There is an unusual Grand Trine holding up this week until
July 24th. It is unusual in that it is in both air and water. So
many will be pulling together how they actually feel and think about their lot
in life and what is going to be more beneficial. This is a time for reflection
on what will heal the most of us and visualize how that will look. Of course,
individual needs are very important, but there has to be some tolerance. We
all have had to let go of preconceived
notions and this period is when we can do it in way that is more proactive and
encompassing of more people. This is a rare chance to view others foibles in a
way that we can correct our own.
Friday, July 1st,
there are some significant synchronicities in the heavens today bringing both
good vibrations and communications through the sorted media waves. People are
prepping for a long weekend, well I hope everyone is getting some time off, as
this is a great day to make those plans for fun. There will be a leap of faith
that the convolutions left behind at work will still be there when you get
back… trust me it can wait until Tuesday. Keep your actions moderate and even
of service to others and this can be a great time. You know like when going to
a gathering offer to bring something, and do so. Moon in Taurus.
Saturday, July 2nd,
despite the tensions, things can move along well if you participate and make
good your promises. We need to feel “Tribe” which offers differences and
tolerance. This could be a wonderful weekend and today will show the most
potential. Do be aware that the crazy stuff is everywhere, so try and be
sensible in your plans and courteous to those around you. Moon in Taurus.
Sunday, July 3rd,
as some of the restrictions pull away, what is left is a nagging sense that you
are unhappy with how big things are going. Not necessarily the cookout, but the
bigger picture. It seems that when the stakes just can’t be higher, they bump
up a notch. The best approach for today is to be sensitive to what you say and
what you do. Those who are confused and meeting frustrations to their worldview
will just want to take it out on others. There is a chance to defuse a
“situation” if you play fair and maybe keep your opinions to yourself. Moon in
Monday, July 4th,
another day of general good will and happiness. If you can let go of the
fluidity of the moment, and just enjoy it, then what comes tomorrow will the
next present reality. This is a day to remember that living for the present or
being in the present is really all we can actually control. It also shapes the
future and can heal the past. Be positive in your outlook and maybe get out and
mix it up with others in bigger gatherings. Try to gain some perspective. Moon
in Gemini.
Tuesday, July 5th,
its back to work, so be glad you have it to go too. Over the weekend you
probably saw many who don’t have much to look forward to, and gaining
perspective should lighten your load some. Take some time to share stories with
friends or coworkers and then get back into the short week at work. I know it
will be hard to focus as you probably need a day to rest, so just blame it on
the heat and do the best you can. Moon
in Cancer.
Wednesday, July 6th,
today you will probably pick up some news that will give you a glimmer of a
positive future. Anytime you can start to see the light at the end of a tunnel
of chaos, that is a good day. We are not meant to know it all, that is why we
can co create out of the shifting energies around us. Moon in Cancer.
Thursday, July 7th,
probably some good news today. Cherish it, as these times seem to be short of
those kinds of talking points. Of course, life is always what we make of it,
but today we need concrete information or to be shown that there is a way to
work things out so that more of us are going to thrive. Our gut feelings from
yesterday aren’t very helpful today. So stick with the facts. Romance will be
taking a back seat today, so focus on what you can do and maybe your health
routine. Internal calm and center is worth so much more than a bonus that will
be spent to pay a bill. Moon in Leo.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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