Thursday, January 7, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 8th starts a two week dance with a very special kind of revelation. There will be some very important situations come up that give us a sense of understanding and then personal power to deal with the mainstream. A wake up call can be viewed as uncomfortable force to change or a welcome door to what is next. Depending on individual stubbornness, ease of mind can be found and experienced. Yes, some strange bolts of lightning can be observed, but by now, the seekers of a better way are ready for anything. Moon in Sagittarius.

Saturday, January 9th Personal understanding of the outside world will get an intuitive boost today. Big changes are on the horizon as well as personal perspectives changing. Try to understand more of the situation, and why you may be triggered into negative response. Or is it a negative response if you simply see things for what they are instead of another’s controlling projection? Big questions to ask yourself. Romance is going to have its challenges also. While the unusual connections will prove the most beneficial, there can be little comfort or healing in the unknown. Don’t get in a hurry. All will reveal itself in due time. Perhaps there is a lesson about instant gratification conditioning that needs to temper impetuousness. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, January 10th now that first set of assumptions and questions are answered, the next phase is to find the money and foundation for your new views to be supported. Some people will be out in the cold or just about to be there, so have a bit of sympathy if someone is in need for a short term hand up. No one is immune from being destabilized! You could be next, so build a bit of good karma this Sunday and help out a person not an institution. Some people only have faith and you are part of that process to let that work. Moon in Capricorn.

Monday, January 11th today remember, “those who help themselves do the best”. If tempted to defer a responsibility to another, just dig down deep and view your own abilities to rise above the challenge. This could be a great day for job hunting or planning an estate. Just work on the draft of that estate though, because Mercury is still retrograde. It never hurts to start going through the process and let the hindrances come up to help refine the end product, especially if last weekend was particularly life changing. Moon Capricorn.

Tuesday, January 12th today the path will be much easier to deal with. A new understanding of your skills and abilities will start to be evident. There will be more of a sense of how we interconnect with those around us. It can be grounding to know that even if you had to chose between two difficult paths, this turns out to be the best path possible. This particularly relates to those in public policy who are walking a tight rope of legality vs practicality. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, January 13th there is a T Square focused on Venus and Saturn in Scorpio. This could be an explosive day for relationships especially if you have been depending on another and they give you a lie to cover their own failures. This could be the “straw that broke the camel’s back” for some. The intense nature of this T Square could be deadly. If any safety concerns arise for someone close, contact authorities who have the skill to deal with it. That Scorpionic quality could take out anyone and everyone. Be safe. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, January 14th there could be some deep regret of events from the past few days. Many will be out of touch and dropping out over the stresses the last few days have generated. Find a way to seclude and nurture your nerves and find stability before you lose all self control. If you don’t have to work today, take a mental health day off. Get a massage, do some meditation, eat a full but healthy meal and avoid intoxicants. If you are steamed up over poor responses or interactions with those who are transferring their frustration, then go outside in the cold and take in a cold breath. Let each breath cool your overheated emotions. Cool down the anger, and mental spin. Then take a hint from nature that there must be a time for stillness so you don’t burn out. Use this through the 23rd because the stressors will be at work all that time. Be cool and level headed!  Moon in Pisces.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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