Thursday, June 1, 2017



The week starts out with Venus and Uranus exact. With both in Aries right now, fresh beginnings or newly found drive to success will dominate. This is great for relationships that now need to understand that there is connection and freedom to do your chosen work without fear of loss. Ultimately, lasting relationships thrive when both are allowed to be the best they can be and still connect back when time allows.

For the rest of the week, Mars in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius will continue to force issues of how much is rightful power and how much is compensation for insufficiencies. Last week we saw the first level of discovering how dysfunctional that dance of opposites can be.  A level of cruelty of action continues. This week further discoveries of what is known right now. Could be very interesting for those in a battle of wills with perceived incompetence. Could be very uncomfortable for those involved. Jupiter and Pluto are also squared this week, and for a while. That means pressure to ask needed questions in light of uncontroversial data or truths.

Friday, June 2nd, will bring a lot of luck to those who start the day out early. That wave of opportunity through personal effort will give you more than you expected. There will be communications that are real game changers as Mercury trine Pluto starts a cascade of revelations over the next few days. Mostly good news, even if you have to shift your perspective to adjust to the reality. Be aware that starting today, big issues may have lots of obfuscation. Check your sources. Also, some people and situations will be boxed into a corner! For some people, health news will dominate. Moon in Virgo by mid-morning.

Saturday, June 3rd, Jupiter and the Moon in Virgo are connecting today. These two together mean the importance of details and follow through. There is a square with Mars in Gemini that will awaking the cruelty of those who try to dominate on shaky ground. With the mixed powerful influences right now, those in questionable authority will try extra hard to hide their insufficiencies. Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, June 4th, as the day progresses, those lovers may notice the quirks of their beloved. Remember that details may be important in somethings, but not in all matters. An important day for pivotal judgement calls on what you can handle vs. ignore with a smile and a nod. After the morning, things could get stressful without an avenue to mitigate solutions. Take plenty of time to just center your feelings before you say much. Tomorrow will be a bigger test of holding your tongue. Moon in Libra by late afternoon.

Monday, June 5th, send quirky love notes to someone special. This is either to cover up something hastily said or omissions in the course of living, ie forgotten anniversaries. So much hinges on what your feelings may be. Fortunately, the Libra moon can see the rationale if honesty is open and verbalized. At this point, much of any work towards a project is probably out of your personal control. Let it go out into the field of others doing their work and wait for word back on your next step. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, June 6th, just for today, the Moon will trine Neptune in Aquarius (our collective sense of humanity and ideals). There will be a gut connection with what the next level of plans will look like, but be cautious as there is still veils of illusion because the Sun in Taurus squaring Neptune. That level of illusion creates a mixed message environment. Do your homework so you know which is good news and what is hype. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, June 7th, right now use your emotional energy to heal or involve your energy in mental health. Some people just need to connect with nature, some need a massage to release all the physical stress, and some just need to meditate to find their center and solutions. There is no hint as to how the future will progress so all you can do is focus on yourself and know peace at home. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, June 8th, try to keep your cool when you hear something contrary to what you know. This is a life test! When you have worked hard at being your best and always evolving into your best form, you will now find information that is contrary to what you know. Mercury is being a real stinker today and your emotions will have every button pushed. Remember yesterday’s trials and recall how to center. Don’t say something that will be regretted. Instead, be cool even if others lose theirs. Unfortunately, tomorrow will be even more trying. Pace yourself! Moon in Scorpio.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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