Thursday, January 28, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 29th brings a weird sense of working out what is possible and what is a day dream. In this day of trying to make sense of it all, which is a trend for a few days, will be open to real truthful information. Lovers will be communicating and actions will bring peace to those you care about. There is some friction in the skies with some harsh truths being expressed. But sometimes, if you just want understanding, even harshness can bring conciliation and closure. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, January 30th things are a bit less complicated today, but much of the same sentiment as yesterday. Work towards things that will bring healing and a better future. Say what you mean even if it might be a bit harsh. Odds are it will get the attention needed and a better handle of where you fit in with your circle. Also if you are ahead of the game with what is coming down the pike, change the subject with some reading to help build new vistas. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, January 31st. I am at odds to describe the Uranus/ Pluto / Jupiter/ North Node conflict. Even though we feel like progress is being hard to nail down, there still are elements at play that are getting attention. I guess the best way to describe this is trust the process you have adopted and ride out the results. There can be unusual events come your way to build a great foundation, but then that has struggles with moving forward, much like an errant shopping cart with a stray wheel. Depending on your inner orbs, not much may happen, but that is ok. The work may need to be done by others around you rather than you being the dynamo. Moon in Libra.

Monday, February 1st. Establishing or hold down your best intentions because a new irritant is added to the mix. Lovers will be experiencing lots of irritation or hurdles over the next several days. Take heart as all of this helps you perfect your relationship. Lots of really great energy to keep it pulled together, but Uranus will be adding some peculiar vibes your way. Think twice before you speak to assure that you are really expressing what you mean. Foot in mouth disease is rampant. Moon in Libra until evening.

Tuesday, February 2nd. Be aware people are seeing if you are walking your talk today. Being true to your word should be easy for those with well defined personalities who are walking in integrity. Expect some edginess from those who are battling themselves. The stars are not going to support those who use deceit to get their message across. Watch how the pieces fall when you see a bit of “come uppance” around you and in the big world scene. Pick your sides carefully. Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, February 3rd if you demand ethics and rules of engagement to be followed, this could be a day to expose those who do not. Keep the faith that “right will out” the dross. Some really strong aspects today, with a moon in Scorpio can have some diehards harpooning themselves in full view of everyone. If you live a less stable neighborhood, keep to yourself and watch your back so that you are not some causality of someone’s freak out.  This weekend could turn into a big deal especially for those in love. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, February 4th an intensification of earlier this week is starting to peak. It won’t be here for a few more days, but it is happening. The detractors are weird and unusual things trying to breakup a relationship. The benefits are Jupiter is tracking with destiny to bring about the best case for all. Perhaps for lovers it is simply a time to listen carefully with an open heart. Healing needs to be allowed to happen even if it is scary. Do things that support good communication and listen well also. Another day of two way communication. Speak your truth and listen to what is said, even between the lines. Moon in Sagittarius.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 21, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 22nd expect a continuous flow of communications until about 2pm Central time. Then the gaps will start up again. Those who are affected by Mercury retrograde will have a rough week. The usual strategy of double check everything you can will work best. Life does not end with such times, but our culture does not support us doing the real work of Mercury retrograde which is internal work. What is really going on with you when things frustrate you? If you respond with anger, dig into your heart and understand why. If you respond with giving up, why is that and is it appropriate right now? Definitely expect your personal triggers to be pushed today. But instead of “re acting” find your path to right action and understanding who you are. Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, January 23rd the next two days expect the urge to merge or create a better love nest to take over your thoughts. Many will be questioning why their environment is missing solace and coziness. Be wise in where you focus that energy. The cosmic urge is to grab whoever is close and set up housekeeping. Anyone with just a little experience knows sometimes it is better to be alone than with bad company. Today would be a better time to apply Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra to their homes rather than bring home a stray off the street… so to speak. If you are in a distant relationship, keep a level head about rushing into promises of cohabitation. By Tuesday, the cooled blood and reason will return. Full Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, January 24th brings a Grand Trine in Water. This is a day to spend doing something spiritual. An excellent time to sit back and feel the shift in your personal quarters after yesterday’s Feng Shui applications. Spend some time meditating, but instead of a clear mind at first, express gratitude and pleasure in where you are and how your surroundings suit you. Then, open a blank mind for suggestions from your higher source. Life is a give and take between what we create and what needs to be created . Keep the communications going both ways. Also take note that if you want someone to fit into your life, this is a good time to add that to your meditation. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, January 25th some surprising information is on the way today and potentially information that does require life altering action. For those who are thrown into this shift, know that much of your next direction is being put into motion. Yesterday, you were wanted home and hearth, well today you will probably be put into a situation where the next part of that is found. Do be sure to check for lost messages to prevent the “great trickster” today. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, January 26th the flood gates to love and passion are open and flowing. The bumpy part to this transition to a better home and hearth is a sense of discomfort with things moving too quickly. Have a plan B if things get uncomfortable. But with Sunday’s desires being sent, there could be a very quick response by today. I know, prudence says to allow time for the true nature of a person to show through, and that will always be the best way. Does not mean that is how things will evolve right now. Good luck! Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, January 27th try not to get caught up in having “it your way” right now. It could well blow up in your face. Anything that is said is blown out of proportion. So gauge your words well to those who will be receiving them. To complicate things, this is a day that you really need to be true to yourself and tell it like it is. Instead of a state of negotiation, you must use diplomacy and hold on to important parts of your position. There is a vise pressing down on what people think they need vs. want. A dicey day at best. Moon in Leo

Thursday, January 28th day two of tinderbox relations. If you are working with a loved one, remember that if honesty is followed, then actions will stay pro active. Any lying, even white lies, will set off an unwanted chain of events. Again a day of diplomacy and considering all sides of the situation. I know you can do it right as long as you keep to the high road. The difference of today will be that your feelings will be practical rather than manipulative. Also be sure to self nurture if today has been particularly difficult. Otherwise you could have the complication of getting sick. Tomorrow is big choices and challenges. Moon in Virgo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 14, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 15th brings to bear that, for the next week, love and your desires will have a hard time. Challenges of where things have to grow and your ability to face the personal damage from the past will be important to face. Get trusted advice from a confidant or professional. Security is highlighted right now also with Venus and Saturn squaring Chiron and Neptune. A stressful week is created by a mix of difficulties with hard to verify information and personal fears. Transformation is what drives us to try harder and work through all the muck. For most people it will seem like an donkey lured by a carrot. What’s working is practical affairs and interesting connections, especially on line. Today will be particularly important to end the day with sober reflection of the facts and fears. Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, January 16th  there will be a tendency to want to take control of the situation that seems so unstable. If you can just take control of your emotions instead, there will be less stress. This is a time to carefully gauge who’s drama it actually is. If you don’t have creative or constructive input to a situation, step back and let fate take its course. Trying to fixate on a specific outcome right now is like trying to paddle up a raging torrent. Better to see where the flow is going and the right situation will eventually arise in the new surroundings. This is a time to trust the process. Moon goes into Aries mid afternoon.

Sunday, January 17th striking out independently may cause you heartache. Consider the old rules of engagement and take some time to socialize and connect with people in your network. Tomorrow will be better. Moon in Aries.

Monday, January 18th  today is a Grand Trine in Fire. Consider how opportunities arise and what prize they will lead to at the end of the journey. Many people will renew their resolve to get healthy, but I suspect that mostly apologies and realizations will come into the picture today. If you need to settle a dispute today, come to the discussion prepared and give it a go today. I know Mercury is still retrograde, but other factors will set in motion the right events. Maybe, not what exactly you envisioned, but something that is definitely next generation. Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, January 19th yesterdays efforts will find foundation and materialization today. Go with what was achieved and settle into your gains. Just beware that something is hidden right now, and possibly a new challenge to the situation. But like an onion, there are layers that are uncovered as you peel away the inner workings of a project. Have a little faith in yourself and your ability to solve problems. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, January 20th today is a better day to count your blessings. “It is, what it is” should describe today. No wiggling out of the situation. Each lesson we have provides an opportunity to understand special dynamics in life. Take care of yourself and your health. Today is better to have a philosophical view of your situation. As with everything, things will continue to develop and you will be able to come from a calm center rather than giving into the chaos. Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, January 21st some people will be asking themselves, ‘should I go or should I stay” a hard question to ask. Especially if you have been loosely attached for a while and your new relationship is pushing your triggers. Instead understand why you have those triggers. No fair just reacting to a situation. Those tender points can heal if you give them some healing salve. Keep the communication going during this Grand Trine in Air and let things settle out.  Avoid the extremes or no consensus to a problem to be solved. Moon in Gemini.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 7, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Friday, January 8th starts a two week dance with a very special kind of revelation. There will be some very important situations come up that give us a sense of understanding and then personal power to deal with the mainstream. A wake up call can be viewed as uncomfortable force to change or a welcome door to what is next. Depending on individual stubbornness, ease of mind can be found and experienced. Yes, some strange bolts of lightning can be observed, but by now, the seekers of a better way are ready for anything. Moon in Sagittarius.

Saturday, January 9th Personal understanding of the outside world will get an intuitive boost today. Big changes are on the horizon as well as personal perspectives changing. Try to understand more of the situation, and why you may be triggered into negative response. Or is it a negative response if you simply see things for what they are instead of another’s controlling projection? Big questions to ask yourself. Romance is going to have its challenges also. While the unusual connections will prove the most beneficial, there can be little comfort or healing in the unknown. Don’t get in a hurry. All will reveal itself in due time. Perhaps there is a lesson about instant gratification conditioning that needs to temper impetuousness. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, January 10th now that first set of assumptions and questions are answered, the next phase is to find the money and foundation for your new views to be supported. Some people will be out in the cold or just about to be there, so have a bit of sympathy if someone is in need for a short term hand up. No one is immune from being destabilized! You could be next, so build a bit of good karma this Sunday and help out a person not an institution. Some people only have faith and you are part of that process to let that work. Moon in Capricorn.

Monday, January 11th today remember, “those who help themselves do the best”. If tempted to defer a responsibility to another, just dig down deep and view your own abilities to rise above the challenge. This could be a great day for job hunting or planning an estate. Just work on the draft of that estate though, because Mercury is still retrograde. It never hurts to start going through the process and let the hindrances come up to help refine the end product, especially if last weekend was particularly life changing. Moon Capricorn.

Tuesday, January 12th today the path will be much easier to deal with. A new understanding of your skills and abilities will start to be evident. There will be more of a sense of how we interconnect with those around us. It can be grounding to know that even if you had to chose between two difficult paths, this turns out to be the best path possible. This particularly relates to those in public policy who are walking a tight rope of legality vs practicality. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, January 13th there is a T Square focused on Venus and Saturn in Scorpio. This could be an explosive day for relationships especially if you have been depending on another and they give you a lie to cover their own failures. This could be the “straw that broke the camel’s back” for some. The intense nature of this T Square could be deadly. If any safety concerns arise for someone close, contact authorities who have the skill to deal with it. That Scorpionic quality could take out anyone and everyone. Be safe. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, January 14th there could be some deep regret of events from the past few days. Many will be out of touch and dropping out over the stresses the last few days have generated. Find a way to seclude and nurture your nerves and find stability before you lose all self control. If you don’t have to work today, take a mental health day off. Get a massage, do some meditation, eat a full but healthy meal and avoid intoxicants. If you are steamed up over poor responses or interactions with those who are transferring their frustration, then go outside in the cold and take in a cold breath. Let each breath cool your overheated emotions. Cool down the anger, and mental spin. Then take a hint from nature that there must be a time for stillness so you don’t burn out. Use this through the 23rd because the stressors will be at work all that time. Be cool and level headed!  Moon in Pisces.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
