Thursday, October 12, 2017



This next week may be plagued with forgetting items or details. Double check everything you do so that you minimize Mercury/Sun opposed to Uranus, the trickster. I have already had episodes and I tend to have a focus on important details. Those with Virgo prominent in your charts need to be particularly diligent, I know you will! Also there is an assault on what makes things actually work smoothly. Don’t be surprised at some regressive rules coming our way. I hope what gets done, is easily undone.

A couple of sign shifts with Mercury and the Sun this week will give us a breather on how intense things seem. While there are some counter indications, finding some common ground in what is heard and what is real will allow those open to sorting out the subliminal twists. As the oppositions of Neptune (mass consciousness and veiled subversions) and Uranus (chaos and the trickster) will make those hiding the truth still effective, unless you are fact checking things. When I think of these changes in the works I have to fall back to a valuable lesson I learned in social work class. When programs are established, they are done with best intent. It is up to those doing them to prove the experiment is working. If not, then adjustments need to happen. It is the test of “good faith” efforts that has many of us bewildered. So are program changes because someone is malicious or are they just listening to feed back for better service?

Friday, October 13th, paradoxically a beneficial Kite formation on Jupiter/Mercury/Sun as the apex is also in strong opposition to Uranus for several days. Kites always mean you have to work through difficulties to be successful. The gambit is high with Jupiter involved. So, make sure you are getting your details and facts correctly. It will really matter right now. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, October 14th, could be a savvy and intuitive day for those wanting to do something constructive for the future. Most of us will be cleaning out claustrophobic space either in our heads or homes. If you work with higher energies any work will be rewarded. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, October 15th, there is so little that wants to flow, it would be best to simply take some time out and do something that feeds the soul. Maybe some daydreaming about how to make better use of some space you just cleaned out. Anything that sets up some constructive time looking into the future will be beneficial. Sometimes simply seeing things from a different perspective is the most powerful thing we can do. Moon in Leo.

Monday, October 16th, the Moon and Pluto will be making playful spitballs at each other today. While levity in the wrong situation will not go over well, owning up to your personal trials of doing the right thing will be appreciated. Keep it on a human level where no one is perfect, but striving to do better. Not a time for grandiose egotism. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, October 17th, today the Moon will activate an emotional connection with Venus and Mars in Virgo. Neither of these two are at their best in this sign unless they are being of service to another. This is a practical combination that can make homes run smoother, relationships settle into more comfortable territory or…. Nit picking and criticism will cut each other to the bone. Watch yourself as careless words will take time to heal. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, October 18th, ease any wounds that yesterday may have left. Pressures from the outside have created some obsessive reactions. Maybe the best thing you can ask yourself is, why did this affect me and how can I learn from it so this does not happen again? Spend some time alone and deal with any discomfort. Most will be fine, but still clear the decks of lingering projects as tomorrow will turn your head in another direction. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, October 19th, news from the big picture will be front and center again. Remember the days when you could trust the right thing to occur? Well not so much anymore. If you are so inclined, speak to those who have the power to do something. At least don’t leave a vacuum of only one perspective is heard. The next couple of days will be more like purging. Make sure something positive replaces the evacuation. Moon in Libra.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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