Thursday, May 26, 2016



The general trends for this week and the next relate to Mar’s very close approach to the earth. It will be retrograde for a few weeks and have some special afflictions with other planets. It will also be involved in the Grand Square which starts today. For those of you who were able to pull things together, great! Just let things evolve as they will. With little traction for progress, it would be better to touch on things you have been meaning to get to. Finish a clean up or garden works. Anything that keeps the body active and a result can be immediately seen. Especially focus on tasks that may be thankless or boring. The fun stuff would not get going anyway. But you will have utilized some pent up energy in a positive way. Most of you will be lucky to make it off the couch, and that is OK also.

Part of this week be very careful what you do with who and what  you love. Grating  nerves are hard to sooth. Next week be careful of communications, and double check instructions for how to do things. We tend to look inward in these sort of times which means a significant amount of depression over this period of Mars Retrograde. Some days will be better than others.

The general affects of this Grand Square relates to opportunities for the future which has a hard time connecting up with right human relations and manipulation. Also your desires, especially those you have been working towards will have to undergo a philosophical or spiritual test of fire to be worthy of production. In general, take a break if it gets to tense. Tension means there is interference or conflict which cannot be clearly fought or negotiated. None of which will result in something you want in the long run. Take more of an openness approach to the flow of creation. See how the pieces come together, then put them together. The Grand Trine in fire is still robust, so the creativity is there! But these will be some very tough weeks.

Friday, May 27th, this is the first day of the Grand Square with Mars in retrograde (our actions and motivations will be stifled). The only venue that has support for all the physical energy is in health related endeavors. While meditation for keeping your cool is advised right now, yoga included could help you give a physical outlet to all the pent up energy. I plan on pulling weeds and moving wood as that will wear me out enough to sit and relax. The next couple of days could be hard on those having emotional breakthroughs. Check in with those who are struggling. If there is no way to talk through the emotional conflict, then try to claim space that is safe and free of fear or anger. Lots of people may explode this weekend, even with help. It will be a judgment call just what to do. But most depressed people don’t take it out on people they love. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, May 28th, another day of watching out for emotional out cries. Abusive situations may arise as well. Travel lightly in the world today. Still a good day to take care of health issues or start something that works off extra steam and produces results, like clean the garage or closet. Then keep cheerful entertainment in your surroundings. Appreciate what you do have. Moon in Aquarius.
Sunday, May 29th , it is going to be hard to sort out manipulation and illusion from the limited and obscured facts of the day. If there is no clear set of data for a decision, try to put it off for another time. There will be an emotional need for constant compliments. Could be a very tough day if you try to push. Just don’t participate if you feel defensive. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, May 30th, There is a good chance if you try to make adjustments to your deeper emotional attachments and transform them into something next generation, you will have better day. But for many, certain types changing  beliefs are very hard. Could be another difficult day for how we feel, but probably not as explosive as the previous days of this week. A day to honor those lost in war could turn into review of all you have lost. It is a tough call when key people in your life are missing from this weekend’s fun activity. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, May 31st, could be a day for a short opportunity to relax and enjoy things as they are. Enjoy having a routine. Enjoy having important things in your life. Enjoy important people in your life. Rather than gratitude today, it is more about loving the small things in life that make up the many worthwhile minutes of the day. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, June 1st, there could be some strange false starts during the day. Don’t get to worked up about what seems to be too good to be true, it probably is not worthwhile. Also a lot of trickery today. Put off big impulse purchases. Moon in Aries.

Thursday, June 2nd, what a difference a day can make. The Moon joins in with Mercury in the Grand Trine in fire bringing some new opportunities and outlooks to our lives. Take plenty of time to enjoy this day, although it will seem to move way too fast for as good as it feels. There is also a small glimmer of clarity in this foggy world. It is for just today, enjoy if you can. Moon in Aries.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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