There is an
interesting Yod formation most of this week with Jupiter in Virgo as the apex. Usually
called “the finger of God” there can be extra importance to
Jupiter/Mercury/Neptune connections. Loosely, the details of any enterprise are
so important, especially when matters of the human condition are considered.
This week will finish out with stresses on news that critiques big plans. So,
mostly the same as last week on that venue. After this week, that stress is
still there, but it will be harder to hear about what is happening. Keep asking
questions because data is being exposed that is screaming for a “re-write”. With
Mars making its yearly journey through Gemini with an opposition to Saturn,
there is a subtext of cruelty. When life and death decisions are subjected to
too many intellectual games, reason and compassion take a back seat, unless you
insist on corrections. I know it seems we are so overwhelmed by these assaults,
but the barrage is designed to beat you into complacency. Look at the source,
and teach them the lesson. Human kind has compassion naturally, but not those
wanting only numbers to matter. Offer solutions that we can innovate something
better and still be humane.
There will
be a stable Kite formation from May 28th to June 4th
which will bring a lot of joy to those who love life. Relationships will take a
wondrous turn for the better as communication and adventures make lasting
impressions. Enjoy!
Friday, May 26th, greets us with the Moon traversing
past Mars in Gemini. Today will be like reading an insurance policy. Vaguely
you think things will be fine, but the subtext only benefits the insurance
company, leaving you in trouble. Make no
deals today. Moon into Gemini by mid-day.
Saturday, May 27th, has a current of distrust of what
we have normally held in high regard. This is intentional! There will be some news
that the wheels of truth is still working well. By mid-day, a triad will
connect the Moon/Mercury/Neptune creating a breath of fresh air to our hearts
and minds. Remember this feeling so you can call it again when you feel the
need to center your emotions. I have been a firm believer in creating a
grounded center in my being that can withstand all assaults. We need to all
develop that safety zone for times like these. An example in fiction is the use
of a Patronus for Harry Potter to banish the soul sucking Dementors. Develop your
own Patronus. Moon in Gemini.
Sunday, May 28th, while more news of our fates come
into view, there are the joys of our daily lives that can shine today. Those in
love, will have some unusual affirmations and adventures. Connecting up with
the definition of your personal meaning for life can overshadow the changing
world around you. Make sure you put the effort into your relationships, because
this sweet spot will not come instantly. Moon in Gemini.
Monday, May 29th, is a holiday for many. Perhaps I
should remind us why we take time off for Memorial Day, but even those who have
passed on before us, knew and understood the joys of life. This will be a time
that some lasting adventures and connections will be enjoyed. I know it seems
that the bigger picture does not reflect who we are, but don’t let that keep
you from defining your message. Each light for something greater, and next
level, is adding to the beacon for pushing the decay of the past into darkness.
Moon in Cancer.
Tuesday, May 30th, another great day for those connected
with what is next level. Each life will have something special that they
explore. Think big, love big, be all you can be. The negatives will soon move
into positives. Moon in Cancer.
Wednesday, May 31st, another day where the future is
what we make. Lots of synchronicities to go around. Stay in that flow! The moon
shifts into Leo and is traversing across the North Node of destiny. This is all
tied into that long standing Kite formation that will give hope to all those
who have despaired. See the good, banish the no longer helpful, and help create
a better tomorrow with your words, actions and dreams. Moon in Leo.
Thursday, June 1st, there is a powerful mix of
connections out there. Two Grand Trines with a Kite formation (success if you
do your work) and a T Square. The T square brings a veil of illusion on what
people are allowed to see and know. Preserver with your questions and hope for
the best. Tomorrow will bring more insights! Moon in Leo.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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