All this
week Neptune will be opposite Mercury, Mars and Venus in Leo. What this is
saying is the way the masses are thinking will not product useful fruit. This
is a time to remember that what you hear may be promoting behavior that is
beneath your greater aspirations. Be a model of good example and try to avoid
clichés when answering questions or making comments. Be clear and civil.
Meanness is everywhere and seething in the late summer heat.
Friday, September 22nd has the Moon conjunct to Jupiter in
Libra. While frequently this could be a fortuitous alignment, there are so many
difficulties around it, I doubt you will see anything happen easily. Efforts
that relate to what is next level and good for the most will meet with delayed
success if you really keep up with the agenda. Good Luck! Moon in Libra.
Saturday, September 23rd, this is a great day to put your
heart into action, especially if you are trying to let go of what is sabotaging
your future. Sometimes it is as easy as letting go of something that has just
run its course. Avoid old tendencies that keep you in a comfort zone. The time
is right for boldly going where you know you need to explore. Moon in Libra.
Sunday, September 24th, Challenges abound for those trying
to carve out a better way. With Saturn in Scorpio the cosmic drive is to
transform what you call secure into something that is sustainable. Take more
time today to meditate and get away from known irritants. We are all better
than this. Moon in Scorpio.
Monday, September 25th, another day that will test your
patience. Avoid obvious emotional traps. Don’t feed the tensions with
rhetorical comments. Be very clear in your speech or say nothing. Delaying a
response is usually easier than wiggling out of snide words sent in the wrong
direction. Especially if that person could turn “nuclear”. Moon in Scorpio.
Tuesday, September 26th, the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio will
do a dance today that could illuminate some interesting facts that can be
useful in the future. Be open to either simplifying your life, situation or
even health routine. There is extreme stress out there right now. Even the
Solar flares have been adding agitation to many. Remember that these times make
the unhinged worse, and the devotional or spiritual even more in harmony.
Choose your camp. Moon in Scorpio.
Wednesday, September 27th, for the philosophical, some lucky
bits of insight could come your way. Re assess your sense of honor and fortune.
If you can, spend some time on your health. It will be a diversion from what
else ails us, and do some good along the way. Say a good word for those who
make some positive changes. Moon in Sagittarius.
Thursday, September 28th, a ray of sunshine comes at us from
those who hold higher ground. Actions and desires and even a touch of romance
is there to transform even the jaded soul. Just have to be open to the
experience. Moon in Sagittarius.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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