Sidereal Western Astrology
A quick look on the horizon which will start on next Friday,
May 27th, is a Grand Square in all the elements. What this means is this
week you need to get your affairs in order concerning your projects. Now, like
most projects, one person does their part and then the next person works on
their part. In the work environment, have your stuff done before this date so
you maintain an image of productivity. For those who have to work in that Grand
Square, be careful because of all the missing pieces. This will be a time where
not much can get done because not all the facts are available. For goodness
sake, don’t make up data either.
Unfortunately, during this time we have political
conventions. I would pay special attention to whom does what because of hidden
parties working to get positions of control. In your everyday life, consider
that things you want (Venus in Taurus), power over the situation (Jupiter in
Leo), transformation in the status quo (Saturn in Scorpio) and appeal to the
masses (Neptune in Aquarius) all have a struggle to make it right. Knowing
this, you can stay on top of real information and press for honest answers, although
those answers will be hard to pull out of special agendas.
On another front, Venus moves into Taurus today, May 20th.
Only when the moon connects up favorably will you find much result towards your
desires. Thursday, may be a good garage sale day, but other than that, you will
have to do a fair amount of personal work to make something happen. Keep the
dream alive because when Venus is in Taurus, things can manifest even in
difficult situations. This can be more grounding .The benefit is to dwell on
the middle than on the ideal. Overall this will be a game changing pass through
Taurus for our desires.
Friday, May 20th,
this is the week to pull together your part of a deal. Today will give you a
window to make orders, set up guidelines, and otherwise organize your projects
or life for the time being. Use the Moon in Libra qualities of seeing all the
sides of a situation or project to investigate. Work as much of the day as you
can so that there is plenty of time for bits and pieces of your projects to
start making their way towards you so you can get it together by next Thursday.
Also, be sure to double check all the details right now. There will be quick
changes or deletions which need to be mitigated. Moon in Libra.
Saturday, May 21st,
this is the last day of Mercury retrograde. I for one have had stagnant energy
and focus. Expect a bit more of that today and tomorrow, as the little Hermes
gets his act in gear. One good thing to be said about this retrograde session
is it is still part of that Grand Trine in Fire which can give power and light
into the unknown parts of our lives. I for one have discovered the source of
some energy drains, and hence dispelled them. For the next three days, many
mysteries will be illuminated. Stay alert and adaptive. Also there is a full
moon that will be exact on Mars. Mars is in opposition to Venus and the Sun, so
try not to push your agenda, because it can backfire. Moon in Scorpio.
Sunday, May 22nd,
the Moon will be crossing the path of Saturn today. It is the apex of a T
Square that has been affecting us for a while. We can find some deeper mystery
to how things are shaping up if you take the time to listen, and perceive all
types of information. This could be a great day for meditating on problem
situations. To do so, find a quiet place, set the intention of your dilemma, if
necessary review your perspective and then just listen. Many people do better
at night and then let their dream state reveal the symbols to your mystery.
Take notes the next day. Mercury will be in station today meaning that transfer
of information will be hard by regular means. Moon in Scorpio.
Monday, May 23rd,
sometime after noon there will be an opening or shift into higher understanding
of personal questions. Communications should flow again too. Pay special
attention to synchronicities in the afternoon. Listen to some sage advice or
philosophy and there will be a resonating shift in your consciousness. Take notes and more will fall into place
tomorrow. Moon in Sagittarius.
Tuesday, May 24th,
a fair amount of clutter will pull away today. You will be asked to make a
decision of transforming to a different perspective. If you can do that, and
meet with ease and flow, you know you are in the right place. Ask yourself, how
does this feel? If it is good and things start to move for you, then you are in
the right direction. If you are still stuck, then dig deeper. Remember that
this is a time of splitting realities. Those in the past or unproductive enterprises,
will be stifled. This close to Friday’s couple of week Grand Square, means you
need to adjust fast, if you can. Otherwise get ready for another cycle of
details and lessons. itss all good as most of us have second chances. Moon in
Wednesday, May 25th,
the Moon is still aspecting Pluto in that wonderful Grand Trine in Fire and the new flow of
things. Another day to consider, redesign things that are not working, and make
adjustments. When I first looked at today’s chart I felt and heard a high
vibrating tone. Like a big bell ringing in the cosmos. Something significant is
happening today, so stay tuned. If you are feeling well, smile and let others
know all is not lost. Be sure to let them know what you have discovered if
asked. Moon in Sagittarius.
Thursday, May 26th,
be sure to pull in and sort all your project data today. Get the info rolling
on down to the next person so your part is done. For other work you have been
doing on yourself, create a credo or affirmation about where you want to be and
how far you have come. We do a lot of these in our life, but this one should be
part of a movement in our society. This is also a positive day that the moon
will connect with Venus and something you have wished for will happen. Just
remember, you will be living with this reality for a few weeks. Try it on,
delve into it, see how it fits. There will be time for adjustments later in
June. Moon in Capricorn.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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