Thursday, June 23, 2016



There is a T square creating friction for a while. You may feel like the new deal is just out of reach, and you would be right. That is because the last holdouts to the old paradigm have to force their heads around that new deal. They are the last holdouts and not happy about the shift. Keep your head in the higher expectations and leave the sins of your fathers behind. Let’s not go there again, please! Saturn, Neptune and the North Node make up this T Square. They are also involved in other ways with the solution to our dilemmas. This is what makes a clear path so hard to get onto. Neptune is creating that last glamour or illusion to our sense of security. If we can find a way that heals the most people, then real stability can occur. Also major days for those romantically inclined will be Saturday the 25th and Thursday the 30th.

Friday, June 24th, starts out with a break in the log jam. Step back and keep the facts in mind while the flow begins. Don’t make any decisions until things have cleared out and you have a better idea what is happening. Many will need to contingency clauses for unforeseen situations so that they can move forward but not be totally committed. Yes, that sounds like no progress, but so much is awakening and getting settled, that you just have to be extra careful. Even in romance which is going well today and tomorrow. Moon in Aquarius.

Saturday, June 25th, today is a lesson in not holding on to tightly, which will make many uncomfortable especially when they have found that golden goose. Remember that geese mate for life, so they can be cranky until convinced. Keep it intellectual, keep it open and don’t participate in hate speech or reacting to past hurts. This is a new day, treat it as such. Some lucky words will waft past your ears today. Follow up on the hints and hot tips. Just don’t bet the farm.  Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, June 26th, you should feel good today if you did not blow it yesterday. We are all tired of no ground rules or those who ignore them. Making it up as you go is tiring to most of us. Know that what needs to happen, will, and let go of what cannot be accessed. Like a set of stairways in Hogwarts, they are shifting in seemingly random hook ups but you will be where you need to be when they settle down. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, June 27th, those in relationships should have enough mist move away from your intended to be able to see them for what and who they are. Illusions are lifted for a while. So pay close attention. Venus is still in Gemini, so interference should be at a maximum. Could be an interesting lesson for some to realize that they are part of the interference because they want to see things a certain way instead of how they actually are. I have said it before, but the Buddhist lesson of non attachment, says you put designs and expectations on your intended. When you can just let go of that attachment to outcome, you will start to find greater happiness and peace. Everyone is doing all they can. Some do it better than others. Give those fussy ones some space to breath and what is meant to happen, will. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, June 28th, you can hook up with some lucky stars today if you just try. Fresh views, with understandings of what needs to happen and  then openness is at your command. Listen carefully and speak plainly. Trust your feelings today. Magic will happen! Yes, yes, there is still a lot that does not lock down at this point, but what is your hurry? If you want to get possessive, here is a Zen exercise. Go out after dark and try to catch a few fire flies. Are they more magical in the garden or in your jar? Then do the catch and release into the wild. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, June 29th, ok, there will be conflicts of interest at every corner. So what is new? Keep it healthy and you will slide by any big problems. That luck you had yesterday is still here today; just the gut feeling will not be so trustworthy. Use logic or wait for another time to make assumptions. Moon in Aries.

Thursday, June 30th, step into a brave new world today. The soul says let’s play like rams on a mountain side! As long as you keep moving, you will stay balanced. That is a bit different than most days, but that is how it works today. Be aware that among the exhilaration there will be bittersweet.  For those of you who are tired of plodding along, this is a day to expend that pent up energy. The source of this new reality is there is a Kite formation with Venus at the apex. What you truly desire can be yours with some work and luck. If you have been keeping care of yourself, you will have what you need to access this fantastic day. Just nothing freaky that is heavily squared, like control and status quo! Moon in Aries.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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