Thursday, April 5, 2018



A couple of shifts and events happening this week. The good news is romance will find some stable ground if you are working on what bugs you about another. If you still have unresolved issues at the end of this week, there will be round two of figuring out how to make internal adjustments for continuing. But for this week, keep the communication open about what your goals are and most will probably work out fine.

The other aspect, is a lingering one with the Saturn/Mars/Pluto in Sagittarius aspect developing. The Moon will intersect all of these late on the 6th through the 8th. Here again, where are you on the spectrum of needed attitude adjustment? Could be a crisis day for many who are behaving badly. Helpful aspects are Neptune in Aquarius and Jupiter in retrograde in Libra are working very well together now. This means that good news for the power of the group. And reflection for those in power. One has to work for the other for success. It is an invitation for improvement as well as a reprimand.

Friday, April 6th, this is a day where as my yogi guru used to say, contemplate your navel, as all comes from desire. While the currents of a fast-paced world are swirling around the individual, there is an obsessive tendency to look at what the future holds and who you are in that game of life. This will be a theme through the week. Take off this evening and find yourself. Get some quiet time where you can just hear your guides and higher self. The tempest is brewing and it is best to get to higher ground right now. Moon in Sagittarius.

Saturday, April 7th, this is going to be one of the toughest days of the Mercury Retrograde. Actions, stability and emotional security will be tested. The more insecure you are, the worse this weekend will be. On the larger view, it could be a tough day for news. Intuitively, many of us know what needs to happen. This will be more of a call for fixing what needs to happen. Try to keep it local either by how you can make things better with those around you, to contacting your representatives and voicing your concerns. Things are shifting, it is so intense that complacency is not an option. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, April 8th, some of the extremes have dissipated for today. Connect up with what is supportive and nurturing. You will need your energy for next week, so make sure you get some quality time with those you love. Rest, reconnect and grounding with what makes you whole. Moon in Capricorn by evening.

Monday, April 9th, a healthy attitude today will get you to the moon and back today. Your communications are essential for going forward. Give it your best. If you only know half the information, then say so. It is better to just stick with data rather than try to play expert. Things are being sorted right now, make the top cut rather than be a shaky source. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, April 10th, there could be a tendency to depression today. What you are experiencing is conflict with where you feel things are going. Counter this with deciding how you can improve something in your life. Personal empowerment will go much further than waiting for handouts. Could even be hard for your loved ones to help you out today, as they may be experiencing the same thing. Stay present and take care of yourself. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, April 11th, it will seem like some things have come to a standoff. And perhaps they have because we need to use the ability of the group to make good choices. If individuals are confused, then the group is confused. Re familiarize yourself with what civil choices work for the greatest security. Don’t sentimentalize your comparisons but look at the more difficult problems. Yes, each decade is an experiment of endless permutations of similar themes. But the subtilties are there for insights. You can do this! Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, April 12th, another day of the Grand Cross. Could be a roller coaster today. The morning starts out with difficulties, there is a break of luck by the mid day and then it rolls into doubt and obsession for the later afternoon. The strong point is how you are connected to your tribe and loved ones. Here is your strength so if you need to mend something, this is the time to do it. Moon in Aquarius.

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