Thursday, September 6, 2018



It is getting time for my sabbatical to recharge. This report will cover two weeks so please refer back to it as needed during this time. I hope to return refreshed and offering some tantalizing insights to this period of Retrogrades. What I have discovered is both hideous and fascinating all worked into one.

So, to get on with the present, one of the major conditions of the next two weeks revolves around the Grand Square which will end September 23rd. Remember that this creates a boxing in of your energy and focus. I hope you are in a place of your choosing! During these two weeks we will start to see Saturn in its direct motion forward. It will be slow at first but that which has not been working will have opportunities to gradually mill solutions to hidden problems. More will be revealed through this fall as a unfolding of agendas and goals will start to be revealed as other major planets start to go direct.

Friday, September 7th, this is a day to watch out for emotional reactions. Catch yourself before you go off on depressive territory because the real situation is much better than it feels. Lots of hidden agendas, but we are all getting wiser to those games that people play. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, September 8th, what a difference a day makes! Yesterday’s despair turns to renewed vigor and self-awareness. Some particularly good news could be coming our way as the bigger scene has found a positive venue marked on a stable star. There is a balancing quality to what we want and what can heal us if we listen carefully. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, September 9th, look for legal victories or determinations that cut back on the repressive and vile. This will be a battle that has been seen before, and is ongoing. Look carefully at the details that are available as more is exposed today in a big way. Moon in Leo.

Monday, September 10th, today is more of a day to show who you are and what you are worth. There is a cloud on what others think, simply because they are not getting the whole story. Stand firm in your integrity and wait for vindication. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, September 11th, today, Venus in Libra is exactly opposite Uranus in Aries. Star-crossed lovers may cross paths again. Reminders of the quirks and whims that have caused difficulties in your relationships. They will need your full attention for a couple of weeks. What might be a out of the blue connection from the past, is needing more healing. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, September 12th day two of balancing your desires vs the harsh reality of a situation. Like all oppositions, there can be a essence of opposites attracting, which unless it is just the perfect set of balance/counterbalance, you will understand more why something did not work out. Try to take this as a learning experience rather than another stab to the heart. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, September 13th, if you can shift to more altruistic visions of the future, you will gain greatly. The Moon taps Jupiter in Libra today amplifying what you are feeling and how things have worked out. Messaging will be on the point, so listen very carefully to the whole message. Moon in Libra.

Friday, September 14th, there can be a great sense of renewal today if you can let the past go and edge into the limitless future of relationships. This is a time I like to think of the three faces of love. Eros, Agape and Plutonic. Sometimes we try to push everything into one form when they are rarely coexisting at the same time. Also consider that while Eros is fantastic for those strong bonds meant for procreation, the other forms are subtler and more lasting. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, September 15th, this is a day to make plans for the future. Something that gives you joy and allows for that special place you are at right now. Healing is really highlighted today, so take time to rest, rejuvenate and recreate. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, September 16th, a time to consolidate the latest changes in your life. Turn off the phone and spend some time getting a good feel of the present. This weekend has been intense for some and tomorrow will show you some new stability. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, September 17th, the Moon is going to activate some sore spots over the next three days. It starts out with conjoining the now direct Saturn in Sagittarius. A test of if you are taking the high road or the low road to personal worth and integrity. If you are feeling extra stable, then you are on the mend. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, September 18th, today the Moon will conjoin Pluto in retrograde in Sagittarius. The work is still going on internally, but be content that is where you have the most power. We cannot change others but we can change ourselves. The influence of Sagittarius is very important right now to carving away the disdainful and leaving the framework of the functional and philosophical. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, September 19th, time to get back to basics. The Moon conjoins Mars in Capricorn. matters of money, property and status are calling for your attention. They are in opposition to the North Node and thereby conjoined with the South Node of losses if you are not careful and falling into old habits. This whole recent cycle has been about our relationship mistakes and successes. Now consider what is luxury or extraneous to happiness and make the appropriate adjustments. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, September 20th, If you are not careful, the lessons of old man Saturn will cause you some grief. This is not a time to do things alone if you are struggling. Call on trusted friends and confidants to help you sort out the muddle you are starting to recreate. Consider that you have “been there and done that” so why repeat past mistakes? Moon in Capricorn.

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