Thursday, September 27, 2018



As for general shifts this week, Pluto will go Station on October 1st. While this is a slow moving and distant planet, don’t expect immediate changes in ideology or philosophy of those needing a wake-up call. But know it is in the works through October.

Also, romance will get a boost this next 10 days or so. You may have to dig a bit deeper to see that is happening, but it is there and you can tap into some really higher understanding and comradery. Consider this a time to open up to a soul connection with your mate, such as Zen moments watching the sun set.  In about 2 weeks these understandings will be blossom into  clear and endearing connections. Should be a good way to start your fall.

Friday, September 28th has the Moon in Aries playing hard wall with Jupiter in Libra. Legal issues and setting the record straight are potentially explosive late morning. News cycle should be interesting. What happens says a lot about who we are. This is on a big scale so expect it to both upfront and personal. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, September 29th, as the day develops some down to earth actions will bring important news that hits the heart like a cosmic two by four. There is a Grand Trine in earth this day so it will be fleeting and beneficial. Not everyone will be excited. We are in a trend to learn some big lessons about how things have changed and how they will be moving forward. Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, September 30th, this is a good day to phone home and connect with those you know. Also, a good day to eat well and get some things done around the house. And by the way, take a nap in the afternoon. Anything that feels good and builds up your emotional and spiritual strength should be on the agenda today! Moon in Taurus.

Monday, October 1st, another layer in the Retrograde Year is starting to release. Pluto in Sagittarius goes Station today and a new day will dawn. Although the general feel of the day is going to be positive, you should start preparing for what is next. Some are going to feel very scattered, but if you focus more on starting a new catalogue of information, you will start to see a pattern develop. It if it healing it is where you need to go. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, October 2nd, get up early and start your day knowing that big things are here. There will be lucky changes or redirections. Now you may not perceive them as lucky, but they defiantly get you where you should be going next. Projects may end up in your lap or flirting may bring someone to start a conversation. Be prudent, as so much for all directions will be flying about, that your free will must be acknowledged. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, October 3rd, foster what makes you feel at peace or in good mental health.  There are a couple of Grand Trines bringing a lot of stray pieces together. You will know it is right if you find the synchronicities among the odd events. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, October 4th, another day to roll in delight over the set of circumstances that have arisen. Perhaps a celebration is in order, but do wait until after work. Partying at work or making light of some situations in the work place could backfire. Smile instead and keep them guessing where the mirth flows. Some people are going to be moody and will take offense at someone enjoying themselves or worse think you are up to something. Moon in Cancer.

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