Thursday, January 14, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 15th brings to bear that, for the next week, love and your desires will have a hard time. Challenges of where things have to grow and your ability to face the personal damage from the past will be important to face. Get trusted advice from a confidant or professional. Security is highlighted right now also with Venus and Saturn squaring Chiron and Neptune. A stressful week is created by a mix of difficulties with hard to verify information and personal fears. Transformation is what drives us to try harder and work through all the muck. For most people it will seem like an donkey lured by a carrot. What’s working is practical affairs and interesting connections, especially on line. Today will be particularly important to end the day with sober reflection of the facts and fears. Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, January 16th  there will be a tendency to want to take control of the situation that seems so unstable. If you can just take control of your emotions instead, there will be less stress. This is a time to carefully gauge who’s drama it actually is. If you don’t have creative or constructive input to a situation, step back and let fate take its course. Trying to fixate on a specific outcome right now is like trying to paddle up a raging torrent. Better to see where the flow is going and the right situation will eventually arise in the new surroundings. This is a time to trust the process. Moon goes into Aries mid afternoon.

Sunday, January 17th striking out independently may cause you heartache. Consider the old rules of engagement and take some time to socialize and connect with people in your network. Tomorrow will be better. Moon in Aries.

Monday, January 18th  today is a Grand Trine in Fire. Consider how opportunities arise and what prize they will lead to at the end of the journey. Many people will renew their resolve to get healthy, but I suspect that mostly apologies and realizations will come into the picture today. If you need to settle a dispute today, come to the discussion prepared and give it a go today. I know Mercury is still retrograde, but other factors will set in motion the right events. Maybe, not what exactly you envisioned, but something that is definitely next generation. Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, January 19th yesterdays efforts will find foundation and materialization today. Go with what was achieved and settle into your gains. Just beware that something is hidden right now, and possibly a new challenge to the situation. But like an onion, there are layers that are uncovered as you peel away the inner workings of a project. Have a little faith in yourself and your ability to solve problems. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, January 20th today is a better day to count your blessings. “It is, what it is” should describe today. No wiggling out of the situation. Each lesson we have provides an opportunity to understand special dynamics in life. Take care of yourself and your health. Today is better to have a philosophical view of your situation. As with everything, things will continue to develop and you will be able to come from a calm center rather than giving into the chaos. Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, January 21st some people will be asking themselves, ‘should I go or should I stay” a hard question to ask. Especially if you have been loosely attached for a while and your new relationship is pushing your triggers. Instead understand why you have those triggers. No fair just reacting to a situation. Those tender points can heal if you give them some healing salve. Keep the communication going during this Grand Trine in Air and let things settle out.  Avoid the extremes or no consensus to a problem to be solved. Moon in Gemini.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


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