Thursday, September 28, 2017



Pluto goes station now and will be in full forward movement on Saturday the 30th. It could be an illuminating October as the Sagittarius reality starts to surface after a long journey under everyone’s soul. Could this be the forward motion we have all been waiting for in our outer world and inner world? Time will tell as there are still very challenging aspects to everything in the skies and down here. I hope it is more like turbulence rather than a nosedive. Although some who have been behaving badly will dive into the dark recesses of their own psyches.

Friday, September 29th, well most communication will be challenged. Be it internet problems or just people so tongue tied that nothing comes out right. Some of it is also subversion of the truth. Most of us are watchful of that already. In the world of romance, it could be rough. Take any difficulties, which have been brewing, as a sign of change. Hopefully it is simply having to work harder at getting rid of the dead weight in our lives. Especially our finances. Like the leaves starting to change, so are bad habits. Be proactive! Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, September 30th, many people are starting to get a stronger sense about their finances. This is a great time to balance the checkbook and make a budget for upcoming expenditures. I hope this will leave people with better plans so that they can get through life without a go-fund-me account. Moon in Capricorn.

Sunday, October 1st, personal drive will be at low ebb unless it is regarding future goals. We do this to ourselves all the time. Set up personal or financial goals and then run into trouble as soon as we pronounce our intention. This time stick to the goal and don’t give into sabotage.  It is called restraint. This test will show you just how little you really need as long as you are safe and secure. Happiness can come from knowing debt is vanishing from your life, rather than rolling over. If you need a visual aid, consider what it will feel like when you can pay off you credit card every month! Maybe I should have called that maneuver a sleep aid! Moon in Aquarius by evening.

Monday, October 2nd, the day starts out with intuiting opportunity but will fade by evening. Take advantage of what you can when the time is right. It should be enough. This might be a good lesson on over planning or over intention. Neither works well in a world of shifting energies. Like I have said before, take it one step at a time right now. Moon in Aquarius.

Tuesday, October 3rd, most of the day is filled with working fast and furious and then the whole agenda seems to be dropped due to non-interest. Don’t frustrate yourself with pushing through the fatigue or complications. Your personal insight will be off also, so keep it logical. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, October 4th, this could be a day when you can barely move out of bed. Lots of things cause fatigue, but this is just so much overwhelming our senses that nothing seems to want to complete. Don’t fight it. If you can’t call in sick then just go through the moves and make it a night at home. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, October 5th, while it will be easier to get out of bed today, getting things to flow to completion will remain elusive. It isn’t you, it is much more. You would be better off spending free time visualizing what would work for you. And hold some positive space for those who are to be encumbered to get into spiritual space. There is an undercurrent of shock and awe that is trying to work, but it is just not landing on safe ground. When Mars and Venus start to split apart next week, a little intensity will lessen. But for the next couple of days the feelings around you will be depressive. Be good to yourself! Moon in Pisces.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, September 21, 2017



All this week Neptune will be opposite Mercury, Mars and Venus in Leo. What this is saying is the way the masses are thinking will not product useful fruit. This is a time to remember that what you hear may be promoting behavior that is beneath your greater aspirations. Be a model of good example and try to avoid clichés when answering questions or making comments. Be clear and civil. Meanness is everywhere and seething in the late summer heat.

Friday, September 22nd has the Moon conjunct to Jupiter in Libra. While frequently this could be a fortuitous alignment, there are so many difficulties around it, I doubt you will see anything happen easily. Efforts that relate to what is next level and good for the most will meet with delayed success if you really keep up with the agenda. Good Luck! Moon in Libra.

Saturday, September 23rd, this is a great day to put your heart into action, especially if you are trying to let go of what is sabotaging your future. Sometimes it is as easy as letting go of something that has just run its course. Avoid old tendencies that keep you in a comfort zone. The time is right for boldly going where you know you need to explore. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, September 24th, Challenges abound for those trying to carve out a better way. With Saturn in Scorpio the cosmic drive is to transform what you call secure into something that is sustainable. Take more time today to meditate and get away from known irritants. We are all better than this. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, September 25th, another day that will test your patience. Avoid obvious emotional traps. Don’t feed the tensions with rhetorical comments. Be very clear in your speech or say nothing. Delaying a response is usually easier than wiggling out of snide words sent in the wrong direction. Especially if that person could turn “nuclear”. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, September 26th, the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio will do a dance today that could illuminate some interesting facts that can be useful in the future. Be open to either simplifying your life, situation or even health routine. There is extreme stress out there right now. Even the Solar flares have been adding agitation to many. Remember that these times make the unhinged worse, and the devotional or spiritual even more in harmony. Choose your camp. Moon in Scorpio.

Wednesday, September 27th, for the philosophical, some lucky bits of insight could come your way. Re assess your sense of honor and fortune. If you can, spend some time on your health. It will be a diversion from what else ails us, and do some good along the way. Say a good word for those who make some positive changes. Moon in Sagittarius.

Thursday, September 28th, a ray of sunshine comes at us from those who hold higher ground. Actions and desires and even a touch of romance is there to transform even the jaded soul. Just have to be open to the experience. Moon in Sagittarius.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, September 14, 2017



A shift in the movement of Venus going into Leo today will help out those who are fire signs and anyone who needs to show off their good sides. Even watery personalities need to flash some peacock feathers from time to time to get attention. Things feel more like autumn rather than fall in this area. Enjoy the stretch of the warm season and have a few more backyard gatherings as weather permits. Also expect the unexpected. Sometimes we want things to be “just so” but mixing up with something adventurous may be just what you need before the winds turn cold.

For all this week, expect things we hear about what is being done for our own good. There is a slant of propaganda and withholding of intent all around. Some actions will be more telling but still they are being carefully staged. We will know next week more of what is happening behind closed doors or of our civic leaders. Maybe it is for the best just to give people a chance to focus on their lives rather than what is conspiring against them. We are not out of the struggle for our rights, but since nothing is reliable right now, focus on love and companionship. Deal with the other aspects just as they come up, and no sooner.

By midweek, Jupiter will go into Libra. Sometimes there is a struggle with expanding and keeping it in order and balanced out. This will be one of those months. The lesson is not to expand too much for comfort. It will be easy to lose control of your objective. If you need help, call help into play. Don’t do this alone. If you have to keep it solo, then set priorities, timelines and objectives carefully so that you don’t end up with your new baby (project) and carriage running out of control down a hill.

Friday, September 15th is going to be a day to remember. Even with the few tangles of surprises, your intuition will kick in by midday to make course corrections to whatever you desire to happen. Take this day as a positive, even if you don’t see huge results. Sometimes the small things are what add up to be significant. In other words, sometimes change is not immediately visible. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, September 16th, there is likely to be only one game working at this time. Everything else will be blocked with resistance or just too much work to jump into. Go with the flow today and explore something new, something interesting, or something you have had a curiosity about. The rewards will be great, you just have put out the effort. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, September 17th, even though what we hear seems to be missing some key points, there is an undercurrent of optimism. Change is sometimes felt in the bones and blood before it is actually seen. Keep a positive or holistic perspective and hope that others will be doing the same. What we hold in our hearts has momentum when there are others that support the same. Spend a fair amount of time in meditation and gratitude this day. Moon goes into Leo this afternoon.

Monday, September 18th, Mercury and Mars continue tracking together very closely for several more days. With both now in Leo, the theme will be leadership, optimism and power struggles. With the Moon activating these two orbs during the late day and evening, expect a heady mix of communications (that are being manipulated) and gut feelings that ooze out of our pores. Not everyone will want to play nice, so watch your back when out and hope that things remain simply an exchange of words rather than blows. Also, the Sun has now moved into Sidereal Virgo bringing some stability, rationality and a bit of pent up paranoia. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, September 19th, today will mark a time of feeling ill at ease with things out of our control. If you have an issue, call someone who is charged with representing you or has power to make changes. There is no guarantee that will help, but being silent right now is a mistake. The undercurrent of a Grand Trine will continue to nudge things to a positive outcome, but not without some angst and vocal expression.  Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, September 20th, the Sun and Moon will conjunct midday today. If you can keep it logical and healthy, the day will be very productive on important projects that influence the future. If you can’t expect some psychosomatic illnesses to come up. Give yourself plenty of room to adjust and take care of you. It is alright to call the last minute and cancel. Others may be suffering just like you. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, September 21st, a day to take perspective of three areas of life. One is those necessary personal changes that have to occur, such as letting go of bad habits. The second is what is important to create a new future or excel at your next pathway  or keep it on course. And third bad information and tricky situations are there to keep things interesting. Don’t be caught off guard by the good things moving along and assume everything you hear or that is done is right. Discretion is important right now. Moon in Virgo.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
