changes in your life. Turn off the phone and spend some time getting a good feel of the present. This weekend has been intense for some and tomorrow will show you some new stability. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, September 17th, the Moon is going to activate some sore spots over the next three days. It starts out with conjoining the now direct Saturn in Sagittarius. A test of if you are taking the high road or the low road to personal worth and integrity. If you are feeling extra stable, then you are on the mend. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, September 18th, today the Moon will conjoin Pluto in retrograde in Sagittarius. The work is still going on internally, but be content that is where you have the most power. We cannot change others but we can change ourselves. The influence of Sagittarius is very important right now to carving away the disdainful and leaving the framework of the functional and philosophical. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, September 19th, time to get back to basics. The Moon conjoins Mars in Capricorn. matters of money, property and status are calling for your attention. They are in opposition to the North Node and thereby conjoined with the South Node of losses if you are not careful and falling into old habits. This whole recent cycle has been about our relationship mistakes and successes. Now consider what is luxury or extraneous to happiness and make the appropriate adjustments. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, September 20th, If you are not careful, the lessons of old man Saturn will cause you some grief. This is not a time to do things alone if you are struggling. Call on trusted friends and confidants to help you sort out the muddle you are starting to recreate. Consider that you have “been there and done that” so why repeat past mistakes? Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, August 30, 2018



This week has some changes that will warm the heart. Communications from your love interests will keep the heart channel open. With the few things that have been a hinderance, Venus going into Libra will be bringing joy and some security to your relationship. It is a bit dicey to predict, but September 1st will also start a T Square with Venus, Uranus in Rx and Mars. Meaning, keep commitments! This will continue for a while. To add to that stressor a Grand Square will follow afterwards locking you into a situation with your relationships. Where you are when it is locked in makes the difference between working together on a project or being in a cage. There is enough chaotic energy to keep it interesting. Any hard work will start to bear fruit!

On September 5th Saturn in Sagittarius goes Station, or in other words stops its motion (so stationary) on its way back to moving forward. This will get the ball rolling next week for feeling more secure in a situation. Well, maybe not secure but there is an affirmative for whatever you are starting to launch. Remember Saturn is still in the “Tail of the Scorpion” and this one wounds. This reminds me of karmic debts that have to be played out and reason or freewill may not help you out. It is up to you to determine how you will be remembered and how much you may compromise.

Friday, August 31st, a day to pull your act together with new enthusiasm for your next project. Prepare for a launch like your deadline is next week. You should be well versed in counterbalancing internal opposition. Those moments that make us question can be turned into understanding. When you step up your game to this wider perspective, you will do great. On the romantic front passionate and loving responses will be met with similar endearments.  Moon in Aries.

Saturday, September 1st, this is a hard day to predict. The chart for the day looks like a Golden Orb spider web. The good and the difficult are woven into each other. This pattern will occur a number of times this week. What it does lends more potential to finally rectify internal struggles and come to some closure. This epiphany will take a few days to unfold. So be patient. What stands out is an obsessiveness about what the future holds or what it looks like. Since we really can’t totally control the future, it would be best to keep an open mind about what it all will look like. Consider how things feel rather than if it meets visual expectations. Moon in Aries.

Sunday, September 2nd brings a sense of peace and gratitude to those who are successfully navigating the tight rope of events and demands. I think this day will have you putting some work into your home or material projects, like a hobby or house repair. The outer world doesn’t always allow us to feel in control of our destiny, but when you make your home better, that you can sit back and admire at the end of the day. Should be a job well done! Moon in Taurus.

Monday, September 3rd, the news of the day will give you hope for the future. Pieces are falling into place but be patient about the final “gel”. Where your mind is has more influence on the outcome than usual. Keep it quick, nimble and ready to solve any problem. Consider resistance actually a second chance to fine tune something before it goes on line. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, September 4th, expect a flood of details to overcome your situation. Today is when too much information will just dumbfound you. Beware of distractions because you can’t sort things out. If need be, get another objective perspective on something that needs to be done. If you tend to be anxiety prone, try to overcome it in steps. The wheels of change are upon us, but moving slowly. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, September 5th, there is a double Grand Trine in Air and Fire today which gives you full to get things done. The difficulties are known so use intellect and courage to face off any restrictions. Still not time to jump into actual creative force, but getting very close. If you believe in manifesting things with positive thought, this is the perfect morning to visualize the pieces coming together. If you see some adjustments in what is happening, go with it. You can’t connect with creative forces unless you are under harmonized actions. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, September 6th, what got going yesterday is now locked in with a Grand Square. This will go on for a while, so use this time to fine tune and develop what you are doing. Saturn goes Station today so the internal understanding of your motivations and the sustainability are ready for a debut. Good luck and I hope you shine! Moon in Cancer.


Thursday, August 23, 2018



This week Mars goes direct in Capricorn. It has a few days before it is in close proximity to the Draconian points. Those are destiny points. Mars will be approaching the South Node of big lessons in life and loss of money and property. And obviously opposite the North Node of creating wealth and focus on the future. From Tuesday on, could be a very interesting time. It will start with things in the undercurrent and then rise to the forefront by around September 22nd.

Friday, August 24th, all I can say is this will be a day of complications. We are in a long phase where a T Square of Uranus, Mars and the draconian points makes every effort more than it has to be.  The morning will be especially difficult as money worries can cloud your vision. This will be a time to test your internal fortitude towards making changes that benefit you on many levels. The weekend will start out right as you come to deeper understandings with your significant other and how you can make the simple things work. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, August 25th, yesterday’s efforts bring some visible results as a second Grand Trine in Earth helps you get your house pulled together and your practical aspects running well. Indulge in some honoring how far you have come and what you have today. If you don’t love it, ask yourself why is it still around. Moon in Capricorn

Sunday, August 26th, could be some internal conflict as to how much is too much. In a world of infinite expressions of desire and acquisition, ask yourself if the cost of something makes it worth having? Will you actually use what you are acquiring? Or will it sit like a trophy on a shelf and never be fondled again? Some will find this a time to be happy with what is actually enough. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, August 27th, amidst the tangles of getting things done, and figuring out what you think, consider what others are thinking too. Not their chant or mantra, but core issues that they need addressed. More commonality is there than you might expect. Then use the emotional extension to express some comradery. This could be a good time to mention the use of clichés or rally calls. Something that is used in motivation as well as manipulation. If someone spits out a cliché, try to approach things differently.  Otherwise could be a day of wondering about the madness around you. Moon in Aquarius.

Tuesday, August 28th, get done what you have too, and then spend some time addressing what will bring you peace and healing. Set a new goal rather than expect completion. Others are struggling too, so offer an olive branch when you can. Mars is going Station now, so some forces of nature will be getting some energy soon.  Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, August 29th, Mars is direct today. A lot of things are taking on a more positive or actionable energy. Mars will head back to the Draconian points soon  (where wealth and success flow vs loss of money and big life lessons), so take the next few days as a gift and do what you can arrange. Pull things together because there will be a struggle again in the near future. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, August 30th, expect some crazy things to be heard. Odd notices and communications are out again, so consider the source before taking the info is real. There can also be some very violent and harsh events or actions around you for the next few days. People are having problems processing what is wrong in their lives, or they know exactly and are desperate for relief. Don’t get in the way of someone doing harm. Moon in Aries by mid-day.

Thursday, August 16, 2018



Some things shift this week. One is the Sun goes into sidereal Leo bringing some important advantages. It will be paring up with Saturn and Uranus in a Grand Trine that covers all the fire signs. This will give some powerful forces forward to settle agreements and set rules. Even though Mars is still Retrograde this week, this Grand Trine will jerk us along a bumpy path. I get the image of shock treatments to the laggards of the new wave forward. It will continue until early September. 

A heady mix of passions and obsessions create distractions to the real work at hand. Saturn in Sagittarius is one of the players in this Grand Trine. While it is still affected by the star Lesath or Acumen, (otherwise known as the tail if the scorpion), we are all called to create something of a cure for what has been a curse. Uranus is also going to continue to provide the catalyst of uncertainty and chaos over our choices and outcomes during this heady time.

The exact trine between Jupiter (it has been direct for a while now) and Neptune in Retrograde bring movement towards what is good for the whole, but with a lasting negative influence of Chiron to Jupiter, which means the individual may be asked to make some adjustments. Our basic nature is to please ourselves and avoid pain. But sometimes in as populace a world we live in there are adjustments that benefit the whole and chafe some who don’t look at the big picture. We all need to be looking at the big picture in the near future.

For those who are influenced by the little Hermes in retrograde, he will be shifting forward starting on the 19th and will be in full forward movement by the end of the week. Mercury is still in sidereal Cancer so be aware that emotional rollercoasters are equal opportunity while it lingers in Cancer until September 2nd.

For those wondering when the pain will be over, well that isn’t going to ever happen. But for some relief in the near future, just about everything will be out of retrograde by January 9th, 2019. Uranus will stay in retrograde for yet another year, so learn to avoid self-sabotage and be proactive with each situation that comes up during that year. The internal battles will be lessened for those who dealt with what they could during this summer and through the fall.

What I call a lesser Grand Square will be affecting us all the rest of this month. I say that because it is an aspect with the Ascendant rather than four stellar objects.  The worst part of the day is mid-day. My advice is to be engaged in what you need to be by that time and the “boxing in” of the Grand Square will just keep you engrossed with your duty or project. A lot can be done if you plan big projects to go through lunch. If you aren’t engaged in what you need to be by then, you may be floundering the rest of the day because you are outside of that focus of energy.

Friday, August 17th, the Moon is aspecting Jupiter in Libra today. Could be a time for legal standings that affect all of us. With Chiron the wounded healer irritating the Jupiter/Moon conjunction, what happens will require us all to think less of ourselves and more about what ails us a country or citizens on this small lovely rock in the cosmos. Process the situation over the weekend. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, August 18th, the Grand Trine in Fire starts today. As an extra bonus there is a short termed Grand trine in Water also. One of my earlier lessons in understanding the energies of the zodiac involved considering the alchemy involved. Really not as difficult as you might think, so just consider what happens when fire and water get together. To me that sounds like steam! You have a choice today to use that energy to boiling water and making pasta or get scalded, such as burns due to a boiling pot. How you handle seeming everyday things will make a big different. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, August 19th, for those who have been waiting, Mercury is station today. There is something just under the surface waiting to be said, but will take another day before it gets out in clarity. Lots of good things can be finished up today, so go where the action is and don’t worry to much about messaging. This is also a good day for romance so work with your partners and add to the bond. Keep up with things you have promised to do. It will count to be reliable. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, August 20th, some messaging that has been held up will bring solace to those who need a sense of healing. It could be good news with some sort of test or a piece of your future coming into focus. With all the difficulties around, your focus on what you can do is more important than ever. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, August 21st, the moon will be aspecting Saturn in Sagittarius today. Things that need to get grounded into reality are coming into focus. This is part of the Grand Trine in fire, so expect to stay on your toes as you navigate your part of the puzzle. There are no small parts in life today, make your contribution the best you can with what you have. No more is expected. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, August 22nd, the Moon will be aspecting Pluto in Sagittarius today. There is a great deal to get you towards your goal if you are on the right path. If you meet too much resistance, question yourself as to motivations and values. They mean everything right now! Benefits go to those who are riding the right wave of honor and some adventure too. Moon in Sagittarius until evening when it goes into Capricorn.

Thursday, August 23rd the Moon aspecting Mars in Retrograde in Capricorn. This is well aspected helping you work efficiently. Also, a great time to do extra book keeping or organization of what you have, including finances. For those who have finances to juggle, this is a great time to meet or contact your broker or accountant about how to pull together finances and assets for this year and prep for the next. Moon in Capricorn.

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Friday, August 10, 2018



If you haven’t been feeling it yet, you will this week. The main focus will be emotional baggage. All the trigger points will be pressed as you try to do your routine. Definitely a time to take time to think through things and put past concerns in their place. If you can do that, you will break a cycle of hurt and pain that has festered maybe more than just your generation. By the end of this week, a double Grand Square will leave you in a circle of thought. If you do your questioning and releases before hand that stress will be much easier. Thursday will be an excellent day to do something ceremoniously that lightens your psychic load.

August 12th will be a great time for those in close relationships. An understanding about expectations can create a great deal of relief and ease for the future. Venus is in sidereal Virgo, so practical applications go the farthest. Keep it real. If you have any emotional issues that need to be aired, first consider how you developed them. This is an opportunity to view yourself and your mate in a realistic light, not something conditioning from family or others who impacted you negatively. Separate what is yours vs what is someone else’s issues inflicted on you. Make this work rather than let things fall apart.

Friday, August 10th, while some of the restrictions or challenges have abated, tension and obsession has just amped up. Use this constructively as if you can pull together some internal fortitude and then a great deal will work out. The key here is to put action to desires. Keep it simple with your personal spiritual practice and mental hygiene. Talk to someone if need be! We are not islands! Moon in Cancer. 

Saturday, August 11th, the swings of brooding and emotional outbursts are around another day. Know that communication has been difficult because finding the right questions has been elusive. Let alone the right answers. Mercury Retrograde has been at its worst, but some things will clear up by this evening. People who have been co-creators will know their tribe is close. If you are abandoned, maybe you need to look into why. Remember that when you abuse chances, people get tired of dealing with you. This goes for the big picture and our own little circle. Moon in Cancer until evening when it goes into Leo.

Sunday, August 12th, while it may not be long term or for the best, there is some interesting surprises instore for many today. Through your own hard work, you will find a bit of security that is like the sun coming out after a long rainy spell. Love and relationships can shine right now, but only if you keep it practical and caring. Moon in Leo.

Monday, August 13th, what is important today is to stick with your revelations and work to transform from chrysalis to butterfly. Only your personal efforts will bring the most return. There is a lot in the bigger world that is working out the muck in the system. None of us truly knows the extent of this mess, but bit by bit the humanity of it all is being revealed. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, August 14th, woe to those who don’t keep the agreements made over the weekend. Be sure that someone is counting off infractions as they occur. This will run the gamut of tough love to you are blowing it again. If you are a serial back tracker, don’t expect any favors today. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, August 15th, there could be some interesting legal decisions today. These relate to bigger issues of what affects all of us and our social contract. Yes, there is such a thing! To reap the benefits of buffers against chaos we have to agree to do certain things. Breaking that agreement weakens you and everyone around you. So, keep up with how things are progressing. It does matter today. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, August 16th, that double Grand Square is today (code for getting boxed into the present situation). It affects just about all the planets and orbs. What you have accomplished, or not, over the last few days will be squarely in your face today. Think of it as being stuck until you get it right. Now if you have been letting go, making amends and getting it together, then you will just be putting the polish on the situation. If you are still trying to game the system… well it could get really ugly with the fingers pointing at you… justly. Moon in Libra.

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thursday, August 2, 2018



This week has its own set of challenges. The “hidden one” is a Grand Square (it aspects in mid-morning with the ascendant) that will hold up through August 13th. With Libra on the ascendant part of the equation has to do with legalities and a balancing of power. While it does not stay in aspect all day, mornings will have a definite slump for many as they try to sort out the unsolvable. Things just don’t want to balance one way or another. Plus, there is an urgency and erratic jabs that are permeating everything for a while. The T Square with Uranus/Mars and the Draconian points adds urgency as things could be seen as a turning point meeting major resistance. This will continue until the first of October. Advice, is don’t do legal documents in the morning, and prioritize what you do so that the important stuff gets done.

Another aspect is with Venus. She is now in Virgo but opposite Chiron in Pisces. Remember the Wounded Healer who can’t heal them self? There is a positive aspect with Venus and Mars this week to help avoid a decent into the unfathomable. You will have to pull yourself up without much outside help.  To take the positive spin on this as a time for romantic partners to let go of the fun and frivolity of the last month of Venus in Leo and start to get together with the practicalities of life. If aspects of your life need adjusting, the answer is to turn towards what is sustainable for a while. Yes, being carefree is lots of fun, but if you spend too much time there, then you head into debt and drudgery. Those who can reign in their budget and responsibilities will feel much better about themselves as the fall arrives. Plenty of energy to get the responsibilities managed at this time too.

There is another partial solar eclipse next week on August 11th. This will occur just before the sun rises in the Tulsa area so there will be no visibility. The New Moon happens this day also and both Sun and Moon will be in Cancer. Honor those who just want to hide out and stay safe. With the other things happening right now, it is best not to push otherwise outgoing people into uncomfortable situations. This could also be a time where those who are bad actors take a hard look at themselves and that mirror reflection is going to be harsh. For the rest of us, stay out of harm’s way.

Just a reminder that Uranus in Aries is still squared to Mars in Capricorn and all its difficulties. The two bode difficulties with cyber attacks (Uranus rules technology and Mars, well there is that war vibe) and difficulties with money. There is enough positive energy to help circumvent big problems with money and other assaults to help you out, if you are aware this is a vulnerable time.

With Mercury under retrograde and squares, messaging will be more disturbing than ever. Think of a cornered animal fighting harder than ever to get out of a mess. Neptune is still retrograde so lies and games are alive and well right now.

Friday, August 3rd, the twinge of new erratic assaults on our emotional nature will be strong today. The Moon is conjunct Uranus in Aries. Karma is coming today for some people so just step aside and let her do her work. Life is all about lessons, and some people just take to long to make the adjustment. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, August 4th, for some, the pressure of yesterday will feel more like Kali standing on your chest. For the rest of us, figure out how you will manage your budget and other debts with a changing climate. Err on the side of frugality because what seems far away from your life will eventually have an impact on you anyway. Just be proactive and get practical. Actually, a good day to sell some extra stuff if you want to simplify or simply get unused things out from underfoot. Moon in Aries.

Sunday, August 5th, kudos to you if you can even get out of bed! Work with the earthy Grand Trine and don’t stray far from home. Keep it simple today and manage your stuff! The next week will need a rested and focused mindset to get through the maze of changes. I am a strong advocate of Feng Shui and the stroke of genius of that practice is everything in the house is useful, working and there is free movement throughout the house. Work on your personal projects at home and go into next week feeling like you were proactive and in control of yourself. Moon in Aries until afternoon when it goes into Taurus.

Monday, August 6th, pulling from yesterday’s accomplishments, take that extra step and finish up any material exchanges you may need to do. Yesterday’s work was probably more than you anticipated but finishing up today has just a bit more go power. You are probably feeling more like your home is your nest, and it is looking better than ever. It never hurts to polish up what you have to recognize just how much you have! Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, August 7th, the Sun and Mercury are traveling in tandem for a while and they are exactly squared to Jupiter for the next several days. Watch out of personal mistakes in judgement and partial misunderstandings. Instead of stressing over someone being slow or seemingly wandering about, know that the over load of the bigger world slows our inner world to a snail’s pace. Time to pay attention to nuances and act like you could be next to be doddering about. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, August 8th, the Moon will be squaring Venus and Chiron today. Too much information will be overloading even the brightest Air signs. Find your foundations or do your quick meditations to maintain your temper and perspective. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, August 9th, yesterday’s quandaries will be pulled into some sort of order today. Preserver with what you need to do and the evening will provide you some answers. Remember with the challenges of this summer, the big lesson is to honor what you have, pull those you love around you for community and know that eventually things will sort themselves out. If you do your part without making it worse for others, then the outcome has to be better. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, July 26, 2018



Are we having fun yet? With six planets in retrograde, I have to wonder how others are doing under this “siege”? There are a few channels of trines that can bring some flow in a world that is otherwise festering in the heat. Those trines are with Chiron in Pisces and the North Node/Sun in Cancer. Bringing healing to those who are looking towards the future in a way that is different than anything else in the past. Uranus in Aries is in an uneasy trine with Saturn in Sagittarius. That brings fodder for rebellion and shock and awe attention points. Actually, more like misleading stories when you consider Neptune in Retrograde. Jupiter in Libra is direct and bringing some good news, but it will be buried in a melee of other stories. Sorting all this out is hard for the impatient. We are definitely in a wait and see situation. Reach out when you need solace and community. This will blow over, but the outcome is what we decide it will be. Even if it seems like we have no control.

The backward moving Mars in Capricorn, will be aspected by the Moon Friday and Saturday, bringing deeper pressure on getting things right. I suspect that many will feel like all the cruelty in the world is directed at them, and it might be. Neptune in Retrograde hides an agenda that will eventually surface, but we already know what it is. Just can’t line up the cure.

Friday, July 27th. This will be a pressure cooker day. To provide a glimmer of hope for something brighter, I remember seeing my Grandmother pressure canning green beans on summer mornings. Those tidbits were amazing later in the year. The pressure and heat killed out any nasties and left amazing flavor and nutrition. Back to today, brace yourself to disturbing news, shifts in plot, yes, we are being entertained in some perverse way, and gathering up strength to let this show unfold. The Solar eclipse is midday here in the states and Mercury has added its contrarian vibe to the other 5 planets in retrograde. Add the lunacy factor of a full moon and anything can happen.  Find your special place, and recharge over this weekend. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, July 28th, so are we reviewing what is needing calcination or are we just sweltering in the heat? Make what you want out of the difficulties around you. The Draconian points have been highlighted to purge the past and push forward into a new world. Hopefully having learned from past mistakes. Just remember that there is push back on those mucking up our collective good will and prosperity. We do not suffer alone. Find what you need for self-improvement and stay cool, literally and psychically. Moon in Capricorn.

Sunday, July 29th, today logic and emotions will have to dance a tango. The opposites are hard to harmonize when little else is stationary. Know that the indecisions of today will pass. Keep the high ground when possible but recognize when others are hurting. If you can help, do so. If not, get out of their way so you are not hurt. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, July 30th, more about what the future holds can be sorted out from the muck. Unfortunately, news or communications will not help much as they are mixed and variable. Not a time to make big decisions. Do what you have to, and no more. Moon in Aquarius.

Tuesday, July 31st, there is a twist in the fiber of our consciousness. Be it what it may, there is little you will want to hold as true today. Remember there are hidden agendas and protective maneuvers happening with those of power and prestige. It is a delicate balance of where things need to be cut out. Expect to see a continuation of flashes of anger and hostility. Stay out of harms way. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, August 1st, from your own sense of perspective a glimpse of healing can occur today. Call it insight to the situation, a vision of epic proportions or just seeing things in a new light. There is plenty that is ugly and alarming, but a new sense of determination to make course corrections can set you free. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, August 2nd, a ray of sunshine for those who still love and need to hear some good news. There could be tears of joy and relief today. They will be short lived but could create some sort of turning point that gives hope. Everyone is really dealing with personal stuff right now, but there could be something on the bigger scale of events that helps you find a smile today. You should feel it as well as get to see it. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, July 19, 2018



Probably not a good week to be playing games with romance. The sting of consequences will follow those who try to mask their aggressions with smoke and mirrors. Not only will those people be drawn out into the light, but consequences will be in order. Those in the mundane world have it easiest as they simple can break off ties and move on with their lives. Those in the limelight may find their actions recorded for posterity. Those who are working for solid relationships will find their own set of events to negotiate but will also meet greater understanding.

Other aspects of debts coming due will continue to greet those who have not kept their affairs in order. Mars in Capricorn is still opposite the Sun and North Node in Cancer and all squaring Uranus in Aries. This is where a new day is dawning, but not in the same light as some may think it will. Harsh aspects will shine on those who are playing loose and irresponsibly with their lives. If you know someone like this be careful how close you are to them if they decide to implode from frustration.

So, if you are diligent in your actions and passions, opportunities will head your way. There is just enough interference that things may seem like they are falling apart, but in truth you are just about to launch into something different and productive. The key here is to centering practices will keep you present with the shifting sands of events right now. There is a lot that can be gained. The last of the Grand Trine in Fire ends over the weekend, bringing more need to parlay your energy in only the most constructive ways available. Keep up the pressure where you can because by next weekend, Mercury will be retrograde and you will want much done ahead of time.

Friday, July 20th, this is a day where the tight rope walkers will find a path to the other side. This is the last day of the Grand Square also, so the restrictions will still be present a little longer. Romance gets a great boost for those wanting to create a warm nest with their favorite people. When you get down to it, that family cluster is always a primary reason for doing what we do in this crazy world to make a living. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, July 21st, brings the last day of the Grand Trine in Fire. Some of the biggest challenges have been remedied, but strangeness is still out there causing  havoc. This is definitely a week to keep it honest, keep it real and let the chips fall where they may. Probably want to practice your mindfulness meditations from this day on, at least for the near future. Gather energy this weekend. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, July 22nd, for today, the Moon creates a short term Grand trine in Water. Emotional responses and endings will abound. What is important to salvage from the day is that somethings are really transformations, not defeats. Just could be hard on those who are not willing to yield to a higher power. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, July 23rd, keep present in events around you and know who you can depend upon. The twists and snarls will start this week off so attention needed everywhere at all times. Struggle and contradiction of the day may well be a prediction of the rest of the week. it is all for the right reasons, so keep a steady course forward. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, July 24th, among the uncertainties rely on what anchors you. Your personal strength is even more important than usual. There is favor for those who preserver in the right frame of mind. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, July 25th, another day were your personal values will be tested. Just remember that those who would sabotage you are also meeting resistance, if not more chaos. Emotional values are being tested this week and this day is no exception. Moon in Sagittarius.

Thursday, July 26th, lucky us as the day starts off with Moon conjunct Pluto, the great transformer. The Sagittarius “feel” to this conjunction brings up needs to question values and fine tune what is acceptable. Mercury goes Station and not interacting with other bodies, bringing communications that struggle. Couple that with Neptune in Aquarius in opposition and Retrograde, illusion and hidden agendas will try to make a power play. Stay wary, particularly in the earlier part of the day. Comeuppance will follow shortly in a day or so. Moon in Sagittarius until late afternoon when it goes into “get your act together” Capricorn.

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