Over the
last few weeks I have neglected talking about the influences of Venus. She has
been in Pisces, which is usually a wonderful place for her, but she has been in
challenged with Saturn at this time. This Square ends after May 8th.
After that there will be a deep need to do some auto correction from the
instability and frustration of the last few weeks. While normally I suggest
that people keep life balanced with attention to the outside world and efforts
to your personal life, after the 8th there will be a continued
difficulty in getting into a sweet spot. Priorities may shift, and that is OK.
With the news and erratic aspects in highlight right now, overload is
understood on all sides. Continue to work harder at self care and mental
hygiene. It will pay off down the road. Relationships are our hardest lesson or
task and there will be easier times in the future.
Mercury has
gone fully direct now and is conjuncting Uranus in earnest. This time what was
innuendo will now be headlines. No real hint of solutions, but bolder
statements on all sides of the political and social arenas. Don’t overload on
the info. Some people listen all day and hear the same thing with slight updates
as they do their daily stuff. For your mental health over the rest of the year,
(Chiron square Saturn), let the dust of the day settle and get the single
update. But you must listen carefully to both sides. You should think about
what is said. If you can ween off of constant drama, you can stay less agitated
and more thoughtful about your life and how democracy is moving.
The Grand
Trine in Fire is still rolling along. As a review, it connects Uranus/Mercury
to Saturn and the North Node. What this means is anything that leads to
security, and what a positive future means, will be having a constant positive
pulse. This is truly a time of the corrupt and decayed being exposed and held
accountable. Our contribution is to think solutions and adjustments instead of
blank clichés that solve nothing.
Friday, May 5th, the stars bring lots of reasons to
be happy today. This is my favorite Cinco de Mayo an increasingly favorite
holiday. Just a few days ago was Buddha’s
birthday (by some calendars). As today’s hint to survival, the two ways these demonstrate
the victory over ego or an oppressive regime. Whichever battle you have been
immersed, give yourself some time to thank helpful guides and your own
perseverance to truth, and personal sovereignty. The proviso that the stars add
is you must maintain diligence or else what was gained will be slowly, stealthy
taken away. Such is the ebb and flow of the powers in our reality. Moon in Leo.
Saturday, May 6th, this is a time that couples need to
be extra vigilant to not nit pick or bully their loved ones. With the stresses
of less than perfect balance of good times and home improvement, edginess is
bountiful. Watch your thoughts as well as your words and actions. They will be
amplified in ways that will injure. Remember it is much easier to hold your
tongue rather than spend days or weeks healing harsh words. The rest of the
world may feel like it is weighing heavily on you as well. We are digging our
way out of some deep archaic muck right now. It will take a lot of light to
balance the wrongs. Moon in Virgo.
Sunday, May 7th, today the Moon and Jupiter conjunct
in Virgo. There is a Trine with Mars (what gives us mojo to do our job) as well
as some other distractions. Your best plan for utilizing the most out of the
day will be to do the work yourself instead of asking someone else to do it.
Sometimes making a job a quiet meditation into the sprucing up your environment
and the healing that comes to the inside from personal satisfaction of a job
well done. At the end of the day, get together with your partner and find out
just how much was done, working separately but in a common cause. Moon in
Monday, May 8th, the day starts out with a need to
work through personal blocks. Most of us have developed ways to push forward when
the heart is just not into it. The reward will be by late afternoon you will
see something spectacular for your efforts. As the evening rolls on, go out and
make some wishes on the stars and moon. Spring is really here and the summer is
in the making tonight! Moon in Libra.
Tuesday, May 9th, the morning starts out on an
optimistic vibe. While there is still lots of interesting or scary news coming
from various sources, the feeling that progress is flowing. The later part of
the day will probably fall into complacency, so just take a break and just let
the info flow through you. Tomorrow will be another day. Moon in Libra.
Wednesday, May 10th, the wheels of fortune seem to be
spinning along today with the Sun in Aries Trine to Pluto in Sagittarius. Normally
this would be a tango between self assertiveness and transforming for higher
truths. Most who need to start focus on
the next phase or new project will find the energy to finish up, lay to rest or
pass on a past condition or project. (yep, this is both internal work as well
as physical stuff). The day will be best spent clearing the decks for some new
focus over the summer. The outer world will be finding its way through the
never ending changes, and there is enough trending pattern that you know where
to focus next. Moon in Libra until evening when it goes into Scorpio.
Thursday, May 11th, emotionally today will make it hard
to detach from fears of others and your own insecurities. The best plan is to
turn inward and get some exercise and then spend time on a pet project. Even if
it is just planting your garden. Take your stress out on something that can
handle some pounding, like hoeing some dirt! Moon in Scorpio.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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