Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cosmic Waves Forecast March 20th through 26th 2015

To start this week off, this Friday is an eclipse. It will happen in the wee hours for those in the middle kingdom of Oklahoma. The first day of spring is the equinox happens on Friday March 20th also. The angles on this eclipse relate to difficulty in finding luck but you are sure of what you have. Think stability and rely on your ability to adapt and evolve. What is interesting is an example of how the constellations and seasons have shifted, the actual astrological spring of the Sun moving into Aries is not until April 29th. This is an example of differences between the Tropical calculations based on seasons, and the Sidereal calculations based on astronomy. Just some food for thought.

By Monday, Mars will go into Aries bringing a greater personal energy to efforts. This could be new ideas, or just shaking off the winter doldrums. Make this your own personal expression and feel the joy of knowing you can accomplish what you set out to do. Keep it personal and no grand themes as those big ideas have no support right now. But personal agendas… yes!

For the next couple of weeks there will be a deficit in luck in love. Keep your focus on what is happening and leave romance on the back burner for a while. Things will shift soon enough and you will have something impressive to talk about when you do meet that right person. For established relationships, don’t get to edgy about missed or rescheduled connections. If you aren't as busy as your partner, then do some internal work or start an exercise routine. What ever gets you in the mood for spring… which is starting Friday, March 20th… with an eclipse. Keep wishful thinking to a minimum.

One more aspect, that is rather big, is shifting by next Friday, March 27th. There has been a T Square with Uranus, Pluto (yes this is a big difficult world situation) and the North Node that harbinger of destiny or the future. Through this week, there will be diminishing power to what happens and how it affects the future. The ground work has been laid to changes, and wrestling for power will ensue for a while. I see this influence as more of a stalemate and inability to move forward for a while. So in your world, which may be the only place where forward movement is occurring, stay with your present plans that you can execute.

Friday, March 20th the biggest point today is the Vernal equinox and a solar eclipse. In ancient times this could be a scary day to see the sun blotted out as the spring is intended to bring renewed hopes and potential. But for the modern person, it will be a time to sit and wait for some major changes are set in motion this day and the culmination will be April 4th with the lunar eclipse. Stay flexible with any new projects as the game plan is likely to shift. But better to know that and be ready than to not start anything. The moon and sun are in sidereal Pisces today and there is a strong undercurrent of events to unfold. I doubt much will be visible for a while. This is a great time to go into simple quiet meditation to pick up what is happening, but that will only be a shifting flow rather than mile markers.

Saturday, March 21st with the moon cruising past Uranus, that lady of chaos and surprise, know that a significant event that starts today will transpire into something perhaps desirable in the couple of days. Today there is just enough of that element of luck to turn into something special, should you decide to follow that muse.

Sunday, March 22nd with the Moon shift into Aries and activating Venus, there is a strong drive to start up conversations with strangers because they have an allure that you wish to discover. Neptune is in Aquarius bringing lively concepts and ideas into focus in that encounter. Just be aware, that there is no real substance to what is said. The good thing to take from this is we need to think beyond ourselves and consider how the group works together. History has lots of stories of individuals and their efforts, but what allowed human kind to move exponentially into thriving was the ability to form collectives, then cities then states. Otherwise we are just wandering barbarians in a nasty brutal world.

Monday, March 23rd the discussions of yesterday can start to make sense. A new way can be seen, but the ground work is massive. Take more time to dream and co create the next step to the bigger picture. Even if it is as simple as you will just walk your talk.  Mars moves into sidereal Aries right now. This could be new ideas, or just shaking off the winter doldrums. Make this your own personal expression and feel the joy of knowing you can accomplish what you set out to do.

Tuesday, March 24th. With this passage of the moon in Taurus this month, it will be hard to just make a single step. There is an agenda that is subversive and an agenda that is a better way. Sort through the illusion and chose carefully where you go. Stick with the facts. Most likely this will be a day of stubbornness and back peddling. Just take note of the indicators and adjust your plans.

Wednesday, March 25th what a difference a day makes. The pieces will start to fall together creating a better view and a fair amount of luck from the least likely places. Luck and the ability to create and surprise will be elements for today. While there may be an obsessiveness to create a better future, remember that just making the most out of today and then those blessings will flow into tomorrow. A cool lesson in life for anyone to master.

Thursday, March 26th another great day of making it happen. While some of the flow is a bit disjointed, all the pieces needed to take that ball and run are in hand. Could even be some good news in the big picture creating a sense of possibility for a brighter future? Hold on to that feel good situation and be thankful. The South Node of spiritual growth and also significant loss, (they tend to go hand in hand) will be starting to interact with the Sun again. The bottom line is know that things happen right now for a reason. Try to recognize the reason for loss and open up to the new frontier where it will lead. This will be an issue for a couple of weeks. So nothing to fast, but the significance is there. You should be glad that you are starting something on your own as it may be more significant in your future.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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