Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast April 10th through 16th 2015

After a phase of Jupiter being retrograde in its exalted sign of Cancer, the wheels that were in your head and creative centers are now going to get a green light to start rolling. Also for the next few weeks Jupiter will be well aspected to the movements of the Sun, Mercury and Uranus. Just be aware that what opportunities occur, they will probably be well communicated and not all the details will be available. Give yourself some wiggle room should the final version turn into someone else’s game for riches.

This week on April 14th the Sun moves into Aries. This is spring astrologically. By now most of you will be feeling more like getting out and doing things with the energy of Aries on the rise. Meaning that those who have been lethargic will be out and about; so opportunities and solutions are going to start showing up everywhere because more people are engaged.

Friday, April 10th brings around a few interesting aspects. Do you find yourself feeling like Nero fiddling while Rome burned? Then you are psyched with a sense of illumination that has nothing to do with the chaos around you. The Moon slipped into Sagittarius today bringing a nice connection with Mars in Aries. Out of the wreckage you are probably seeing rebuilding foundations. Many doors are going to open for those who have the desire to reach out.

Saturday, April 11th yesterday’s optimism could turn into sour grapes. Rather than do the “should have could have” mind monkey game, consider this, the competition is stiff and all the negatives were not known. There are more opportunities out there, so just let disappointment go and pay attention to everything. The element of feeling your way to success is more valuable than actual coup’s. This is not  an episode of Mad Men and know that manner is in the realm of lessons’ learned.

Sunday, April 12th could be a good day to acquire something special. The Moon has moved into Capricorn and is well aspected to Venus just for today. Perhaps check out furniture advertisements or find that something special at a garage sale. Who knows, there may be a hidden value in what you find. While there are some harsh realities about personal relationships underscoring your thoughts, don’t let that restrict your fun today.

Monday, April 13th brings interesting situations that could bring just the right set of information and opportunity to move forward with a project. New opportunities are more auspicious than old ones. Still a lot of ambiguity about what is happening because; frankly not all the details are thought out. Consider any offers as works in progress and start brainstorming or asking questions.

Tuesday, April 14th this is not a day to let ideals form too much of the future. Nothing is perfect, but there is a lot of room for good enough to fly. The Moon has moved into Aquarius bringing some miss communications with reality. What is working well is new personal relationships. Perhaps there is a positive movement to getting something going?

Wednesday, April 15th there is a fair amount of smoke and mirrors today. If promises are made, don’t accept them unless you can see real movement and action. Be sure of actual follows through as well. Pay close attention to how it is done and ask questions if things don’t fit the cause and effect model.

Thursday, April 16th with today’s movement of the Moon into Sidereal Pisces, there will be a brief link up with what you want and stability. Romance is still well aspected by opportunities to new engagements and situations to discover that right person for you. Don’t expect it to be by normal venues either. Get out, and participate!

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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