Thursday, July 19, 2018



Probably not a good week to be playing games with romance. The sting of consequences will follow those who try to mask their aggressions with smoke and mirrors. Not only will those people be drawn out into the light, but consequences will be in order. Those in the mundane world have it easiest as they simple can break off ties and move on with their lives. Those in the limelight may find their actions recorded for posterity. Those who are working for solid relationships will find their own set of events to negotiate but will also meet greater understanding.

Other aspects of debts coming due will continue to greet those who have not kept their affairs in order. Mars in Capricorn is still opposite the Sun and North Node in Cancer and all squaring Uranus in Aries. This is where a new day is dawning, but not in the same light as some may think it will. Harsh aspects will shine on those who are playing loose and irresponsibly with their lives. If you know someone like this be careful how close you are to them if they decide to implode from frustration.

So, if you are diligent in your actions and passions, opportunities will head your way. There is just enough interference that things may seem like they are falling apart, but in truth you are just about to launch into something different and productive. The key here is to centering practices will keep you present with the shifting sands of events right now. There is a lot that can be gained. The last of the Grand Trine in Fire ends over the weekend, bringing more need to parlay your energy in only the most constructive ways available. Keep up the pressure where you can because by next weekend, Mercury will be retrograde and you will want much done ahead of time.

Friday, July 20th, this is a day where the tight rope walkers will find a path to the other side. This is the last day of the Grand Square also, so the restrictions will still be present a little longer. Romance gets a great boost for those wanting to create a warm nest with their favorite people. When you get down to it, that family cluster is always a primary reason for doing what we do in this crazy world to make a living. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, July 21st, brings the last day of the Grand Trine in Fire. Some of the biggest challenges have been remedied, but strangeness is still out there causing  havoc. This is definitely a week to keep it honest, keep it real and let the chips fall where they may. Probably want to practice your mindfulness meditations from this day on, at least for the near future. Gather energy this weekend. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, July 22nd, for today, the Moon creates a short term Grand trine in Water. Emotional responses and endings will abound. What is important to salvage from the day is that somethings are really transformations, not defeats. Just could be hard on those who are not willing to yield to a higher power. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, July 23rd, keep present in events around you and know who you can depend upon. The twists and snarls will start this week off so attention needed everywhere at all times. Struggle and contradiction of the day may well be a prediction of the rest of the week. it is all for the right reasons, so keep a steady course forward. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, July 24th, among the uncertainties rely on what anchors you. Your personal strength is even more important than usual. There is favor for those who preserver in the right frame of mind. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, July 25th, another day were your personal values will be tested. Just remember that those who would sabotage you are also meeting resistance, if not more chaos. Emotional values are being tested this week and this day is no exception. Moon in Sagittarius.

Thursday, July 26th, lucky us as the day starts off with Moon conjunct Pluto, the great transformer. The Sagittarius “feel” to this conjunction brings up needs to question values and fine tune what is acceptable. Mercury goes Station and not interacting with other bodies, bringing communications that struggle. Couple that with Neptune in Aquarius in opposition and Retrograde, illusion and hidden agendas will try to make a power play. Stay wary, particularly in the earlier part of the day. Comeuppance will follow shortly in a day or so. Moon in Sagittarius until late afternoon when it goes into “get your act together” Capricorn.

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