Thursday, September 14, 2017



A shift in the movement of Venus going into Leo today will help out those who are fire signs and anyone who needs to show off their good sides. Even watery personalities need to flash some peacock feathers from time to time to get attention. Things feel more like autumn rather than fall in this area. Enjoy the stretch of the warm season and have a few more backyard gatherings as weather permits. Also expect the unexpected. Sometimes we want things to be “just so” but mixing up with something adventurous may be just what you need before the winds turn cold.

For all this week, expect things we hear about what is being done for our own good. There is a slant of propaganda and withholding of intent all around. Some actions will be more telling but still they are being carefully staged. We will know next week more of what is happening behind closed doors or of our civic leaders. Maybe it is for the best just to give people a chance to focus on their lives rather than what is conspiring against them. We are not out of the struggle for our rights, but since nothing is reliable right now, focus on love and companionship. Deal with the other aspects just as they come up, and no sooner.

By midweek, Jupiter will go into Libra. Sometimes there is a struggle with expanding and keeping it in order and balanced out. This will be one of those months. The lesson is not to expand too much for comfort. It will be easy to lose control of your objective. If you need help, call help into play. Don’t do this alone. If you have to keep it solo, then set priorities, timelines and objectives carefully so that you don’t end up with your new baby (project) and carriage running out of control down a hill.

Friday, September 15th is going to be a day to remember. Even with the few tangles of surprises, your intuition will kick in by midday to make course corrections to whatever you desire to happen. Take this day as a positive, even if you don’t see huge results. Sometimes the small things are what add up to be significant. In other words, sometimes change is not immediately visible. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, September 16th, there is likely to be only one game working at this time. Everything else will be blocked with resistance or just too much work to jump into. Go with the flow today and explore something new, something interesting, or something you have had a curiosity about. The rewards will be great, you just have put out the effort. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, September 17th, even though what we hear seems to be missing some key points, there is an undercurrent of optimism. Change is sometimes felt in the bones and blood before it is actually seen. Keep a positive or holistic perspective and hope that others will be doing the same. What we hold in our hearts has momentum when there are others that support the same. Spend a fair amount of time in meditation and gratitude this day. Moon goes into Leo this afternoon.

Monday, September 18th, Mercury and Mars continue tracking together very closely for several more days. With both now in Leo, the theme will be leadership, optimism and power struggles. With the Moon activating these two orbs during the late day and evening, expect a heady mix of communications (that are being manipulated) and gut feelings that ooze out of our pores. Not everyone will want to play nice, so watch your back when out and hope that things remain simply an exchange of words rather than blows. Also, the Sun has now moved into Sidereal Virgo bringing some stability, rationality and a bit of pent up paranoia. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, September 19th, today will mark a time of feeling ill at ease with things out of our control. If you have an issue, call someone who is charged with representing you or has power to make changes. There is no guarantee that will help, but being silent right now is a mistake. The undercurrent of a Grand Trine will continue to nudge things to a positive outcome, but not without some angst and vocal expression.  Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, September 20th, the Sun and Moon will conjunct midday today. If you can keep it logical and healthy, the day will be very productive on important projects that influence the future. If you can’t expect some psychosomatic illnesses to come up. Give yourself plenty of room to adjust and take care of you. It is alright to call the last minute and cancel. Others may be suffering just like you. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, September 21st, a day to take perspective of three areas of life. One is those necessary personal changes that have to occur, such as letting go of bad habits. The second is what is important to create a new future or excel at your next pathway  or keep it on course. And third bad information and tricky situations are there to keep things interesting. Don’t be caught off guard by the good things moving along and assume everything you hear or that is done is right. Discretion is important right now. Moon in Virgo.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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