Friday, June 9th, The full moon just makes this an
even crazier and exciting day. So much so that the stress could overwhelm you. The
key to handling the chaotic energies of the day is to recognize that inner
truths are essential for focusing your energy and getting things done. An old
but powerful lesson is that of knowing the “inner bell”. If you are in touch
with it, your inner magician will move effortlessly. If it is off, well, you
will learn a very powerful lesson about telling the truth. Moon in Scorpio
until early evening.
Saturday, June 10th. Should be a lot of good news coming
through today. Exciting times, albeit highly unconventional. Really important
for those working a conscientious life to stay grounded today. There is still a
strain on the group consciousness through June 16th. Continuing
through this time, vigilance on truth vs propaganda is imperative. After that,
Neptune will go Retrograde bringing in deep inner dialogues of who you are and
where you have been. Journal during this time about whatever your experience and
then compare notes as to where you want to be. Moon in Sagittarius.
Sunday, June 11th, this could be a day of tough choices
and good news. Sometimes we are pressed to do more than we think we can. But
when destiny calls, it is always best to take the lead and make the
transformation. the trick will be trying to sort out which is which due to some
veiled issues still lurking. In the spirit of the past Sagittarius moon,
consider the journey as part adventure and partly getting to a goal. On this
level, it is our best guess where we should be going. Do your best and there
will be no regrets (win or lose)! Moon is Capricorn.
Monday, June 12th, with Mercury taking a pivotal power
in the skies though June 15th, information and ideas will be flying
like monkeys. Connect the dots to the next level which causes personal opinions
to change and outlooks to shift. Here is your chance to choose what wavelength
you want of harmonize. Choose carefully as today has a Grand Square and you could
be stuck in that rut for a while. Moon in Capricorn.
Tuesday, June 13th, the Sun has moved into Gemini with
Mercury close to its heels. There is an opposition with Saturn that started a
few days ago and will run until June 22nd. Challenges to how to work
things out has our attention. The bigger the game, the higher the stakes.
Unsettling will be the key word for this time. Just when you thought you could
take no more, things get punched up a notch. Perhaps the bigger lesson is what
do you do in times of uncertainty? As human beings we are also adjusting to the
flood of information due to technology. Our nervous systems are not geared for
this sustained pressure. Here is when we learn to observe, ascertain, and then
proactively address what is happening in the big and small areas of life. Moon
in Capricorn.
Wednesday, June 14th, those who are good at understanding
data, will be hard at work connecting the dots. Still some things hidden, yes I
know I have been saying that for some time, but the stars are not concerned
about how long the pressure is applied. It is our job to know when and where to
apply what happens at home and our immediate lives and what the future holds.
Moon in Aquarius this evening.
Thursday, June 15th, keep it simple today. Obstructions come
from the least expected places. Be wise and don’t overcommit and let others
down. Neptune is starting to go station (no motion before heading backward) and
clear answers are still just out of reach. Going into a time of learning to
find your grounding or centering activities and get serious about daily
routines. Just to keep your sanity. Moon in Aquarius.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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