Thursday, January 28, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 29th brings a weird sense of working out what is possible and what is a day dream. In this day of trying to make sense of it all, which is a trend for a few days, will be open to real truthful information. Lovers will be communicating and actions will bring peace to those you care about. There is some friction in the skies with some harsh truths being expressed. But sometimes, if you just want understanding, even harshness can bring conciliation and closure. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, January 30th things are a bit less complicated today, but much of the same sentiment as yesterday. Work towards things that will bring healing and a better future. Say what you mean even if it might be a bit harsh. Odds are it will get the attention needed and a better handle of where you fit in with your circle. Also if you are ahead of the game with what is coming down the pike, change the subject with some reading to help build new vistas. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, January 31st. I am at odds to describe the Uranus/ Pluto / Jupiter/ North Node conflict. Even though we feel like progress is being hard to nail down, there still are elements at play that are getting attention. I guess the best way to describe this is trust the process you have adopted and ride out the results. There can be unusual events come your way to build a great foundation, but then that has struggles with moving forward, much like an errant shopping cart with a stray wheel. Depending on your inner orbs, not much may happen, but that is ok. The work may need to be done by others around you rather than you being the dynamo. Moon in Libra.

Monday, February 1st. Establishing or hold down your best intentions because a new irritant is added to the mix. Lovers will be experiencing lots of irritation or hurdles over the next several days. Take heart as all of this helps you perfect your relationship. Lots of really great energy to keep it pulled together, but Uranus will be adding some peculiar vibes your way. Think twice before you speak to assure that you are really expressing what you mean. Foot in mouth disease is rampant. Moon in Libra until evening.

Tuesday, February 2nd. Be aware people are seeing if you are walking your talk today. Being true to your word should be easy for those with well defined personalities who are walking in integrity. Expect some edginess from those who are battling themselves. The stars are not going to support those who use deceit to get their message across. Watch how the pieces fall when you see a bit of “come uppance” around you and in the big world scene. Pick your sides carefully. Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, February 3rd if you demand ethics and rules of engagement to be followed, this could be a day to expose those who do not. Keep the faith that “right will out” the dross. Some really strong aspects today, with a moon in Scorpio can have some diehards harpooning themselves in full view of everyone. If you live a less stable neighborhood, keep to yourself and watch your back so that you are not some causality of someone’s freak out.  This weekend could turn into a big deal especially for those in love. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, February 4th an intensification of earlier this week is starting to peak. It won’t be here for a few more days, but it is happening. The detractors are weird and unusual things trying to breakup a relationship. The benefits are Jupiter is tracking with destiny to bring about the best case for all. Perhaps for lovers it is simply a time to listen carefully with an open heart. Healing needs to be allowed to happen even if it is scary. Do things that support good communication and listen well also. Another day of two way communication. Speak your truth and listen to what is said, even between the lines. Moon in Sagittarius.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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