Sidereal Western Astrology
Friday, January 22nd
expect a continuous flow of communications until about 2pm Central time. Then
the gaps will start up again. Those who are affected by Mercury retrograde will
have a rough week. The usual strategy of double check everything you can will
work best. Life does not end with such times, but our culture does not support
us doing the real work of Mercury retrograde which is internal work. What is
really going on with you when things frustrate you? If you respond with anger,
dig into your heart and understand why. If you respond with giving up, why is
that and is it appropriate right now? Definitely expect your personal triggers
to be pushed today. But instead of “re acting” find your path to right action
and understanding who you are. Moon in Gemini.
Saturday, January 23rd
the next two days expect the urge to merge or create a better love nest to take
over your thoughts. Many will be questioning why their environment is missing
solace and coziness. Be wise in where you focus that energy. The cosmic urge is
to grab whoever is close and set up housekeeping. Anyone with just a little
experience knows sometimes it is better to be alone than with bad company.
Today would be a better time to apply Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra to their homes
rather than bring home a stray off the street… so to speak. If you are in a
distant relationship, keep a level head about rushing into promises of
cohabitation. By Tuesday, the cooled blood and reason will return. Full Moon in
Sunday, January 24th
brings a Grand Trine in Water. This is a day to spend doing something
spiritual. An excellent time to sit back and feel the shift in your personal
quarters after yesterday’s Feng Shui applications. Spend some time meditating,
but instead of a clear mind at first, express gratitude and pleasure in where
you are and how your surroundings suit you. Then, open a blank mind for
suggestions from your higher source. Life is a give and take between what we
create and what needs to be created . Keep the communications going both ways.
Also take note that if you want someone to fit into your life, this is a good
time to add that to your meditation. Moon in Cancer.
Monday, January 25th
some surprising information is on the way today and potentially information
that does require life altering action. For those who are thrown into this
shift, know that much of your next direction is being put into motion.
Yesterday, you were wanted home and hearth, well today you will probably be put
into a situation where the next part of that is found. Do be sure to check for
lost messages to prevent the “great trickster” today. Moon in Leo.
Tuesday, January 26th
the flood gates to love and passion are open and flowing. The bumpy part to
this transition to a better home and hearth is a sense of discomfort with
things moving too quickly. Have a plan B if things get uncomfortable. But with
Sunday’s desires being sent, there could be a very quick response by today. I
know, prudence says to allow time for the true nature of a person to show
through, and that will always be the best way. Does not mean that is how things
will evolve right now. Good luck! Moon in Leo.
Wednesday, January 27th
try not to get caught up in having “it your way” right now. It could well blow
up in your face. Anything that is said is blown out of proportion. So gauge
your words well to those who will be receiving them. To complicate things, this
is a day that you really need to be true to yourself and tell it like it is.
Instead of a state of negotiation, you must use diplomacy and hold on to
important parts of your position. There is a vise pressing down on what people
think they need vs. want. A dicey day at best. Moon in Leo
Thursday, January 28th
day two of tinderbox relations. If you are working with a loved one, remember
that if honesty is followed, then actions will stay pro active. Any lying, even
white lies, will set off an unwanted chain of events. Again a day of diplomacy
and considering all sides of the situation. I know you can do it right as long
as you keep to the high road. The difference of today will be that your
feelings will be practical rather than manipulative. Also be sure to self nurture
if today has been particularly difficult. Otherwise you could have the
complication of getting sick. Tomorrow is big choices and challenges. Moon in
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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