Thursday, June 2, 2016



With so much going on, I am just now noticing that the long lived Uranus square Pluto aspect is no longer happening. What this tells me is much of what transition or changes have formed will be with us for several years. Now is a good time to work out these problems in our general society. It cannot wait or will be painful if we do. This disconnect will continue until, interestingly enough, November 11th 2016. And will last until May 4th 2017. This tells me that whoever is in the Oval Office will have more than the usual amount of power to form the state of the union. After that, we will see the proof of that work, for better or worse.

With that bit of cheery news, I want to look at the short term affects of the Grand Square. I must have gotten lucky and wedged myself into a comfortable situation. Perhaps I was lucky, or I like to think that my daily work has set me up this way. This does not mean that there will be no work, just something comfortable to delegate your energy productively. The Grand Square will start to scramble but still be a barrier several days after this week. The biggest focus will be a T Square creating discomfort with stability, sustainability and what you really want to do, in stoic terms, a time to be patient and diligent.

Also, by the end of the week, that Grand Trine in Fire will dissipate. I hope you were able to use it in a positive way. I forced my way into the more physical activities, and now can look at the increasing mercury from the comfort of AC and clean windows instead of sweating it up trying to finish spring cleaning.  

Friday, June 3rd brings a new dialogue with yourself and maybe someone who is important in your life. Designing a future that holds the most opportunities and fun can be developed today. Consider doing a brainstorming with others as to hopes for the future. It is never too late to start the ground work or down load the inspiration for something better. Just keep positive ethics involved in your discourse. Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, June 4th, there could be some pouting over getting what you want today. Just check your ego and stubbornness at home when you go out into the world. There will be a lot of tension built up with personal conflicts and reality checks. That spells a lot of frustration. It might not be a bad idea to set aside a few dollars to give to homeless folks. I don’t know if that is OK in all areas, but who knows what you might defuse with a small act of generosity. Life will be like a loaded gun today. Hope you stay cool and collected. Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, June 5th, when you settle into relax for afternoon programming or general leisure, you could be all over the place gathering information. This could be a day of very mixed feelings as well. Know that unless you are tying up details, leave emotional rhetoric for another time. There will certainly be those trying to latch into your gut so they can wrench you just one more time. We are all best served with cool reason rather than reaction. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, June 6th, another day to not trust your emotions. Stick to the plan or known realities. There probably has been a data dump over the weekend that has you fuming. And that is part of the cosmic master plan to test your ability to rise out of reaction and flow into fulfilling action. Know the difference. Those who can channel their thoughts towards a better reality will do the best. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, June 7th, if you really push it, just after lunch you could manage to get something major done. The key element is healing and soothing drama out of the situation. Yes, getting upset about something said is adding drama. It may not go further than those close to you, but it does add to the collective consciousness. How do you want to contribute today? Moon goes into Cancer mid afternoon.

Wednesday, June 8th, today, could be very moody for many. If you can manage to stay in a homey environment or have someone at your back, you will weather this day in a positive way. Part of the lesson of today is we are not islands but enjoy some support from those who are friends and family. Stay close to home if you can. Some priorities will shift for you today. Keep it forward thinking and sustainable. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, June 9th, the Grand Trine in Fire has shifted into the past. The power signal is what surprise insight have we received about ourselves and the world at large. So many motivations come from the pivot point of fear. We are really very predictable creatures after all. The Grand Square has also dislocated from the boxed in feeling. But there are a series of T Squares involving similar known qualities that have us still feeling the pinch. Just remember to breath deeply if something weird happens, and consider the source of conflict or surprise. A very mixed bag today! Moon in Cancer until late afternoon when it goes into Leo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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