Thursday, June 4, 2015


Friday, June 5th brings some nice connections with opportunities and rewards for those who are working smart and hard. On the other end of the spectrum there could be some really bad ideas (ideologies) wanting to pull away credit where it is due. Sift through the unattainable and focus on the practical. There will be a bit of difficulty discerning which is which as that crazy maker in the sky, Uranus, is on both sides of potential solutions or challenges. The best way to navigate through all this is to ask how this will work in the future and with your pocket book. Romance could get a pop on the nose for those who are not communicating well. One side will be thinking having fun, and the other side will be picking out curtains. Get clarification to expectations before going all the way.

Saturday, June 6th with the moon moving into sidereal Capricorn, a weak Grand Trine in Earth appears for the day. This should give a gentle undercurrent of grounding and focus. Much of what was confusing yesterday may develop some clarity today. The key will be to look at past examples or current role models to find a solution. Both the Sun and Mars are in later degree Taurus creating a harmonious connection with many other agents of action. A clear leader will appear.

Sunday, June 7th communications will improve today. Seek your answers through the mystical traditions to find where you should focus attention. Clearly, a day where better luck in bargain hunting or romantic connections are concerned.  I know that is an odd combination, but then with Mars and the Sun in Taurus, the earthly delights are highlighted. There should be a clear connection with sustainability to whatever you wish to accomplish. Don’t waste your time on tangents.

Monday, June 8th  beware of smoke and mirrors in whatever you think or are presented. Authority may be misguided or misguiding when it comes to the facts. The Moon will inhibit Neptune in Aquarius and then on to Chiron which will affect the mass consciousness and social norms.  Actually could be some misrepresentation with medical treatments or offerings. Get a second opinion if you are facing surgery.

Tuesday, June 9th another day to be cautious of extreme ideals being forced upon the regular person. There could be intimidation on the higher levels of world workings, also. Just a note, that as the Sun and Moon track together for a while, anytime there is a threat, fighting will be the first choice rather than diplomacy. Just the type of cycle we are in right now. The Moon, Neptune and Chiron (agents of emotion, possible illusion and need to heal) are challenging that drum beat today. Please say a prayer for peace today.

Wednesday, June 10th what a difference a day makes. The Moon moves into Pisces today and adds a creative touch to communications.  Whatever was stirred up yesterday, efforts and reports of defusing the situation will be in the news. This is a very stabilizing revelation. Perhaps times like this tell us that life can find more than one way to deal with a problem, especially when people and economies are weary of fighting and loss. I would like to suggest a subject for you meditation this evening. That is to focus on creating strength, health and prosperity for everyone. That is the only way that we can see real growth an innovation. Sometimes I feel we are surrounded by bit part players when we need strong young leaders to move us into that golden age all the gurus keep talking about.

Thursday, June 11th this could be a day of the wild and wacky. There is enough forward momentum to say what is lost or leaves will feel like a relief. The moon is directly on Uranus today but charming its way with the big players around us. Stay on your toes so if you are called to give an opinion, that you are able to articulate what you mean. Romance will get a jolt into reality if there is any deceit. The play book has been edited to more like the rules of war. So make sure you leave little to be confused as ill will. State you game and play by the real rules today. A little heads up for next week, the long term square with Uranus and Pluto will break up for a while. It will be back later this year. I wanted to mention this because this particular square has had major world implications when it is active. This particular time our outlooks, spiritual grounding and honor have been tested. Let’s see what shifts and occurs over the summer while the square has been released for a few months.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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