Thursday, May 28, 2015


Friday, May 29th brings us close to leaving our desks at work with everything done. There is, of course, an outside tendency to create illusion, but with the Moon in Virgo and the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Taurus, grounding and production are going to prevail. Just consider what is not finished, maybe was too ambitious a to do list. The Moon will also start out the day directly on the North Node or Rahu. Things will be flying past you at record speed, so no dosing through the day!

Saturday, May 30th depending on how the Mercury Retrograde is affecting you, today can find you deep in thought over your future or making actual movement towards it. The Moon shifts into Libra bringing a level of balance in your nature and what is around you. The news can bring some mixed signals causing you to be conflicted over the future. Use your intellect and ask some questions about the validity of any statement. Even the propaganda will have a tendency to take it easier on your emotional roller coaster.  Romance will be highlighted also. Expect healing when you sort through the weirdness and illusion of a person or situation. Life gets complicated and fortunately most people can see through what is distracting.

Sunday, May 31st all day you will know that something great is ready to be grasped. There is a Grand Trine in Air and Water at 2:30 Central time. This should continue the rest of the evening. The big news is Venus has just moved into Cancer today, bringing a sense of home, warmth and coziness. The next month can bring great pleasure for those ready for the experience. Enjoy the moments today. Healing, balance and what we desire the most are in the offerings of the day.

Monday, June 1st the Grand Trine of yesterday will continue through today. Just be aware that the lunar energy has shifted into Scorpio bringing a lot of intense feeling into your foundational being. Yes, people will pop the question or make some astounding commitments today. I doubt much thought towards work will occur, so expect today to have distracted co workers who have something new to talk about. Also beware on the roads, as people cruse from work to home in their own zone.

Tuesday, June 2nd  a full moon happens today in sidereal Libra. This is the second for the month or sometimes considered a Blue Moon. Like all things that are too good to be true, those who fell into romantic “illusion” yesterday will get a wake up call today. There is also a good chance that old relationships will get their final notice because yesterday was ground breaking. With a strong clash of energy between the small stellum in Taurus opposite the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio, expect things to blow up. If you can wait until another day to give the change orders, things might be better because there will be unseen awareness signaling the event anyway. This will allow for time to digest the changing tide. On the world front, could also be a big blowout day for insurgents and dissidents. The news will have some frightening or shocking installments to world unrest. There will be little you can do beside observe.

Wednesday, June 3rd another Grand Trine, this time in water, happens today. Means that lucky hunches will help guide you through your day. Expect some unforeseen or unexpected luck to come your way. Just stay on top of what is true, what is verifiable, and what is useful. The Moon will leave Scorpio before noon and usher in deeper understanding of events in the Moon’s journey through Sagittarius. Yes, sometimes our efforts yield unexpected results. But remember the Buddhist concept of attachment. You can ask for something, but the Universe will send you what is next. You may have trouble recognizing the gift because you need to expand your vision.  Keep it real! 

Thursday, June 4th Watch out for the headstrong bullies in your world. The level of frustration will be high today creating an angry voice lashing out. The overall feel is obsessive demand for change. On a milder format, protests and call for change can be heard from normally quiet sectors; all of this pointing to greater good of all. We have the Moon in Sagittarius aspect to Pluto to thank for this bubble of consciousness into our waking world. I want to say something like tie dyed old and young hippies crying for human rights and freedom. But perhaps that expression was left in the 60’s. Who knows, just check out the news this evening with a philosophic mindset.

Blessings and Peace, 
Connie Hansen


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