Believe it
or not, many of the squares and oppositions in the heavens have started to
ease. At this point they are a distillation of a T Square, an opposition, and a
square. Unfortunately, they are with some really potent players in our comic
soup of experience. The good news is that Grand Trine that brings some real
change into the picture is still strong and the other aspects will be
relatively short lived. While there is little we can do on a big scale, we
still have the power to clean up the skeletons in our own closet and help those
who can be helped. The drama for those who are not with the next phase of
humanity, will have to go by the wayside.
For the next
week and a half expect to hear of really tough news that shake up what we call
honorable and sustainable. Is this a call for us to demand more or to do more?
The level of passion will continue to be high and cruel. Jupiter and Uranus are
in opposition until mid month which just adds to the heart break of good
falling to the bad. What can you do? Defeat the tendency to insult with clichés
rather than facts. Remarks with generalities will only make things worse. Those who continue to do so will further
alienate themselves. It will take some creativity to ease their babble with
facts. Act, don’t react, even if the vibes around you push you to return
rhetoric with more of the same.
Friday, October 6th, there is an obsessiveness with the
facts which somehow don’t seem to heal our wounds. What I have to say next will
be hard to do. If it doesn’t work for you, just consider how others may be
equally wounded. The level of chaos is accentuated to where it even invades our
dreams tonight. Unless you are adept at sorting out with lucid dreaming, I
suggest a sober night with uplifting fantasy, a period of meditation and a
glass of warm milk before bedtime. Be good to yourself so you can be good to
those around you. Moon in Aries.
Saturday, October 7th, the day will be moody, pushy, on
edge and productive. If you wake up refreshed, what can be done will be done. By
the end of the day, you will see some things pull together. Still much will not
feel satisfying, but you have to see a bigger picture down the road. These
times will shift. What we chose now, designs what that sift will look like.
Moon in Aries.
Sunday, October 8th, there is a level of resistance
today that makes plans fall flat. Rather than obsessing on failure, consider a
plan B. Romance can be a wonderful experience if you don’t worry about missed
agendas. Also, don’t pay for tickets as they may never be used. Keep it cheap,
fun and loving. Moon in Taurus.
Monday, October 9th, odd happenings can ruin your sense
of security. Instead of fixed plans, be flexible. Turn missed agendas into
happy mistakes. If you chose to fight with ego and willfulness, you will learn
a completely different lesson. Which could mean being alone with your thoughts,
and maybe that is where you need to be anyway. Your choice. Moon in Taurus.
Tuesday, October 10th, keep an eye on the future rather
than the overwhelming noise around you. There is a Grand Square overhead as
well that boxes us into a situation. How do you look at a situation? I have
been dealing with how to turn chaos into creativity. The hurricane damage in
Puerto Rico is an example. In all the need to rebuild, why not rebuild in green
infrastructure rather than 20th century infrastructure? The next
storm may be less of a total disaster if there is more self-sufficiency in the
countryside. It would be an interesting experiment, que no? Take the
opportunities of today and do something similar with your perspective. Moon in
Gemini in late afternoon.
Wednesday, October 11th, pull out the finer details in the
news today and see what is working. Pull yourself away from the ill at ease
feelings of what you want, how things seem to be done and what shock value may
be trying to fry your heart and mind. Those damaging products of cruelty and
anger will be in our face. Do we look away or do we stare it down and call out
the disgusting behavior? All of this is dangerous, but necessary. Moon in
Thursday, October 12th, while the finer points to what is
happening are disturbing, know how to sort out what is a priority. Your inner
emotional walls will be bouncing facts, mixed messages and falsehoods through
the day. Tensions will be very high as well. Take life one breath at a time.
Some of this will not be worked out until a crisis on the 17th. Take
care of yourself during this cycle. Something you should be adept at after the
last couple of years. Moon in Gemini.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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