Friday, May 22nd
when you settle into rest mode this evening try to consider just how good it
feels in that special chair with all the necessities close at hand. There will
be a tendency to think of a thousand things to do or get, but resist that urge.
The moon will be in sidereal Cancer this morning bringing a nice connection
with Saturn. Fortunately you can allow your heart to guide and trust that
things will work out fine, just don’t feed the material gain game. That will
only take you further down the rabbit hole.
Saturday, May 23rd
. A good day to allow stresses to ease out of mind. Allow some fun to happen.
The Moon will be activating Jupiter in Cancer bringing peace and happiness at
home and with your possessions. Recognize that you have way more than you
feel. If this is a new paradigm, take the changes in small doses. For me, it is
cookouts, good food and family. And I will not worry about the grass needing
mowing. Could also allow some people to consider where their personal
relationships are going. Venus in Gemini has us looking at all angles. So are
you one who sees greener grass on the other side or someone who enjoys finding
new depth and dimension in your partner? Your choices make the difference
between being happy or forever searching for perfection. Be careful what you
wish for.
Sunday, May 24th
while yesterday found wishful thinking today may find you desires coming true
but not like you wish. Don’t fall into past illusions about what makes you
happy. Today could find disillusion instead. If another finds you giving mixed
signals you could be sitting alone tonight. Most people are sensible about
expectations so today will be what you make of it. Again, a time when attitude
is everything.
Monday, May 25th
if you are carrying a feeling of victimization today, you may find yourself
acting out of character. There is a set of T Squares today that will make
things seem worse than necessary. The clue of managing this day is to double
check details at work and clear even routine things with a fresh set of eyes.
This is a day that you will feel Mercury as retrograde. Good thing is this
lasts just for the day. I fortunately can afford to just take this day as a
retreat but I bet crisis will still find a way into that sanctuary.
Tuesday, May 26th
with some relief of yesterday’s passing, the biggest news today is those in
shaky situations with a relationship will find a touch of healing. The
indicators are all over the map so I suspect that relationships that end will
be followed by a great new beginning. Others that had disagreements yesterday
will find a new solid ground of understanding and solidification. With Pluto
involved, the clue is if it is meant to go forward it will.
Wednesday, May 27th
Our feelings about the future will be in hearts and minds. But only those who
have considered the overall health of a new relationship will do best. Many
will fall back into old patterns and of course the same lesson will come about.
Remember the adage about definition of insanity. Self analysis is important right
now. If you want something better, then
the personal work has to be done. The moon will go into Sidereal Virgo today
and highlight the draconian points of fate and destiny. This has such a
practical signal to it, that the future should be really plain for those in a
Thursday, May 28th
basically a repeat of yesterday, so if you missed something, there is time to
rectify the situation. A T Square bringing out the future and money against the
odds will make transformation a bit difficult. Not a good day for job hunting.
We all know what needs to change, and the trigger point will be on that
weakness. If you have not clearly defined and acted on your new choice
frustration can follow. Tomorrow will be tough only if you can’t finish up
things today.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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